any takers for buddying up on insanity?



  • thank you all for your responses! the amount of support and activity on this website is amazing.

    i plan to do p90x or p90x2 after i finish insanity. i'd like to get hooked on working out and finish all of the workouts. :smile:

    i've been a little sore the last couple of days, but nothing like i was after the fit test. hopefully the soreness will get worse. i absolutely loooove being sore! :bigsmile:

    i started a private group on here for those of us who are doing insanity or p90x. just a small, cozy group, nothing big. if anyone wants to join us, let me know and i'll send you an invite. :smile:

    @ninjanurse10 yes, it is. google beachbody insanity and you'll see all kinds of things about it. you can even youtube it and see all kinds of videos about it. it's pretty insane. :smile: