Worst Date Ever



  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I also had a guy try to pick me up in a bar one time by telling me about all the feral cats he'd been shooting. Ugh. Just creepy and weird and sad.

    Nothing hotter than a cat killer...except maybe Michael Vick. You win. :sick: :sick: :sick: :cry:
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    The guy showed me "Two Girls, One Cup" while we were waiting for dinner. I'd met him, oh, 20 minutes before? Yeah, THAT went well.

    Have to add a warning to this, don't Google it unless you've got an extremely strong stomach!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    I was talking to a girl via a dating website on and off, and she texted me one night inviting me to some country club called Cowboy's which definitely isn't my scene, but I accepted anyways. It was on a whim, and not like me, but I was just getting over a bad break up and was trying to do different things. I get there, and she's with some of her friends, all of them are already sloppy drunk, including her (though she was probably the least drunk).

    I was there about 20 minutes before the drunkest of her friends had to get home because of how sick she felt, so the girl I was there to meet drove her home (which really bugged me, but I didn't know what to do) and I followed them and took her back to her house. On the way there she told me how much of a scumbag her biological father was, and how she wouldn't care if he dropped dead.

    Then when we got to her place we sat on the back porch and talked some more (I should've just bolted, but I was stupid). She started telling me how she was married before, and that her and her ex-husband worked at Disney, and stole a lot of merchandise. She told me how he and some friends of theirs went to jail for the stealing, but she lucked out and didn't, and every time she hears police sirens, she still gets nervous that they're coming for her. She also explained how working at a Burger King in an Airport is somehow better than working at any other Burger King.

    So yeah. That's the worst date I've ever been on.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    When I was 14, I had a date with a guy who came back from the dentist with nova caine...to make matters worse he told me he hadn't kissed anyone in awhile -_____-
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    I met up with a guy for a first date at a coffee shop. We spent a couple hours playing board games and having great conversation. I really enjoyed the time.

    Two days later, I got an email from him that said: You seem really nice, but I don't think this will work out because you are a Green Bay Packer fan. Take care.

    I thought it was pretty odd, but quickly moved on with life.

    About 2 months later, I saw him at the grocery store. He was holding hands with another guy!

    Who's the Packer fan NOW?!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    over a million potentials died that date on her foot

  • Stazed
    Stazed Posts: 55 Member
    Guy from my gym decided to tell my trainer that he liked me, trainer asked if I would go out with him. I suggested he may actually want to talk to me and ask me himself. He came up to me and asked me out for coffee which I agreed to and gave him my number. Should have noticed the alarm bell when I had several phone calls that evening trying to organise a time and place. We met for coffee just before Xmas, seems quite a nice guy, had thought would maybe meet him again. He knew I was going home for Xmas (I'm from Scotland but live in Ireland) so left it with would text him over the Xmas period. Multiple phone calls - I'm talking at the airport, when the plane landed, multiple on Xmas eve and day plus texts I had to politely tell him I was spending time with family I hadnt seen for months and would chat to him when I got back to Ireland. He did back off til new year then it started again. Turns out he saw me in the gym but didnt chat to me that day just sent me a text the following day telling me "it was nice seeing you yesterday", bit weird. Anyway in was really busy for the next couple of weeks and he was very upset that I wasn't seeing him as he assumed that all my free time would b spent with him. The final straw was when he sounded p#€&ed off that I had to go home again (family funeral) so soon and wouldnt be seeing him. Politely told him it wouldnt work out. He has since told all the trainers in the gym how we "broke up", in my eyes we weren't dating it was just coffee, how he thinks I'm just stressed with work and he's going to give me some time. Also told a trainer I dont know that well how we were an item and the plans he had for the future which included us moving country etc.

    Did I miss the memo that said coffee was actually a marriage proposal!?!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    bump... for later
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    Just remembered a date I had with a guy who smoked so much that his fingers had brown patches on them and his teeth were brown. He smelt so bad that I could practically taste the tobacco smoke ingrained into his clothes. I'm a non smoker anyway but a lot of my friends smoke and they don't smell like that. I had to hold my breath when he leaned in for a goodnight kiss and nearly threw up on him when he decided to stick his tongue in my mouth. When I got home I smelled like I'd chain smoked a full pack. Needless to say, I didn't call him!
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    Oh my lord. These are ridiculous!!!!

