Tell us a random fact about yourself



  • Kara_B
    Kara_B Posts: 26
    I have a dent (visible when I scrunch up my face) above my right eyebrow. I slipped and hit my head on a rock about 17 years ago.
  • I once won $500 in a "best Halloween scream" contest. Spent the first $60 that night on calzones for my friends haha
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    i know ALL the words to the movies Aladdin & Lion king
  • tarahvennrdn
    tarahvennrdn Posts: 3 Member
    I have met both Charles Barkley and Dennis Rodman. Both at casinos. Charles gave me noogies!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
  • Fact: I am Good at nothing! I can't draw, I can't sing, I can't paint. I have no hobbies, wasn't allowed to play sports in school so I am not good at any of those. The only thing I am a good mom which doesn't count cause your suppose to be that already. So I am good at nothing. I am not creative, I am even horrid at math lol

    Fact 2: I have known 6 Murderers in my Life All eventually were caught. But I feel so lucky I wasnt one of there victims I so could have been!!! One was a boy I went to school with he killed 6people and tried to implicate my brother, Didnt work though lol 3 were in on one murder they beat a guy to death for 500$ and didnt know he had 3 million dollars in the attic the fbi recovered the next afternoon.....And so on......
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    I qualified for growth hormones three times over when I was a kid... I refused to have a needle every day so I said no...

    I stand 4 ft 8 tall (143.5cm)...

    My old PT used to call me Pocket Rocket ;)
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I've seen ghosts. :indifferent:
  • BustyTransformer
    BustyTransformer Posts: 45 Member
    I have a scar of my back from falling through one of those stupid butterfly chairs. I should have known then I was fat lol Oh and my American Eskimo dog and my mother's shih tzu secretly got it on, now I have 2 bear like "puppies" living at home.
  • CathLeenyLeen
    CathLeenyLeen Posts: 20 Member
    My undergarments ALWAYS have to match my outfit.
  • i have 4 cats
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    I am almost 61 years oldest child (Eddie 39) was born so very early and is severely impaired with Cerebral other child, I only have 2, is a girl (Heather 25). I have one grandchild....a girl, Allison.....and what light she lights in my life.....

    The 3 above mentions people have made me who I am and I couldn't be happier with how my life turned out.

    Eddie is my soul....
    Heather is heart....
    Allison is my joy.

    OH, and I found the man in my life also online....over 5 years ago.....and we, too are having a good life together.
  • 15 facts about me:

    1. I have mole in the nose
    2. I love dancing
    3. I hate those who sing on their karaokes with bad voices. Makes me want to throw my shoes for them to stop.
    4. I don't have any friends in person although I do have several online friends
    5. I'm easy to pleased but never dare to take advantage of me
    6. I'm outgoing & adventous
    7. I love to try out new things
    8. I'm a graphic designer
    9. I speak 3 languages (although I still need to improve my English speaking)
    10. I hate seeing sweet couples whether in the mall, restaurant or just anywhere
    11. I'm not a fan of telenovelas (unfortunately that's part of our culture), romantic movies or any other romantic stuff
    12. I'm kinda boyish but I'm 100% straight. Also I hate girly stuff
    13. I'm open-minded
    14. I love dogs
    15. I love to eat :tongue:

    15 facts about me:

    1-14: I like to troll people. :trollface:
    15: I have used craigslist and have not gotten stabbed yet. yay.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I have 13 piercings.
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    I was bit in the face when i was younger. The dog almost took the tip of my nose off. Took 16 stitches to put it back on. You'd never know it unless you feel my nose where there's a little almost unnoticable dip. He also came close to taking my eye out. Had to have four stitches in the corner of my left eye. After that, my neighbor gave me the nickname of "dogbite" and it stuck, lol.
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    I lost my sight for 2 years due to an infection from recalled contact solution...

    I have never (even when I was beanpole skinny) been able to touch my toes - I blame it on my torso being too short and my legs too long
  • whencynstops
    whencynstops Posts: 109 Member
    I skip over cracks in the sidewalk if I can. Same with multicolored patterns of tiles, parking lot lines, etc. Pretty much any nonnatural line breaking up a floor. I noticed my 4 yr old daughter does it too.
    I do this! I will slow down or speed up to keep the pattern of steps between cracks going. And if I step on a crack with one foot I have to step on a crack with the other so that both feet are even.
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    1. I was supposed to have a brother that was 1 year older than me and a sister that was 1 year younger but they both died. They both had Down's Syndrome.

    2. I had an obsession with Farmville when I first got a Facebook. Now it's just annoying.

    3. I had an ovarian cyst the size of a 2 liter coca cola bottle.

    4. I had a cystectomy at 6 months pregnant.

    5. I love to sing.

    6. My dad passed away when I was 14.

    7. I got my first tattoo at 15. It's my dads name.

    8. Morphine and Vicodin don't do anything for me.

    9. I'm allergic to mushrooms.

    10. I met my husband through AOL.

    11. I'm scared of the dark.

    12. I have an A.S. Degree but it has not come in handy.

    13. I have been heavy all my life.

    14. I have an obsession with makeup.

    15. I love to draw!! One of my drawings below.


  • gingerbabyy
    gingerbabyy Posts: 25 Member
    I speak Arabic =)
  • pinkydemon
    pinkydemon Posts: 135 Member
    I trip over airholes