Paula Deen & Diabetes. Thoughts?



  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    The thing that concerns me is that she does NOT want to alter her diet, but would rather take a prescription. BTW, EVERY drug has side affects. This is a dangerous lifestyle choice. High blood pressure? Eat all the salt you want, just take a pill. Cholesterol too high? Eat what you want, sit on the couch and take a pill. It goes on and on.

    This story reminds me of a woman I met, dying of emphysema... on oxygen, and still smoking a pack a day. She had to remove the oxygen/nose apparatus because canned oxygen is flammable. It spoke to me how strong her addiction to nicotine was. Paula is obviously in denial that she has a problem, or just doesn't want to give it up. It is her choice, but a very unhealthy one.

    I hope her son's show is a hit and influences her to make changes.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Really for those that slam her, why? My guess would be she couldn't come out because she had contracts with food companies that probably prohibited that for some term of her contract as it could prove detrimental to her power of endorsement. Hopefully if we are on here, we all are able to make the choice to eat super rich food all the time or not. Butter is not the enemy, neither is fat, neither is sugar, nor any other goodie she cooks with. The consistent consumption of uncensored quanities is what does us all in. (unless we have a genetic issue or a disease which contributes)

    Gotta tell ya her gooey butter cream cake is amazing, but I ate it once and that was all it took for me to go "good but worth 380 calories in my new lifestyle". Nope!

    Give her a break and hope she finds the same support and motivation to change like we have found. I would hope nobody would wish her ill, just because she is an incredible cook and celebrated Chef. Personally I prefer Guy Fiero and Bobby Flay as my guides and trust me their stuff is not much healthier.

    Hopefully I don't get too many haters, but whats happened to our society where we are so quick to diss on our fellow beings. Where's the love folks?

    I was diagnoised pre-diabetic jan 3rd last year 7.5AC1. Last month no longer and 5.0AC1 and I eat butter everyday, we gave up the fake stuff when we started getting healthy.
  • Kelwalks4
    Kelwalks4 Posts: 56 Member
    I wish Paula Deen all the best. I would keep my personal life to myself too.

    But, once SHE came out, she invited the public into her business. She got paid for it, and will deal with the consequences. I would rather she became open with it because of a sponsor opportunity then if someone else came out with it. If someone else had "outed" her, then I would be yelling to leave her the heck alone.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Ask Paula Deen what she thinks about my thyroid condition. :wink:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I understand it's her private health, but I think she should've came out with it sooner, and stressed how you can indulge every once in a while with one of her meals, but you should eat healthier.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Seriously people, no one told you to watch her show or cook her food.... it's sad she has diabetes but its her business, everyone with a brain know eating unhealthy foods will have bad consequences. So she didn't run out and announce she had diabetes the minute she found out... is it really our business anyways? If you like her cooking good for you, if you dont like it good for you too, if you hate her good for you if you love her good for you. Its really none of our business what goes on in her personal life so we shouldn't be so mean about it.


    No one told you to reply to this thread, don't know why you're getting so butthurt about it.
  • Ask Paula Deen what she thinks about my thyroid condition. :wink:

    Why? Do you think she gave you a thyriod condition???
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I always thought paula deene was an asshat. I haven't changed my opinion - she's an asshat mother from a long line of asshats in asshat -ville . I don't like her, her food or one single thing she stands for
    Want my opinion of sarah palin?

  • I knew her food was clogging my arteries.... I could almost hear them slamming shut whenever I made something of hers.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Ask Paula Deen what she thinks about my thyroid condition. :wink:

    Why? Do you think she gave you a thyriod condition???

    oh man...
  • Ask Paula Deen what she thinks about my thyroid condition. :wink:

    Why? Do you think she gave you a thyriod condition???

    oh man...

    Ok, so can you explain your comment... 'cause I'm just not gettin it.... :frown:
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    Not trying to ne rude here, but if people want to offer their opinions that ultimately are a judgement of someone or a disease/disorder they have, the least one could do is a little research on the disease/disorder first. Again, no offense, but some of he opinions on here prove just how close-minded and stereotypical people can be.