    I'm so thankful that the worst dates I've had were only bad because there was no chemistry and they were awkward. That and guys being really clingy & saying they love me after knowing me for like a week. What do you even say to that? Thanks?
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    Posted this before, but here goes:

    I was set up with this guy a few months ago. We met at a public location, which is this huge botanical garden in our city. I got there a little early, and waited. Up rides this guy on a BICYCLE with what looked like a hiking pack on his back. The first thing he said to me was "You must be Danielle. I recognize your t*ts from the photo that _____ showed me"....ummmm....seriously?! So we walked through the gardens talking, and the entire time this guy bi.tched and moaned about how expensive dating was, how expensive EVERYTHING is nowadays...mind you, he makes 6 figures. He knew from our friend that I am vegan, and asked me a lot of questions about it, and seemed to be respectful. After the gardens, he said he wanted to take me to dinner, but we'd have to put his bike in my car....WTF?! I asked if he owned a car, out of curiosity, and he said he did, but "didn't want to waste the gas". So, I have to STRADDLE his bike in a skirt and heels while he took it apart so it would fit in my car, and got in. He guided me where to go, and it ended up being a pizza place....okay, so I can just get a small veggie pizza w/no cheese...no big deal. OH NO. He ordered for BOTH OF US. A MEAT LOVERS pizza. He told me I could just "pick everything off, it's a better deal this way." After having a nice meal of water, we got back in the car, and the first thing he said was, "well, I washed my sheets so I guess it's time to go back to my place." I obliged, but with a different motive. We got to his place, put his bike back together, and I got back in the car and took the hell off. He started calling me like, 3 times a day, texting, emailing me. I had to block his number and his email so he couldn't contact me. Believe me, I had some STRONG WORDS for my friend the next day!

    :noway: WTF?!

    I had a really nice date with a guy I'd met online, so I invited him over to watch a movie and have lunch one day. My ex was still in the habit of walking into the house whenever he felt like, so that was awkward when he decided to stop in, but then later the guy was kissing me, and I was trying to keep it at just that because I didn't want to rush into anything. He was wearing shorts, I was wearing yoga pants with flip flops. He kept pushing himself against me, and all the sudden I felt something wet plop on top of my foot. I was freaking out, but I didn't want to say anything to embarrass him! I could feel it soaking into the bottom of my pants, totally grossing me out.

    Another date, a guy bit my bottom lip so hard it swelled up and turned purple. It was purple for a week, and I had a dentist appt and had to lie to my dentist and tell him someone stood up and bumped their head on my mouth. :ohwell:

    Last one, and I have a lot more, but I was on a first date with a guy (probably the first since I'd kicked my husband out, so it was still weird for me to even be out with another guy), and we were sitting in his car talking. He asked me if I trusted him, then he took my hand and put it on his junk and said "This is how I feel about you." I was so shocked that he would do that, I spent the rest of the time with my back pressed against the car door. He said I was giving him that "don't touch me" vibe. Really?!?! Hmmmm!

    You guys are making me feel much better about my dates! :smile:

    Did he pull a Justin Timberlake????

    OMG!!!! i died laughing when i read this......then to i died a second time laughing with the Justin comment!!!!
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Oh my, these seem to somehow be getting worse, someone should write a book of these for people to read when they're down about something! Can't get any worse surely?
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Must say I never had a really bad date. Only ever dated my wife and we have been married for 32 years since.
    Nice...me too...we're 31years February!!
    :love: :love:
  • I went out with a guy after only talking to him over the phone. he sounded normal enough. And he was easy on the eye, esp as he had sent me some really nice pics of himself.
    needless to say, the guy in the pic and the guy in in front of me - looked vaguely similar except for the fact that it must have been an 10 year old pic when he was still in his glory days. LOL

    After a very awkward conversation over dinner, I decided to send my plate as the conversation was dry, horrid and he was so self absorbed. he then called the waiter back and asked me my plate so he could eat all my leftovers!!!!!

