I'm SO Hungry!



  • Peanut butter saves my life on days like that. A tablespoon makes a tremendous difference and keeps you full longer. It's a higher calorie snack than I normally like, but on days when I feel famished all day, it's what works. (I use pretzels and peanut butter a lot. 1/2 a service is 7-8 twists, and plenty with a tablespoon of peanut butter. It comes out to about 130 cals)
  • RDalton84
    RDalton84 Posts: 207
    Chewing gum has really helped me. I eat when I'm bored so for me to keep my mouth busy with gum...saves me calories and gives me flavoring like a meal does so it tricks my brain.

    Agreed!! If I start feeling bored or hungry and it's not time to eat I just pop a piece of gum in my mouth! I think I have become addicted!! lol But it really helps me...and lots and lots of water
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If you are hungry, then decrease your lost per week goal. It's your bodies way of saying feed me. Food is your fuel source, so if you are always hungry, then you aren't feeding it.

    How much weight you trying to lose and what is your goal per week?
  • sstoliker
    sstoliker Posts: 2 Member
    Try a small handful of nuts (almonds are my favorite) with a peice of fruit (banana is my favorite). : ) This combination seems to work best for me. It fills me up just enough, and the fruit takes care of my "sweet tooth". I figure it's a good combination of protein, fiber and good carbs.