When do you stop eating?



  • When my doctor told me I had acid reflux he recommended me not to eat after 7..

    i was just about to chime in and say because i have severe stomach problems i was told to "try" to stop eating 4 - 5 hours before going to bed ...i have acid reflux, IBS and other things that cause problems ..ive seen a GI and he told me that the body when you go to sleep ...slows down the digestive system because your body is resting during that time to get ready for the next day ....is that true ??? who knows maybe he said that to me to get me to really listen to what he was saying lmao ...but i do know that if i eat something heavy within 2 hours of sleeping ..i have the worst reflux and indigestion ...:( ...

    as far as eating after a certain time to lose weight ..i work nights ..6:30 pm till 3 am i eat my dinner at 11:30 and then an apple and sugar free jello at 1am and then when i get home i sometimes have 3ozs of baby carrots and have lost weight doing that for some time ...so i dont think eating late effects your weight loss efforts unless you are eating tons of non healthy things ..and really wouldnt that hurt if you ate it earlier in the day too :tongue:
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    No exact time but I do not like to eat more then two hours before bed because I tend to wake up with a stomach ache
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Just use common sense. Not trying to be smart. If your goal is truly to lose weight and stay fit obviously eating too late at night or too much is counter productive to what you are trying to accomplish. I try to eat large meals by 7/8 p.m. and cut-off all eating by 9 p.m. It is not a hard and fast rule but one I try to follow. Bottom line is whatever works best for you.

    Just curious why eating late at night is obviously counter productive?

    It isn't. When you eat doesn't matter. You actually digest better when sleeping, as the body can divert more energy to the digestive system to work more efficiently than it can when you are awake.

    Thank you, that's exactly the point I was trying to make. There really is no good reason.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    The only reason I see is it puts a stopping piont to eating.

    There are a lot of people that will stop eating at 7 and lose weight from it because they are cutting those calories that they USED to eat. Let's say if you are used to consuming 300 calories after 7 because of wine or dessert and you now stop eating at 7 you are saving yourself 300 calories a day. Most people won't move those calories to earlier in the day.

    Some people have digestive problems when they eat too close to their bed time.

    I on the other hand have no problems and have been known to fall asleep before ice cream goes down my throat. I also woke up one time with a tiny pizza roll in my mouth, BUT in my defense alcohol was involved.

    It's all about cutting calories.. you will see!