The Starvation (mode) Myth



  • As I read the thread I see many impressive weight loss tickers from the people posting, 25 pounds lost, 80 pounds lost and even more. But yet here we judge that someone is doing something that is "un-healthy" or not good for their body. When was being 25 to 100 pounds over weight ever a healthy thing? When was that not caused by doing things that were "un-healthy"? Its my guess that the mass of the MFP members have been very "un-healthy" and have done many things that were not good for their body.......or there would have been no reason to join a site like this.

    Who here got over weight by doing the right thing?
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I wrote a blog entry and cited sources that explain what the term means medically and why I get so riled up about it. Please read it, I promise it's not just an aimless rant. Share if you like, vote up if you agree that it tends to be a blanket response situation.

    FYI, the gist is, why we need to eat, what it's used for, professional and medical definitions of starvation and how it affects us, as well as a personal story of being diagnosed in starvation mode.

    How could diagnosis be given to people if it did not exist?
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    As I read the thread I see many impressive weight loss tickers from the people posting, 25 pounds lost, 80 pounds lost and even more. But yet here we judge that someone is doing something that is "un-healthy" or not good for their body. When was being 25 to 100 pounds over weight ever a healthy thing? When was that not caused by doing things that were "un-healthy"? Its my guess that the mass of the MFP members have been very "un-healthy" and have done many things that were not good for their body.......or there would have been no reason to join a site like this.

    Who here got over weight by doing the right thing?

    I'm fat because I ate and didn't exercise. I also "starved" myself in high school and lost a ton of weight, but wasn't healthy. I tried diet after diet and for me worked short term, now I'm watching what I eat and exercise more, working for me.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    As I read the thread I see many impressive weight loss tickers from the people posting, 25 pounds lost, 80 pounds lost and even more. But yet here we judge that someone is doing something that is "un-healthy" or not good for their body. When was being 25 to 100 pounds over weight ever a healthy thing? When was that not caused by doing things that were "un-healthy"? Its my guess that the mass of the MFP members have been very "un-healthy" and have done many things that were not good for their body.......or there would have been no reason to join a site like this.

    Who here got over weight by doing the right thing?

    Dude, this is just ridiculous. Stay on point.
  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    Eh. I think we this is a great example of confirmation bias. I can go online and just as easily find an article about how starvation mode is in fact a real thing.

    I think the truth lies in what the above poster said. Sure, you can eat under you calorie goal, even under 1000 calories a day, to the point that your body is putting out far more calories then it is taking in. And in the long run, you will lose weight, but at what determent. Doesn't make it healthy.

    Well said!!!
  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    As I read the thread I see many impressive weight loss tickers from the people posting, 25 pounds lost, 80 pounds lost and even more. But yet here we judge that someone is doing something that is "un-healthy" or not good for their body. When was being 25 to 100 pounds over weight ever a healthy thing? When was that not caused by doing things that were "un-healthy"? Its my guess that the mass of the MFP members have been very "un-healthy" and have done many things that were not good for their body.......or there would have been no reason to join a site like this.

    Who here got over weight by doing the right thing?

    Seriously stay on point... Your post is a waste of BS
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    When most people on this site say "Starvation Mode" they mean "lowered metabolism".

    Real starvation mode happens after days of not eating. Unless you're aneroxic or are stuck on a mountain with no food for days then your body probably isn't in starvation mode.
  • patricia909
    patricia909 Posts: 205 Member
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    We are all different, and scientific research deals a lot with averages.

    For what it's worth, most scientific research doesn't deal with averages. Whilst some descriptive and non-parametric tests use the mean, most statistical analysis does not do so.
  • Food=Fuel!!!!
    Not rocket science people. If someone put me on a 800 to 1000 calorie diet a day , that is NOTHING I could sustain long term. Honesty I doubt I could go for a day eating so little without severe headaches and crankiness. I do NOT believe it is enough for most people long term - we are looking at LONG TERM here- not just short term I need to diet to look good at my class reunion silliness. We are looking at health. THat's why I eat back exercise calories- maybe not ALL of them- but I listen to my body. Yesterday I burned over 700 calories exercising. Sure if I only eat 1200 calories I may see weight drop off fast. I am NOT looking for fast, I am looking for steady LONG term, something I can live with in a healthy way.

    perfectly put.....totally agree.
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 315 Member
    Interesting convertation!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    As I read the thread I see many impressive weight loss tickers from the people posting, 25 pounds lost, 80 pounds lost and even more. But yet here we judge that someone is doing something that is "un-healthy" or not good for their body. When was being 25 to 100 pounds over weight ever a healthy thing? When was that not caused by doing things that were "un-healthy"? Its my guess that the mass of the MFP members have been very "un-healthy" and have done many things that were not good for their body.......or there would have been no reason to join a site like this.

