

  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm with the people that say you may want to trust your heart rate monitor less. Mine WAY overestimates the amount of calories I burn.....
    This makes me want to curl up in a ball. LOL. If I don't trust my HRM then how on earth do I get my MFP math right?
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member do a ton of exercise. That's great! I am not sure about your calorie count though. Even when i do doubles i stay around 1600 for calories (granted cycling is a beast). I try to stay away from the 100 calorie packs of cookies, etc and do fruits and veggies instead. That's what i would change for sure.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    Your caloric intake is higher than mine. I am a 6 foot 2 male of large build. I workout less than you but still do 2 intense classes of Thai Boxing a week and run 3 times for 30 mins.

    Try reducing your calories and see what happens. You can always increase after a week if it doesn't help

    I am no expert, but would agree. I am similar height to this person and I eat around 1900-2300 cals a day. I would say you are eating too many calories overall and also your carbs seem a little high. maybe cut back a little on starchy carbs and overall cals, and see how it goes. even cutting to 1650 cals might make a nice different.

    good luck. I know it's frustrating!
  • I'm going to jump on the WATER train. Your muscles will retain water and if your kidneys don't have enough, your liver stops burning fat to help the kidneys out so you'll just retain, retain, retain. Plus if your sodium stays up around 2700 every day, you're also going to retain which will make you feel bloated ALL the time.
  • I know, it frustrates me too, and maybe you have a nicer HRM than me... I am just trying to hit 1500 calories, give or take a day, and not add in my exercise calories. But I don't do 2 spin classes a day - I usually run 15-20 miles a week, commute 22 miles on my bike once or twice a week and lift for an hour twice a week so I am not hitting the same level of activity that you are.

    I will say that I am in the same boat as you, I was maintaining about 145 going into the holidays, and have come out and been stuck back at about 155 for the last month... So I feel your pain....
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    Don't get too hung up on week to week weight. Try both, more and less, calories. See what works and keep your metabolism from adjusting to a particular level. Based on the numbers you listed and how much you exercise I would increase by 2-500 calories for a week or two and then if that isn't working bring it back down. I move mine up and down. I am running bigger deficits this week but I broke my last plateau by increasing them for 2 weeks.

    It sucks if you try something and you gain a few pounds, but there is no reason not to experiment. Next weeks weight isn't as important as next years.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    There was that frustration....I tried to ignore it...but then a massive gain out of no where? Not TOM related or anything either. I'm just stumped and MAD.
    This happened to me a little over a year ago. I gained 10lbs in about 2 weeks without changing a damn thing. I unfortuntely have not been able to lose that 10lbs on the past year. Sorry I dont have an answer as to why but just wanted to let you know that the same thing happened to me. I tried everything from low carb, to calorie cycling, to carb cycling you name it i tried it. Nothing worked.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Jeebus. Muscle does weight more than fat, because when this phrase is mentioned we are talking about weight by volume. A cubic foot, for example, of muscle is denser than a cubic foot of fat and thus, heavier.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Your caloric intake is higher than mine. I am a 6 foot 2 male of large build. I workout less than you but still do 2 intense classes of Thai Boxing a week and run 3 times for 30 mins.

    Try reducing your calories and see what happens. You can always increase after a week if it doesn't help

    I am no expert, but would agree. I am similar height to this person and I eat around 1900-2300 cals a day. I would say you are eating too many calories overall and also your carbs seem a little high. maybe cut back a little on starchy carbs and overall cals, and see how it goes. even cutting to 1650 cals might make a nice different.

    good luck. I know it's frustrating!
    Well, other than I would DIE eating that little with the amount I work out. LOL....I was 152 eating this exact same amount. That's why I'm confused. I gained weight with my same regime. I have to eat around 1800-2100 most days or my net would be tiny. ;-)
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    Your caloric intake is higher than mine. I am a 6 foot 2 male of large build. I workout less than you but still do 2 intense classes of Thai Boxing a week and run 3 times for 30 mins.

    Try reducing your calories and see what happens. You can always increase after a week if it doesn't help

    I am no expert, but would agree. I am similar height to this person and I eat around 1900-2300 cals a day. I would say you are eating too many calories overall and also your carbs seem a little high. maybe cut back a little on starchy carbs and overall cals, and see how it goes. even cutting to 1650 cals might make a nice different.

    good luck. I know it's frustrating!
    Well, other than I would DIE eating that little with the amount I work out. LOL....I was 152 eating this exact same amount. That's why I'm confused. I gained weight with my same regime. I have to eat around 1800-2100 most days or my net would be tiny. ;-)

    right, but I think what others are saying - is maybe the HRM isn't giving you a perfect calorie burn #. perhaps it's off by 20%. or 30%. obviously, something is going on, that's why I am saying play around with the cal number. so perhaps the actual net isn't what you think it is. (according to your HRM and MFP etc).

    Also, the carbs. I am definitely no expert - so this is just my humble opinion. My carbs are typically around 165-195 per day. I've seen some of yours as high as 270. This might be nothing - but just something I noticed.

    if everything else is the same - maybe look back at old food diaries and see what's changed. maybe less carbs before? or less processed foods?

    hope it works out!
  • mom2my5sons
    mom2my5sons Posts: 28 Member
    just a thought.......maybe you don't really need to lose more weight, and your body is wisely keeping you where you are. You look great, and you're very healthy/fit , so I would suggest eat the best you can and don't worry about the numbers too much. Easier said than done, I know :)
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    I'm with the people that say you may want to trust your heart rate monitor less. Mine WAY overestimates the amount of calories I burn.....
    This makes me want to curl up in a ball. LOL. If I don't trust my HRM then how on earth do I get my MFP math right?

    Well, other than I would DIE eating that little with the amount I work out

    I revisited this thread today to see what you decided to do, and apologies is this seems harsh, but reading your replies it seems like you don't want to change anything that you are doing, but you do want a different result.

    I don't see how that is going to happen! :wink:

    You can get your math right through observation and recording far better than your HRM's guess.