Cheat Days?



  • I allow myself one splurge meal per week. It's not a cheat meal, I call it a splurge meal. My family goes out to dinner on Friday nights (although this week it will be Thursday for my birthday) and I order whatever I want from the menu, regardless of the calories. I eat my normal calories for the other two meals of the day and stay on track for the remainder of the week, as well as work out 4 days/week. I am now below my goal and have kept the weight off. I can't speak for everyone, but for me that splurge meal has not prohibited my weight loss, but rather psychologically helps me stay on track for the rest of the week. I know that meal is coming up, so when I'm craving some fries for lunch one day, I refrain and eat them during my splurge meal if that's what I feel like. Honestly, the cravings pass but if I deprived myself all together and NEVER splurged, the cravings would not pass and I cold not continue this lifestyle.

    Call me weak if you wish, but I can fit into my size six jeans, and have nice muscles on my arms so I'm going to continue what I'm doing :)

    LOL... I love this! Way to go girl... I totally think this is the right attitude and way to go about it!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    cheating is cheating. unless you plan for it and exercise to account for it, you are just fooling yourself. who are you cheating? only yourself

    cheating is for the weak

    I think you meant, cheating is to be done every week.

  • I don't cheat, but them I don't cut out things I really like - I just have really small portions and work out more.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I am more of the cheat meal kind of girl. Because I know if I allowed myself a whole day, I would undo all of the work I've done throughout the week. That is why this lifestyle (NOT DIET) works for me. I might not do it every week or every month, but if I want something I have it. Typically I just fit it in to my day. But I am also okay with going over sometimes.
  • beckipercy
    beckipercy Posts: 160 Member
    Are you honestly telling me that you plan never to go out for food with friends again? All the people saying cheating doesn't work etc, I went out for food with a friend last week and had a burger, chips and a cocktail, yet still lost 3lb. I plan to change my ways for the rest of my life, and I am not willing to restrict myself to never eating anything but salad leaves. Do not beat yourself up, as long as its not too much of a regular occurence, it ain't gonna kill ya!
  • Honestly, how can you enjoy life if you're so strict with every little thing. I'm all for "trying" to eat healthy and exercise daily. But if my friends or family want to get together I'm gonna go out and not worry about every little calorie that is going into my body. Seriously though, I'm not going to go have a "cheat" day and eat Tim's for breaky Mc****s for lunch and BK for Supper and have some snacks in between simply because it is a "cheat" day. But I am going to do my best as often as I can and not punish myself for maybe having that extra slice of pizza or a piece of pie for dessert once in a while with friends or family. Life is meant to enjoy and have fun. I used to work with someone who was so ANAL about every damn thing she ate and you know what....she was a B#$%H. Very Unhappy with her life and all that was important to her was how she looked. Looks are important don't get me wrong but they're not everything. Anyway i'll quit babbling and get to my point. Extremes don't work! Extreme dieting is a path for failure because youre deprived of everything you love. Extreme "cheating" is also failure cause its just way too much! We are human. Moderation is the key! Enjoy Life cause you only live once!!!! :)
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    :ohwell: Why is it called cheating???
    MFP isn't a meal plan or "diet". It's a tool for tracking what you eat and setting goals for your calories and exercise.
    I haven't eliminated any of my favorite foods, but I have changed how much of it I eat and how often I eat them. I also log every carlorie and then try to exercise more to work them off.:laugh:

    There's no MFP punishment for going over your calories-- the issues is, it will take longer to reach your goals.
    If you have too many days of calorie overage, then you'll either not lose weight or possibly gain weight. :sad:
    I think most on this site will agree-- don't deprive yourself, but decide what means more-- the extra calories, or reaching your goal. :flowerforyou:

    Amen!! I am not on a diet and therefore can eat what I want when I want. I have made a lifestyle change and have chosen to eat healthier but gosh darn it, if I want to have that combo at McDonald's (or wherever) then I will.

    I don't beat myself up about it, and usually try to plan my day around that meal. Last week I zig zagged my calories and went for a weekly versus daily caloric intake goal so I could eat out with the family. I went way over in calories one day but was under in others. End result, I was under my weekly calories by 138.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I noticed the more you restrain, the more you are thinking about food... and when that day comes, what a pain ahah.
    seriously, it's not the right attitude to get :p Update your diet plan if you feel the need to eat much. And learn to enjoy those moments :)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I have a cheat meal almost every week, and I seem to lose more those weeks, too. I don't mind calling them cheat meals, it doesn't really make me feel like I'm doing anything bad. But I always look at the upcoming week to see if there's a family get-together or something where I'm not in control of the food, then that's the day I have my cheat meal. Some weeks I end up not doing anything, and I don't feel like going out to eat just for the sake of the cheat, so I just don't. I'm at the point where I can do it without feeling like I can't stop myself. I still have all the numbers running through my head when I look at the food, so I don't go TOO crazy! :smile:
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I had those the first weeks. Everyday looked like a real fight against myself. Sometimes now, I just eat the same food but in higher quantities, without counting the kcal, and it's enough :drinker:

    +1 If you know an event is about to come, use it as the cheat day :
    eat less on the morning, and use low glycemic index food :devil:

    Here are some stuff to try :
    - Try to turn cheat days into cheat meals. For instance cheat for the dinner only, that would help to contain the max eaten kcal.
    - Drink water :drinker:
    - Drink coffee or tea
    - Avoid what I call "extreme traps" : cheescake for instance is DA bomb to avoid ahah

    Life is short enough, let's live it :)
  • lequire
    lequire Posts: 20 Member
    I don't consider it a "cheat day" either. Every Sunday I go for my long run (usually 5-12 miles) and with about 100 cal/mile I am fairly certain I deserve to eat whatever I want for just that one meal. Paying attention to the fuel I get before and after the run isn't that hard so at night I usually have a few glasses of wine or maybe Starbucks during the day. I don't have that much high calorie food at home so its not an issue and I've found that going out to eat with friends seems to be the most treacherous thing I've come across.

    If starbucks once a week is my biggest problem, I think I might be okay!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    cheating is cheating. unless you plan for it and exercise to account for it, you are just fooling yourself. who are you cheating? only yourself

    cheating is for the weak

    Agreed! Simply count it, or work in activity to earn extra calories, everyday. Why "cheat"? Track what you eat, and if you don't have the calories in the "bank" - choose something else.....up to you, and you only!

    disagree here. my friends say I lie to my phone... but i figure that's ok, as long as I'm losing!]