    Who here got over weight by doing the right thing?

    I put on most of my weight thanks to the side effects of infertility meds. Should I not consider that cause a "right thing?" :huh:
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I really take Weight Watchers information with a grain of salt (no pun intended). I went to them years ago, and because I didn't get to their idea of my goal weight (I was about 4 lbs above), I was not considered "successful."

    I'm trying to figure out what works for me, and debating "starvation mode" and low calorie diets isn't going to help me any more than eating processed foods.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Wow. I love your answer. :flowerforyou:
    Why does everyone feel you do it my way or your doing it wrong..please get over yourself! She posted the article followed with the fact she is under a doctors care and there is a calorie intake that works for her.I hate people saying I'm not eating enough calories or I'm starving myself,are you crazy! I'm not mental..not meeting your calorie intake is far from true starvation,their are people really starving..and it is not fat as Americans! I hate we use the word starvation in this lose term. Look your calorie intake and my calorie intake maybe different for weight loss please stop with all the absoulutes! Read the article..ponder it..take what you will and leave the rest! But lets stop all the this is the way it is self righteousness! Its one point of view thanks for sharing.
  • StaceyZombie
    StaceyZombie Posts: 69 Member
    As I read the thread I see many impressive weight loss tickers from the people posting, 25 pounds lost, 80 pounds lost and even more. But yet here we judge that someone is doing something that is "un-healthy" or not good for their body. When was being 25 to 100 pounds over weight ever a healthy thing? When was that not caused by doing things that were "un-healthy"? Its my guess that the mass of the MFP members have been very "un-healthy" and have done many things that were not good for their body.......or there would have been no reason to join a site like this.

    Who here got over weight by doing the right thing?

    Agreed. Just wanted to put my two cents in....I was a size 24 and went down to a size 6 by counting my calories religiously and staying at around 1200 a day. It worked for me and I am doing this again to lose my pregnancy weight (just had twin boys).

    I just think that what works for one, may not work for another. If you try 1200 and find you are hungry/tired/etc...EAT MORE. Listen to your body!! I am completely content with my intake and never hungry. Doesn't mean it will work for everybody, but it worked for me. I kept it off and stayed at around 150 lbs up until my pregnancy.
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    As I read the thread I see many impressive weight loss tickers from the people posting, 25 pounds lost, 80 pounds lost and even more. But yet here we judge that someone is doing something that is "un-healthy" or not good for their body. When was being 25 to 100 pounds over weight ever a healthy thing? When was that not caused by doing things that were "un-healthy"? Its my guess that the mass of the MFP members have been very "un-healthy" and have done many things that were not good for their body.......or there would have been no reason to join a site like this.

    Who here got over weight by doing the right thing?

    Although I think the other posters are correct that you should stay on point, I'll address this since I happen to be one of the "tickers" you're talking about. In no way, shape, or form did I get that far over weight doing the right thing.... NOR did I ever, one time, try to tell anyone that they should over eat! Under eating is no healthier than over eating... so, as stated before.. your point in mute.
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    Well I am all in favour of "if it works for you then do it."
    My doctor has me on 700 calories a day, I don't think he would want ,me to "Starve my body" he said the starvation mode is a load of rubbish as calorie intake requirement varies greatly from person to person. He has written a book on weight loss and has been on radio and in the Newspapers and has been specialising in weight management for many many many years in Australia , Sth Africa and Europe . so I tend to believe his advice on the subject.

  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    I won't argue what the article says because I don't know if is true or not. The truth is, Starvation Mode is NOT a myth, otherwise it wouldn't be taught at school. Starvation Mode in simple words is, when your body is not getting the necessary nutrients and calories that it requires to function and the individual starts doing physical activities such as workouts or any type of work that demands the body to perform beyond what's normal, basically after a while (is not going to happen in one day) your body WILL have to find other sources of energy because the individual is NOT eating enough, so the one place the body will look is in the muscles. It will use muscle fibers as energy source and it will basically decreases muscle mass. By the way, when I say NOT eating enough, I'm not talking about junk food that lacks the nutrients our bodies need to function.

    And as many have stated here, the internet is a place where anyone can find good and bad articles. Unfortunately, people don't have any knowledge of what's the right thing and just because a company as Weight Watchers, known to provide weigh loss services post an article like this, they will assume it is true. If you're planning on working out or you already are, and you're doing a diet to lose weight, please, try to compare facts before believing the first thing you read. You need to feed your body so you don't hurt yourself.

    And for those saying that what matters is the weight loss, if you don't mind losing muscle fibers and stressing your body to the point that it needs to do what it shouldn't do because you don't eat enough, good for you, but don't argue that it is the healthy way of doing it.