Is running good for heavy people? I am 211lbs



  • Gutter19
    Gutter19 Posts: 141
    I trained and ran a half marathon at 300lbs. Just start slow, stretch properly and listen to your body.
  • There are alot of great ideas out there about easing into running. I too am over 200 lbs and use to run in my younger years. I really enjoy the benefits that come from running and I'm anxious to get back into it. I love the suggestion to jog for 20-30 seconds and walk for a minute. Great suggestions. Keep them coming.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    I am 6'0" and now 254 pounds. I used to run often before I gained weight, and I've now started back. As others have recommended, the C25K program is great. I've downloaded it on my phone, and you can go at your own pace and repeat weeks if necessary. If you're having pains, I would also recommend getting your endurance up by either walking, stationary bike, or using the elliptical machine since it is easier on the knees. My gym has Zumba and other classes, and that is what I used to get my endurance up enough to run again. Running is one of the best ways to lose body fat, but you do need to listen to your body and make adjustments. I have high arches; therefore, I had to put arch support inserts in my shoes to mitigate shin splints.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    talk to your doctor, get a GOOD pair of running shoes (Asics are #1 in running world magazine and most blogs that I pulled up)..and stretch really well before and after running. That makes a huge difference.
    This is the best advice on the post, I am 245 and when I first started jogging I got pain but this is because before I had been lazy and fat and my body wasn't used to exercise, I get pain when I have gone to the gym as well but it's because we need to build up stamina and strength. You can't just go from being a couch potato on a bad diet to thinking "Right I'm on MFP, now lets do a 5 mile run" It doesn't work like that.:laugh:
  • mommaof9
    mommaof9 Posts: 16 Member
    You so asked a good question and it looks like you are getting alot of good anwsers :) I weight the same as you and I run on the treadmill. I have been reading runner's magazines for a while now and they say the same thing. Start out very slow walk to warm up and then jog for a bit until your lungs start to feel it, then start to walk again and then just build yourself up to a 1 mile jog! But this happens over a long peroid of time. i would not just start running right away. But your weight has NOTHING to do with running. But be smart about it start out slow and listen to your body. you will probably have sore muscules but the pain that comes with injures surpasses sore muscules. remember that cross training is great to do with running. Hey if the guys on the biggest loser can do it, I can do it :) that is the way i look at it....=D I love running and started running when I weight 250. And no one could tell me I can't :):):)
    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I actually started jogging when I was 248 LBS , bad knees from a car accident and being an asthmatic to boot.. Im down to 208 and run an average of 2 miles nightly . My advice is this ..Start slow and set realistic goals.. your not going to be able to run several miles right out of the gate.. Set a consistent amount of time you want to be on the treadmill (like 30 mins at first) and try what I call a "2 and 2" pace at first .. Walk 2 minutes at 3+ MPH and then go into a light jog like 4+mph for 2 minutes , drop back to the walk for 2 minutes and then up to the jog for 2 minutes.. Keep going back and forth like that for the duration of time your on the treadmill and allow enough time to cool down for at least 10 minutes afterwards. Once you get to the point (and you WILL :smile: ) where the 4 MPH isnt a "challenge" any more .. bump up the speed to 5MPH and keep the cycle of 2 and 2 and then do it again at 6 MPH. Once you get to the point where you can do 2 and 2 at 6 MPH with less effort .. Change your focus to distance more than time.. Walk for a .25 mile to warm up and then jog (at least 5+ mph) for .25 mile drop back to a walk for a .25 mile and then jog for a .25 mile... do this for a while untill you feel comfortable and then walk for a .25 mile and jog for a half mile back to a walk. Eventually keep working up by 1/4 mile increments till you can run a mile + without effort..

    kinda wordy I know.. but what worked for me
  • tennillewade
    tennillewade Posts: 49 Member
    start off walking and then add a light jog and then attempt to run once your weight is under control and your heart is stronger.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 742 Member
    As many people have already said, just start slowly. Also your stride is important. You want a short stride length with a mid foot landing. You want to avoid heel striking as that is like putting on the brakes and is very jarring to your knees and entire body. Warm up by moving(walking) and stretch AFTER. Never stretch cold muscles.

