Looking for friends to add....



  • You can add me to. The more the merrier right? Lets do this!!!
  • Hi Everyone,

    I am new to the site. I use the phone app but never come on the actual website. Need some inspiring people to help motivate me Need to loose 50lbs!!!!

    Please friend request me!!!
  • Feel free to add me! :D
  • I am looking for friends as well. I have been on this site for about a month. I have lost 18 lbs. Still have plenty to go. Could use a lot of motivation. :smile:
  • mrsbarz
    mrsbarz Posts: 99 Member
    Hi! Been using this app for the last 3 weeks and I've lost 14lbs already!! I can't believe how quickly that's come off. :smile:

    I'm married with 2 grown up sons (22 & 20) and I'm a wheelchair user, so working out is not all that easy ... unless you count my physio.

    I would love to meet some more of you guys, so feel free to add me.
  • More than welcome to add me if you wanna... I'm on here looking for guidance and motivation as well!
  • add me as a friend anyone:D need more people to keep me encouraged
  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126
    hi everyone! im new here and need some pals for encouragement so please do add me :)
  • Anyone can add me. I am pretty positive and new friends make me smile :)
    I like to encourage people
  • hello, you can add me...i am 5ft 2in and need to loose around 25 lbs to be at goal weight...just joined weight watchers along with this web site...no time to exercise due to work and kids, but i try to get walks in...hope you will like this web site and good luck