Have you met Chatty Cathy?



  • ckroys
    ckroys Posts: 219 Member
    I don't have a Chatty Cathy, I have a Clanking Cal. He's sooooo annoying. There are signs on the walls saying "Click, Don't Clank" for the weight machines. Well, this guy comes in thinking he's hot stuff (and let me tell you, he's not!) and proceeds to set the weights on the machines he's using to some ungodly amount. Then he'll do the reps as fast as he can with absolutely no control, and drops the weights back down! That is soooo irritating. Not only do we all know it's hard on the equipment, but who can focus on anything they're doing with "Clank! Clank! Clank!" going on constantly?! :explode: I dread seeing him walk in the door...:sad: :cry:
  • well I have a similar experience but its not at the gym but at my boyfriends indoor pool in his apartment building.
    What should I call this guy .. chatter box pool cleaning guy
    My new bo ,,, knows I am avid bout working out at least one hour per day.. he invites me to his place and says we can go for a swim together hopefully nobody will be in there. OH but there was and the guy kept on and on and on about his pool whiel were trying to do laps so I think what if I start flirting with my bf in the pool so hes flirting back its obvious to normal people we wanted to be alone .nope he stares.... so he has been upgraded to creepy guy status effective now.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    OMG, I have a chick, who wears those little itty bitty booty shorts, and tiny little nothing tops, she jumps on the elliptical trainer beside me, about a week ago, starts signing out loud to her I-Pod. Some really bad, nasty rap stuff, the N word and all, singing it like she was singing happy birthday, Ok, that's a little annoying, so I turn mine up, start wailing Fernando by ABBA...and I get the weird wtf? look from her. I laugh, thinking, me 1 her 0, then she starts snapping her gum, LOUD, like a hundred times, I'm hoping that she'll snap it so hard, it'll choke her, no luck. I ask her nicely of course, "hey man, think you can maybe not do that?" I get the evil STF up look, that's cool, she continues. I give the " i'm gonna F*** u up look if u snap that gum again. She looks at me, takes her heaphones off, and says..."oh i'm sorry
    I didn't know you owned the gym, and could make up the gum snapping rules" so I stop my machine, shake my sweaty head in her direction and slowly and quietly, say....."If you don't stop snapping your gum, I'm going to punch you in your throat." I smile, offer her a kleenex, she looks at me, gets off the eliptical, and I haven't seen her since.

    You know, given the fuzzy little critter in your avatar pic... that's the funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you! :bigsmile:

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?

    Thanks for totally ruining the fantasy for me...ha ha

    No, your fantasy is alive and well at my gym. A lot of the women will walk around in all their glory as if they own the place. I have been bothered several times by some of the things I have seen!

    Same at my gym.
    Some of those women have reason to be strutting, others... not so much. :sick:
    But I figure if they can do it, I can too!!! (okay, not really, but I can at least manage conversation with another gym member while we are changing clothes which use to be too weird for me)
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Wow, I guess I will stop complaining when I think there are too many people in the gym when I'm there.

    I do have a chatty cathy. Mine gets on the treadmill next to me and talks on her cell phone the entire time. As loud as I jack up my ipod, I can still hear her.

    On a cell phone??? Seriously? Like, why BOTHER to work out if you can talk on a cell phone? Is that really even a workout?

    Luckily, my gym is in the bottom of my work building and there is no reception down there.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I have encountered many Chatty Cathys and Chatty Men as well.

    Since I'm somewhat passive-aggressive, I wait for a quick break in the conversation (like, if they start to inhale or exhale :wink: ), and I turn on my iPod at top notch. While they still may be talking, I cannot hear them and nor will I answer them.

    I have said, on occasion, that I was on a limited time schedule (my lunch break) and had to get to my workout. It was effective enough.
  • ren25
    ren25 Posts: 58
    I have the same issue at the gym sometimes. all the machines seem to be taken. so i have figured out the time i can usually go and get a machine. if i go around 6pm most people are at home making supper. But then there are those days that i cant get my work out in till like 8-m so i usually go to the pool.

    I know what you mean though when people tell you how to swim. I use to swim competively for 10 years and im the type of person that when i exercise im so focused i kinda just block everything ut around me. but i got this one old lady telling me how to swim. i just smiled and nodded. It can be kinda annoying. I know when i see people swim i dont tell them how to do it. my thought is swim how you like swimming and thats all the matters.

    But what can you do but just do what you got to do.

  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Oh No my favorite is the guy that comes in a Screams as he's lifting - screaming and cursing at the weight - your nothing you peice of S**** I can lift twice you - you P** banging on the bench

    My 12 year old son didn't believe me until he actually saw and heard him screaming

    my other favorite is the heavy set muscle chick that shows up with the biggest boobs I've ever seen and no Bra on and a top that looks like its 3 sizes too small

    interesting group
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    I have the same issue at the gym sometimes. all the machines seem to be taken. so i have figured out the time i can usually go and get a machine. if i go around 6pm most people are at home making supper. But then there are those days that i cant get my work out in till like 8-m so i usually go to the pool.

    I know what you mean though when people tell you how to swim. I use to swim competively for 10 years and im the type of person that when i exercise im so focused i kinda just block everything ut around me. but i got this one old lady telling me how to swim. i just smiled and nodded. It can be kinda annoying. I know when i see people swim i dont tell them how to do it. my thought is swim how you like swimming and thats all the matters.

    But what can you do but just do what you got to do.


    I agree - my philosophy is give advice only when asked. Otherwise MYOB, lol.

    On a side note, I am a swimmer, so I'm used to the locker room changing thing and walking around with hardly anything on - so changing while talking/being in same room as other people is not a huge deal for me. I do believe that some *personal* things should remain private. Wow! :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Haven't met one of them yet however there is this guy who was on the treadmill next to me yesterday who had obviously forgotten to put on deoderant before coming to the gym. Now I am not a wimp I can put up with the odd BO but this guy was running the stench was sooo bad It turned my stomach.Other people were noticing it too I had to get off and move machines how do you tell someone nicely you stink?

    a few weeks ago, someone was farting! in all my years of going to a gym, i've never had to inhale fart stink while jammin on the treadmill. i swear it was the old guy 2 over--ugh!:noway:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    lol...oh to be a fly on the wall :devil:

    That works both ways...but I'm betting it's nothing in the womens' locker room like us guys imagine...is there soft music and lots of steam? :laugh:

    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    lol, women just don't walk around nekked, sorry, we have a towel on our heads, a big *kitten* one around the rest of us, and we run from the sauna to the changeroom, try to get dressed while holding the towel, origami style so that no body parts accidentally pop out. We then don't fully dry off cause we hear someone coming and don't want to have to dress in from of them. So we pull up our pants, doing the pogo stick hop, all the while the panties are bunching quite painfully because they are stuck to our still damp rear ends....lol, oh gosh I could go on and on....lol, not what you had envisioned eh?

    Thanks for totally ruining the fantasy for me...ha ha

    ladies at my gym walk around naked and could care less who sees them. One even INSISTED on helping me with my lock ( I couldnt get it open) while she was totally naked and her boobs were in my face.. all I could think was " really, I dont mind waiting for you to put on a bra" lol...
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