    And again.....GO SLOWLY!
  • I am about 250lbs. The ONLY way I can jog is on a treadmill because it gives and does hurt my knees like it would on the road.
  • I think if your body can handle it- go for it. I started jogging at 270ish lbs!!!! I used the Couch to 5K program to get myself to a point where I could have the endurance to run a 5K. Now I've done multiple races, even a 10K. I still weight right around 199 lbs and I have no issues with it! I think it all depends on your fitness level and if you have knees that can handle it! (I run around 10 miles a week give or take, I hate the treadmill.....more in the summer because I can run outdoors) Good luck- and check out c25k- its a great way to build endurance! :)

    thats inspiration right there, seeing your profile picture Id never of believed you weighed 270lbs, well done, epic! :-) you look awesome
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I'm 306 and have started c25k! Though I dunt know if you can call what I do running...
  • omna379
    omna379 Posts: 15
    Might try to get shoes fitted. It helped my knee issues and now Im back to running 25 miles a week.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    As many people have already said, just start slowly. Also your stride is important. You want a short stride length with a mid foot landing. You want to avoid heel striking as that is like putting on the brakes and is very jarring to your knees and entire body. Warm up by moving(walking) and stretch AFTER. Never stretch cold muscles.

    And again.....GO SLOWLY!

    Five pages of comments and this is the first time someone's mentioned form? I hope I missed previous ones, because next to shoes, this is the biggest factor in non-muscle pain for runners, especially when running on concrete.

    Read up on how the foot is designed to absorb the impact of running to understand why mid-foot strike is so important and ALWAYS be mindful of your form.

    As for not being able to describe your pain, I recommend sitting down the next time it hurts and really concentrate on how it hurts. Does it hurt when you move it? Does the pain seem to come from inside the joint, or is it the muscles around it? What does the pain feel like (grinding, pulling, pinching, etc)?

    Until you can answer those questions, no one can really tell you whether you're going to do damage to your knees, or if it's just muscle soreness from a good workout.
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    I want to echo what someone said above: read Chi Running. It's a book about running form by an ultra-marathoner. Most runners (regardless of weight) get injured every year. Most of those injuries are the result of poor form, not the impact. Be careful of fancy shoes (definitely get some nice running shoes, but be careful that their comfort doesn't allow you to run with poor form).

    I've run hundreds of miles in the past few years with no significant injuries (a couple of minor muscle tweaks, but no joint issues) and I had knee surgery a few years ago. I was over 200 when I started back running 2 years ago. Don't stretch too much beforehand, but loosen up and warm up A LOT. Stretch heavily afterward, particularly your IT band if you're having knee issues. Work on your form first, then add distance when you feel good about your form, then think about speeding up a little. I would start out mostly walking and only run for as far as you can while maintaining proper form. The most important thing is relaxation. Also, don't let your heel hit the ground first. Land on your mid-foot. And remember, the knee is only designed to move in two dimensions.
  • My starting weight was 223 I started at the track running the straights and walking the curves me knees would hurt a lot so I did other cardio along with the running I would only run like once or twice a week over time they stopped hurting and now I run all the time
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    I was 256 when I started. No excuses....just run. Or start out walking. but MOVE IT!!! If you are looking for excuses, don't expect results. RUnning is a fabulous way to lose weight (I'm down 80 pounds).
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I think if your body can handle it- go for it. I started jogging at 270ish lbs!!!! I used the Couch to 5K program to get myself to a point where I could have the endurance to run a 5K. Now I've done multiple races, even a 10K. I still weight right around 199 lbs and I have no issues with it! I think it all depends on your fitness level and if you have knees that can handle it! (I run around 10 miles a week give or take, I hate the treadmill.....more in the summer because I can run outdoors) Good luck- and check out c25k- its a great way to build endurance! :)

    thats inspiration right there, seeing your profile picture Id never of believed you weighed 270lbs, well done, epic! :-) you look awesome

    :) Thanks! I started this journey at nearly 332 lbs!!! Almost 2 years later, here I am still plugging away! :) Thank you for your kind words! :)
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    I started at around 200 with C25K. What I've learned is to also do some strength training along with your running, it will protect you from injury (well, it protects me NOW from my knees crapping out on me, so this is just my experience not science or proof or the Word of God).

    A medical journal has said that running is not bad for your knees. It actually could help your joints.

    Not being a medical Dr, I am only offering anecdotal evidence from my past medical experiences.

    You knee pain is probably from too much too soon. Start off slow, and get a good pair of shoes. If your knee hurts all the time, especially when it is bent, I would go see a Dr to rule out tendinitis.

    All that being said, you need a cardio workout you love and can stick with. If you don't like walking/jogging, then you won't do it consistently, and it won't be of any benefit to you. Find something you love.