Cut out pork, ham, bacon...etc.



  • RUN2CJ
    RUN2CJ Posts: 64 Member
    Eat mor chken!!!
  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    What about potatoes? They grow in dirt. That's about as dirty as it gets! Are potatoes unclean and unhealthy?

    Carrots, radishes, lettuce, etc. That's why I drink Vodka - kills all those unclean germs!:drinker:

    That's really funny. Drink liquor from potatoes to kill the germs from potatoes!

    Anyway, pork tenderloin is now my absolute favorite cut of meat. It's SOO tender no matter what you do with it, and it's really lean! At my grocery store it isn't even very expensive either. I'm totally hooked! I'm fine with not eating bacon or ham.. but I do love a good pork shoulder/butt roast, great in Mexican food and barbecue. Those are definitely limited now though!
  • I switched to turkey bacon this last summer because it was on sale and had way less fat than regular bacon. My family and I don't like it plain but we are loving it on blt sandwiches. One of my bacon loving friends tried it and switched. I buy ham lunch meat and it's pretty low in calories. Six slices has 70 calories. I don't eat a lot of pork products but if I feel like eating a ham sandwich or a pork roast I eat it in moderation. If I deprive myself of it I'll crave it more and totally go off track.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    If you want to improve the quality of your food go local. Get down the butcher, green grocer and local farmers market. Talk to the people who produce the product. They should be able to tell you where the meat, veg or whatever came from. What it was raised on or grown in and so on.

    This does up the cost of your food but it sounds like your goal needs it.

    If you're still listening :wink: , I agree with Douglas. Sadly, nearly all largely commercially produced meat, eggs and dairy products are raised in dismal environments and fed dismal feed. The product: subpar food with subpar flavor and subpar nutrition.

    I don't have the time nor resources to be completely local as Douglas suggests, but I do try to buy organic, free-range, etc. as much as I can. The meat, eggs and dairy taste wonderful and while the produce may be uglier, it too has much better flavor as well as being "cleaner".

    Best of luck with your goals!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Pigs are not meant to be eaten because their digestive system's are like us human beings. We can't poop and fertilize anything, our body's are so mucky. Sheep, cows, chickens, turkey's and fish are fine. Pigs have loads of parasites like worms in their bodies too. They're best to be left alone. In the beginning pigs were never eaten at all. Until I think some time many years ago someone insanely religious said to burn all pigs hence in Christianity, Islam and Judaism, pigs are forbidden to be consumed. So the guy in charge burnt the pigs and loved the smell. His curiosity got the better of him and so he tried some, I guess this is why pigs are now eaten. This is what my dad told me lol whether it's true or not I dunno but it's interesting XD

    You know that moment when you discover that your parents lied to you? This is yours! :laugh:
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    I personally don't like the idea of eating an animal that is the biggest cause in bowel and stomach cancer here in the UK.

    You're going to make a claim like that without sources?

    I've heard it in documentaries and also on youtube. I'll have a look for a source if ya like :P
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Pigs have loads of parasites like worms in their bodies too.
    They don't have any more parasites than any other food animal.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Pigs are not meant to be eaten because their digestive system's are like us human beings. We can't poop and fertilize anything, our body's are so mucky. Sheep, cows, chickens, turkey's and fish are fine. Pigs have loads of parasites like worms in their bodies too. They're best to be left alone. In the beginning pigs were never eaten at all. Until I think some time many years ago someone insanely religious said to burn all pigs hence in Christianity, Islam and Judaism, pigs are forbidden to be consumed. So the guy in charge burnt the pigs and loved the smell. His curiosity got the better of him and so he tried some, I guess this is why pigs are now eaten. This is what my dad told me lol whether it's true or not I dunno but it's interesting XD

    You know that moment when you discover that your parents lied to you? This is yours! :laugh:

    LOL I dunno if it's a lie or not but it was an entertaining story XD
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Seeing that most people on here I think have a huge issue with religion, most of the sources related to why pork is not good for you have religious texts ect. But if you could ignore the religion bit and just look at the facts :)

    By the way, I'm not a Christian :P
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Pigs are not meant to be eaten because their digestive system's are like us human beings. We can't poop and fertilize anything, our body's are so mucky. Sheep, cows, chickens, turkey's and fish are fine. Pigs have loads of parasites like worms in their bodies too. They're best to be left alone. In the beginning pigs were never eaten at all. Until I think some time many years ago someone insanely religious said to burn all pigs hence in Christianity, Islam and Judaism, pigs are forbidden to be consumed. So the guy in charge burnt the pigs and loved the smell. His curiosity got the better of him and so he tried some, I guess this is why pigs are now eaten. This is what my dad told me lol whether it's true or not I dunno but it's interesting XD