    Having grown up with diabetes in my family and having it gestationally myself, there is no one factor that causes or contributes to having or "getting" diabetes. Diet and exercise help, but it helps with many issues so to suggest her diet and exercise is the cause of her diabetes is absurd. Also, there are people with type II diabetes that have to take medicine because diet and exercise alone doesn't do enough so her promoting the use of medication doesn't mean she is copping out of changing her lifestyle. In addition, the food she promotes has nothing to do with the food you and I eat. What we choose to eat is a choice we make that ultimately is our responsibility. It is unfair to blame anyone for the decisions we make simply because they promoted it.
  • HeatherChapa
    HeatherChapa Posts: 15 Member
    People shouldn't be mad that's her life and she's older and she is over weight so it's going to happen and well most chefs are sometimes over weight. They do eat everything they cook so, It was bound to happen and besides at least she's trying to change her ways and knows that she is now. I saw it on the show last week I think it was. It happens to older people all the time, we all need to try hard to take care of our bodies & It is a hard process for anyone. Besides sometimes it runs in the family and their is nothing you can do. I know skinny people that have & their not just over weight.
  • I saw her interview with Al Roker on the Today Show. I do think she is being somewhat disingenuous. She kept repeating how she has never said that she eats that way every day but I think to the average food show viewer, they probably read her cookbooks like the Bible, faithfully trying out each recipe. I think she is backtracking and since she has known for 3 years of her condition, she had an obligation to lighten up her recipes for her viewers. It almost appears as though she purposely mislead people who were loyal to her way of cooking and deliberately kept them in the dark. I think there will be backlash to her brand over this.
  • HeatherChapa
    HeatherChapa Posts: 15 Member
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Seriously people, no one told you to watch her show or cook her food.... it's sad she has diabetes but its her business, everyone with a brain know eating unhealthy foods will have bad consequences. So she didn't run out and announce she had diabetes the minute she found out... is it really our business anyways? If you like her cooking good for you, if you dont like it good for you too, if you hate her good for you if you love her good for you. Its really none of our business what goes on in her personal life so we shouldn't be so mean about it.


    No one told you to reply to this thread, don't know why you're getting so butthurt about it.

    This coming from someone that asked a question earlier then deleted the whole post when you didn't like the responses. Why did you get all butthurt about what people said? Currygirl had as much right to reply to this thread as anyone else.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    question what type of diabetes does she have???

    Type 2. Adult onset. As far as I know, type 1 diabetes is congenital. You can't develop it later in life (correct me if I'm wrong).

    you can get type 1 any time. and type 1 is so not congenital

    its a autoimmune disease.

    Hmmm. I wonder why type 2 is referred to as "adult onset" diabetes? I knew type one was autoimmune, I just didn't realize you could get it as an adult. I think children are typically diagnosed with it more frequently than adults. Thanks, though, I did not know. :)

    Type 1 is an autoimmune disorder where the body does not make insulin. It is also referred to as juvenile diabetes. Back in the days, the average age of diagnosis was 30 whereas people had alot of damage at the time of diagnosis. With technology and education, people are diagnosed much, much younger. My son was diagnosed with Type 1 at 14 months of age -- just a baby! he was seen by some of the top pediatric endocrinologists in the country and at that time was one of the youngest patients his dr. had ever seen! Sadly, many babies are now being diagnosed.

    Diabetes Type II runs rampant in my family. My grandmother and 17 of her siblings were all diabetics!! Many of their offspring also have rampant Type I and Type II diabetes. My son has participated in several research studies through the years, as has my other child who is not a diabetic. Genetically, some are more prone to getting diabetes.

    Many Type II diabetics are being diagnosed due to diet/weight issues and in many cases it is reversable. My brother was a Type II and lost a lot of weight and is now not considered a Type II diabetic anymore.

    To say that Paula Dean is diabetic because of butter or her love of cooking is totally b.s. We dont' know her family history or background. Hopefully she will get it under control because diabetes is nothing to mess around with -- Type I or Type II.