No, "it" isn't an open invitation for you to ....



  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    My it is my fiancee's and my age difference.
    Yes, he is sixteen years older than me.
    Yes, my family freaked out a first. They love him now. It's not any of your business.

    Love isn't age dependent. I met him when I was in my twenties and I was NEVER weirded out by the fact he owns dice that are as old as I am (I think it's funny).

    I agree on the no-kids thing. It's kinda already started for us. People telling us we need to have kids right away since he is so very 'old'. Um, we're not ready for kids, not sure if we ever will be. It's our decision and MY body.
  • I totally understand how a lot of these things would bother people, the "advice" and the prying etc. but I feel like a lot of the time people are just curious. It doesn't feel like prying to them because they are genuinely interested in your tattoos/hair/lifestyle/whatever it may be. Sure, some people get a little too personal, but if they're just asking a couple questions, humor them. How could you expect them to know that everyone asks you the same questions over and over again?

    just my two cents
  • My "IT" is that I cloth diaper & ooooh the looks I get.

    My partner and I plan to use cloth diapers/nappies when we have a baby, my personal opinion is that it's way better than disposables.
  • I totally understand how a lot of these things would bother people, the "advice" and the prying etc. but I feel like a lot of the time people are just curious. It doesn't feel like prying to them because they are genuinely interested in your tattoos/hair/lifestyle/whatever it may be. Sure, some people get a little too personal, but if they're just asking a couple questions, humor them. How could you expect them to know that everyone asks you the same questions over and over again?

    just my two cents

    For me, it's the stupidity and sheer nosiness of a lot of the questions, and horrible judgement statements that come from people's mouths. I wouldn't dream of walking up to a complete stranger to tell them their hairstyle makes them look ugly, yet I've had numerous complete strangers tell me that of my facial piercings.
  • I totally understand how a lot of these things would bother people, the "advice" and the prying etc. but I feel like a lot of the time people are just curious. It doesn't feel like prying to them because they are genuinely interested in your tattoos/hair/lifestyle/whatever it may be. Sure, some people get a little too personal, but if they're just asking a couple questions, humor them. How could you expect them to know that everyone asks you the same questions over and over again?

    just my two cents

    For me, it's the stupidity and sheer nosiness of a lot of the questions, and horrible judgement statements that come from people's mouths. I wouldn't dream of walking up to a complete stranger to tell them their hairstyle makes them look ugly, yet I've had numerous complete strangers tell me that of my facial piercings.

    Of course, that would bother me too. After reading this post, I'm going to be a lot more thoughtful about my question. I'm not the kind of person to go up and touch someone, but I didn't know the effect questions were having on people. very enlightening :)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Not a problem any more, but: My waist-length hair is not an invitation for you to stick your nasty hands in it and play with it! Complete strangers would do this without even saying hi.


    Add for me that people will give their opinion on the pros and cons of me wearing it this long at my AGE. Seriously?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    my hair. it's naturally curly, like those corkscrew curls...and everyone wants to touch it.

    do. not. touch. my. hair. ever.

    i will not even let my husband touch it!

    but it's so pretty:sad:
  • Of course I am not perfect, I have a crack in my *kitten*!!!
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    Comments about my hair, tattoos, and child never bothered me like this one did --- I had someone walk up to me in the store and grab my hip while declaring, "I can feel your bones!!!" C'mon, I don't walk up to people and grab their muffin tops while declaring, "I can feel your fat!!" for all the world to hear. Maybe it was a compliment, but it felt more like judgement. And if she'd grabbed just a little to the left, she'd have found a handful of fat anyway. LOL I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume their intentions are good with comments like that but it was quite embarrassing for me.

    I guess we should all consider how our comments would feel if they were turned around on us. It's not like people with tattoos walk up to people without them and let them know how "boring" their unadorned skin is, right? "Are you just going to leave it plain like that for the rest of your life?!" :tongue:
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    I am a 47 year old single mom to a lovely 4 year old... It is not okay to ask me at every baby shower I attend or every time you see me holding a friend's baby, "Doesn't it make you want another one?" or "When are you going to have another one?" Uhm, I was lucky/blessed to have this one perfect and healthy child in my 40s, there is not a man in my life at this time, and my hands are quite full taking care of her thank you.

    It is also not ok to think I want to hear about all my ex-husband's indiscretions, whether past (while we were married) or current. (Have been twice divorced and encountered this both times.) Obviously I knew enough about his crap behavior to decide I didn't want to put up with it any more, I am not going to remarry him just to divorce him again because you want to tell me even more dirt about him.
  • acantu59
    acantu59 Posts: 25 Member
    My "it" is my neck - I had oral cancer 18 years ago and it involved a radical neck dissection and I have some awful scarring, as well as caved-in... Just when I start feeling a little self-confidence again, someone will out of the blue ask "what happened to you?" I find it terribly rude for a perfect stranger to ask me to talk about something so painful.
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    my hair. it's naturally curly, like those corkscrew curls...and everyone wants to touch it.

    do. not. touch. my. hair. ever.

    i will not even let my husband touch it!

    ^^This!^^ Just because my hair is curly does not give anyone the right to pet it. Or to pull out my curls and say, "boing!"
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    My ethnic sounding last name is not an open invitation for you to publicly ask me "what" I am. If we know each other a little longer, then go ahead, but asking in front of other people, especially a full classroom isn't cool.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    my hair. it's naturally curly, like those corkscrew curls...and everyone wants to touch it.

    do. not. touch. my. hair. ever.

    i will not even let my husband touch it!

    ^^This!^^ Just because my hair is curly does not give anyone the right to pet it. Or to pull out my curls and say, "boing!"

    No one I know is dumb enough to touch my hair. They must know I will deck them if they try to "boing" my curls.

    Babies do LOVE to stare at it though. lol
  • committomittxoxo
    committomittxoxo Posts: 339 Member
    Is it awkward to ask to a stranger to hold their baby?? :)
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    I've got tattoos. People like to ask about them. Maybe three our four times in the six years I've had this, has someone actually grabbed my arm and said, "HEY LEMME SEE THAT!" for that instance, I'll just gently twist my arm out and tell them I'd be more than happy to show them as long as we look and not touch.

    You can't change how curious people will react but you can decide how you will respond to them.

    Either you can be a jerk or you can be friendly and open, thus not perpetuating that all people with tattoos are anti-social deviants. Whether you like it or not, being tattooed makes you part of the tattooed community and how you act effects how others view us. I'd rather be nice than be a jerk.

    heh. i'm trying to find where i wrote it, but I'm coming up empty. Exactly ~where/when~ did I, or anyone else for that matter, say that we respond in a way to be cast as an "anti-social deviant"? I'd rather be nice than be a jerk too - but that certainly doesn't mean I find some of their prying and over the top rude comments annoying.
  • Amen
  • Heather2784
    Heather2784 Posts: 124 Member
    Yes I have boobs and don't live in turtle necks because they make me look fat so....

    Yes 'it' is cleavage but no it doesn't give you an excuse to stare, point, touch, or talk to it!

    Yup. Quite annoying. If I notice someone in conversation doing it to me, I begin to talk to their chests. I've had reactions from guys shocked that I've noticed. Uhm, yeah.... I can tell you're looking 12 inches below m eyes!
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    Just because I'm an opera singer it isn't a free invitation for you to:

    Sing to me. You have bad technique and I don't want to hear it.
    Ask me to sing in random public places. I wouldn't ask you to perform your trade in the middle of a bar after 2 drinks.
    Try and find out "who" I know. I don't know anyone that would interest you or could help you. You still have bad technique.
  • I don't have any Cool tattoos, but I have nice long hair and everyone just comes and grabs it, pulls and tugs, asks me what do i do to it, what kind of shampoo I use, SMELL it.!! really did you just SMELL my hair..? Ya... Love IT