    You know that moment when you discover that your parents lied to you? This is yours! :laugh:

    LOL I dunno if it's a lie or not but it was an entertaining story XD

    Both Judaism and Islam forbid eating pork, Christianity does not.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    Pigs are not meant to be eaten because their digestive system's are like us human beings. We can't poop and fertilize anything, our body's are so mucky. Sheep, cows, chickens, turkey's and fish are fine. Pigs have loads of parasites like worms in their bodies too. They're best to be left alone. In the beginning pigs were never eaten at all. Until I think some time many years ago someone insanely religious said to burn all pigs hence in Christianity, Islam and Judaism, pigs are forbidden to be consumed. So the guy in charge burnt the pigs and loved the smell. His curiosity got the better of him and so he tried some, I guess this is why pigs are now eaten. This is what my dad told me lol whether it's true or not I dunno but it's interesting XD

    You know that moment when you discover that your parents lied to you? This is yours! :laugh:

    LOL I dunno if it's a lie or not but it was an entertaining story XD

    Both Judaism and Islam forbid eating pork, Christianity does not.

    Originally it did but Christianity is always changing it's mind ;p
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member

    Pigs are not meant to be eaten because their digestive system's are like us human beings. We can't poop and fertilize anything, our body's are so mucky. Sheep, cows, chickens, turkey's and fish are fine. Pigs have loads of parasites like worms in their bodies too. They're best to be left alone. In the beginning pigs were never eaten at all. Until I think some time many years ago someone insanely religious said to burn all pigs hence in Christianity, Islam and Judaism, pigs are forbidden to be consumed. So the guy in charge burnt the pigs and loved the smell. His curiosity got the better of him and so he tried some, I guess this is why pigs are now eaten. This is what my dad told me lol whether it's true or not I dunno but it's interesting XD

    I'm not so sure about "pigs are not meant to be eaten. I think it all comes to culture and religion. In Cuba, where I was born and raised, pigs are part of our eating habits, everyone waits for specific days like new years to roast a pig and eat with the family. In India cows are sacred, no one harms them or eat them, yet they have towns where they have learned to live around rats, whether by choice or not. China eats most types of living beings. A lot of people say humans are not meant to eat meat at all, but the truth is, now a days is a matter of choice. I love eating pig.

    And in regards to the main topic about pigs being dirty, etc. Well, if that's the reason why not to eat pig (not that any other wild animal is not dirty, to start with), then you wouldn't probably eat anything at all. Just it was mentioned, potatoes, carrots, etc are dirty, even in some cases excrement is used as fertilizer for certain types of food like mushrooms. So the idea that they are dirty doesn't really make sense. Just because I walk barefoot on the dirt, it doesn't mean my insides are full of dirt. :smile:
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Originally it did but Christianity is always changing it's mind ;p

    It's not Christianity's fault that some of its leaders distort it to their whims. It's important to find out the facts for yourself and not listen to other people who may or may not be experts just because they act like it. It's true with religion, politics, DIETS AND EATING, everything.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I think seafood is great for you. If your worried try to buy organic, wild, or locally.

    I personally avoid pork and beef because its really high in fat.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I think seafood is great for you. If your worried try to buy organic, wild, or locally.

    I personally avoid pork and beef because its really high in fat.
    actually, that isn't true. Pork has the lowest amount of saturated fat of all food animals other than chickens. Lamb has the highest. Lean cuts of pork can be very low fat.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Pork Loin is acutally very lean. Where you get into trouble with pork are all the additives used to cure it. Lots of sodium, sugar etc. If you stay away from the processed kinds of pork--- sugar cured hams, bacon, sausage, etc, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the leaner unprocessed cuts.

    To those of you who think pigs are abused, my father was a farmer and had a hog operation. Have you ever really worked on a farm? Those pigs are raised to be food, not pets. They are no more abused than turkeys, chickens, or cattle who are also raised for slaughter. If farmers didn't raise them the way they do, you could not afford to buy most food.

    1) It sounds like your father ran what is generally called a "family farm," most hogs these days are raised in much larger farms, in different conditions.
    2) People can, and do, afford to buy more humanely raised meat. One easy way to do this is to eat less meat. If humanely raised meat costs twice as much, eat it half as often. If you need protein at other meals, eat legumes, whole grains, and veggies.