Worst negative comment about your weight?



  • i got asked "oh are you pregnant again?" by a girl i went to highschool with. i have two young boys already, no im not pregnant!
    rude...now she is pregnant and i hope that she blows up after having her baby..oppps thats terrible LOL
  • I didnt realize you were expecting......
  • Let's just say after my weekend I'll wear big t-shirts and sweats until I reach my goal :(
  • H0neybug
    H0neybug Posts: 47 Member
    When my second son was about 8 months old I went to visit my parents in Virginia. When my Dad picked me up at the airport his first words were, "Man, you've gotten fat"...I was a size 7 back then.

    Two more kids and years later he wouldn't dare say anything to me like that because his belly is huge! He does still pick on my sister though. He went to see her last Easter and told her how fat she was...now she doesn't invite him over any more...great job Dad.
  • mrsthomasstevens
    mrsthomasstevens Posts: 34 Member
    About a week or two ago, my older sister says on my FB page "I see you trying to get cute" implying that my weight made me unattractive...

    Luckily for me, I know I am attractive because my husband proposed & married me while I was at my highest weight ever, & she had 2 kids before her husband ever took the idea of marriage serious...

    Therefore in the cute department #I'mWINNING LOL
  • ItstimeforJen
    ItstimeforJen Posts: 8 Member
    Let's see... Like all there have been many....
    I get very fustrated when people think I'm fat because I sit around all day and eat junk...and that just isn't the case.... I can admit at times I have given up on myself and given into the tempation because" I'm fat already...what the H#LL"... but a lot of my weight gain has been as a result of medical issues.... and definitly food addiction...I'm not discounting it.... as well as I got fatter my family decided to question everything that went into my mouth...so I began to eat less and less..because that is what I do... (thank god my hubby loves me for who I am)

    So comment wise....
    I have had my father tell me what a disapointment I am to him because I'm fat...
    I have also had him eat a chocolate bar infront of me (which I didn't really notice) until he told me he was going to get me one, but then decided I was too fat so I didn't need one. (he himself is overweight but refuses to see it because he still wears the same size pants he did when he was 20...what he doesn't take into account is he needs suspenders to hold them up)
    My mother is extreamly negative and will quite often just make snide remarks... or mean jest. Also quite often at family gatherings if I decide to indulge in a desert if she knows it is for me she will make quite a show about only giving me a mouthful and make sure everyone in earshot knows why she is doing it.... and that while she is looking out for me...I'm just way too fat.....
    If we are at a resterant I have had her grab the server after my order and change me order to a salad with no dressing.... (this at age 34) its not like I live with her. as a result I tend to not go out with her.
    I had a boss who would contiunally make a point of pointing out how she would have to make a special order for lab coats in order to account for my size! She would regulaly make these comments at department meetings.... When confronted she stated she did it with my best intereset in mind....

    Sorry... I can see i ended up venting but I guess it's been stored in there... Thanks for understanding :)
  • bck80
    bck80 Posts: 81 Member
    four years ago my sister and i worked at the same restaurant we look a lot alike except she was a size 0 (115 lbs) then and i was a size 14 (198 lbs) and she is 5 yrs younger. one day a regular customer asks me in front of all my coworkers " where is your daughter! "
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    My husband (who is wonderful but has terrible foot-in-mouth disease) once told me that he didn't think I was attractive even though he was attracted to me.
    I've heard nastier things, but that was the worst because it came from someone I care about.
  • jewels7683
    jewels7683 Posts: 15 Member
    The friends I go out with are a smaller size then me. When we go out, I always over hear something, usually from a guy, saying how they won't dance with the fat girl and then look at me. Then they usually proceed to check out my other friends and roll their eyes at me.
  • bck80
    bck80 Posts: 81 Member
    My boyfriend's 'friend' told him I wasn't pretty or skinny enough to be his girlfriend...Nice! And he wonders why I can't stand him...
  • bck80
    bck80 Posts: 81 Member
    i had the same excact thing happen to me, except he is now my "Ex -loser-boyfriend" and i am now married to a wonderful man.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    At my heaviest I was asked by a custoemr at the bank if I was pregnant, when I said no he actually fought with me saying I was lying to him and why cant I admit i'm having a baby. I told him In a nice but stern dont f**** with me voice, I am not pregnant. His reply......Oh sorry I guess you really stopped caring and packed a ton of weight on then!! really?????? Any time I have motovational issues I think ofthat comment, about 25lbs down from then!!:smooched:

    Whatta @sshat! :angry:

    I never really heard anything while I was fat...except from my daughter lol
    I get insulted more now.
    "You're head looks too big for your body"
    "You're a good looking woman, but if you had bigger boobs you'd look a lot better"
    "Why's your chest look so boney"
    "You're not proportional anymore"
  • toebass
    toebass Posts: 73 Member
    I got picke don a lot, particularly by my grandmother - she's buy me maternity clothes as christmas gifts in an attempt to point out i was fat.

    I also got calle d"Campbell's Chunky Soup" a lot when i was in highschool
  • JenS0301
    JenS0301 Posts: 37 Member
    hmm, would have to be right at my BIGGEST weight. I was told I wasnt nasty fat just over weight. hmmmm?!?

    Also, my husband brings up my weight when things arnt going good. I have recently told him to look in the mirror...not a 6 pack he is carring. :0) Im now 22 lbs down and still over weight but feel great about myself.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    When I was in my early-mid 20s, I saw a friend that I hadn't seen since high school. She didn't say it to my face, but she told a mutual friend that she wouldn't have even recognized me if she had seen me on the street. That's not so bad; simply a statement of fact. However, she also said that I "looked like a snowman." That one kind of hurt.

    [I inadvertently did this to a friend. I really didn't recognize him.....felt horrible but he dropped the weight immediately where it's taken me years to get serious./quote]
  • I remember in highschool being told that I had a "gut"
  • leann74016
    leann74016 Posts: 242 Member
    I have been asked if i am pregnant WAY to much! I carry my weight for the most part all in my stomach so i do look preggo but am not. Hurts when i hear it, but soon i won't have to worry about this anymore!
  • metisgirl
    metisgirl Posts: 86 Member
    an old boyfriend hung pictures on the fridge and told me he wanted me to be like the pictures...He would grab my plate and toss it (across the floor)...Then he would beat me to a pulp and make threats to try and get me thin....It didnt work.....I sent him to prison instead for a long long time.......That is why i cannot post pictures......
    Other negative comments from other pple were: You have such beautiful blue eyes, if only you lost some weight...
    you could be a model, If you would lose weight.....Fatty Fatty two by four, couldn't through the kitchen door....You name it its been said....Now i just say that they must be really insecure with themselves if they have to make fun of me......
  • Back in college I hung out with this guy from Morocco who used to constantly brag about how lavish and great his life was for many different reasons. Not only that, but he always ALWAYS highlighted just how beautiful and thin my friend Brandi was..never missing a beat. This made me feel incredibly insecure because I was .. well.. fat. Then whenever my friends and I went to the campous's recreational center/gym, he'd make really snarky comments about my weight and how I possibly needed to stay on the treadmills longer, while Brandi didn't. Also, there came a time when while playing table tennis, he hit the ball incredibly hard so that it whizzed right past me. I'd chalked this up to me being God awful at table tennis, and would just fetch the ball. Well apparently this *kitten* mentioned to the two others that I needed the exercise..

    And to add salt to the wounds, he laughed hysterically when I actually ran to chase after the ball because it was 'funny seeing someone fat run'...
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 195 Member
    I had a backhanded compliment hehe. An older lady who was a complete stranger said "you dress lovely for a big lady".

    Was having fun but cried all night after that!