    I nearly died of embarrassment and i think the poor waiter was so shocked, he burst out laughing.

    never again, and he still wants to know why I don't find him attractive..... I can see over the misrepresentation with regards to the pic, but the bad manners? that's where i draw the line!
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Haha guy was hungry! I've horrified someone before by just eating quite a bit and them wondering where it all goes. Not my fault I do loads of exercise and I'm starving 24/7 as a result!
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    Wow these stories are crazy. My story isn't as crazy but was really awkward for my date at the time. This was back in College. I was seeing a girl and we went out to eat on Valentines day. The waitress we had was pretty friendly but then it turned weird. The whole entire time we were there she kept hitting on me. She would say hi baby what can I get you, You look good tonight, put her hands on my shoulder, never acknowledge my date and focused on me. My date was not too impressed at all. She got up and was ready to fight the waitress. There was a huge scene and the manager had to give us a new waitress. At the end of the night I receive the check and to my surprise the waitress must have grabbed the receipt and placed her name and number and put down and I quote "I can do so many things to you she cant....call me"

  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    SOOOOOOO many Girls do the texting thing so much, they completely miss out on life. Every time I go out to a bar, restaurant, or special event, i see most of the young 20s and 30s are always on their phones and the guys, friends, or parents are so bored. Women, no one wants to hang out with you to just watch you text. How can someone go out to a bar, sports, concert, or outdoors activity and all you want to do is text and tweet. How about this, actually do the thing that you are texting and updating statuses about.

    You are boring and you are so missing out on life. The life that you think you have in your phone is not better than your real one. Please be respectful and actually engage with the people who are trying to spend time with you. Sorry but this is such a pet peeve for me. A few times me and my friends would just walk up to them and ask the people being ignored f they want to hang out with us or buy them a drink and not the disrespectful texter.

    Sometimes I do believe that cells phone are bad and ruin relationships. In many cases, this is where the cheating starts. I know many people as soon as they get mad at their partner, the first thing they do is start texting other people. Sorry for venting. I just can relate to the original poster and it sucks. When it happens to me, I just leave the restaurant even if I took them there. They can just text someone for a ride. I dont put up with it.

    Well said! I hate it when I'm out with my friends & they spend most of the night texting. I have a phone too, but I also have good manners.
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    Not even a date but I was leaving town to go traveling and was out for drinks with a load of friends. A guy one of my friends had gone to school with 5 years earlier happened to be in the club and joined our group.

    So, we we end the night a friend's place to go in the hot tub and that, combined with a bit too much alcohol, made me sick to my stomach. So I'm sitting on the front steps of my friends house puking over the side... and the guy from her school came over and asked if he could kiss me!

    I was stunned and said 'I'm puking'

    He asked if I'd like some water, I thought that was sweet and said yes, please.

    He gave me some water and then asked again if he could kiss me!

    I'd had enough of his glomming and being very weird (he'd not really talked to anyone but just stared at people all night) and asked him how desperate he was if he wanted to kiss someone who is in the middle of throwing up.

    He still didn't get it!!!!

    My friends ended up asking him to leave as he'd not been invited to their house but had followed us there and he jumped into the hot tub fully clothed. It took a few of the guys to get him to leave and he ended up sitting in his car a half a block away waiting for us to leave before trying to follow us to my place. I was glad friends were staying with me and it was my last night in town!!!

    Never had a guy want to kiss me that badly before (or since) and I have to say I'm glad for it!
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Wow that's like stalkerish...hey at least you can take it as a compliment that even when you're puking your hot enough for a guy to want to kiss?!
  • noynoyavery
    noynoyavery Posts: 361 Member
    Not my worse date but one of my friends dated a really lovely guy after a couple fo weeks it became apparent he wanted more so she invited him in for "coffee". He went to the bathroom, she got undressed, he returned wearing black lacy bra , matching panties and stockings and suspenders, she told him to leave. That was the end of that relantionship. "cripes that must have been a bit of a shock!" i said. "yes " she relied " It didn't bother me he was a cross dresser, more the fact i just can't date someone who has better underwear than i do".:laugh: