Shape Up with the Daily HEET, April Thread (New Members Welc



  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :heart: Hello My friendly Heeters, so good to know Julie your DH is on the mend. Enjoy your time with family and catch a whopper of a fish girlfriend.:love:

    Bebe, Cindy, Hazel, Wonderland, Yari, Lucy, and all that follow waving to you all~~~~~~~Great weight loss results showing in those tickers!!!!! WAy to Go.

    Well I had a few days I didn't track, just had what I wanted in moderation, being discouraged and all, but DH said he knows I still have it in me, as he could tell from my selections that eating healthy was still a must for me, so I didn't jump ship or anything, LOL. Well got on the scales this morning just to see what was going on and the weight I gained is coming back off so I'm glad. The rain is here for another couple days then its to warm up and I've got to get back in my walking routine, I haven't walked for about, dare I say, 10 days (since last huring myself). I have done the stationary bike here in the house and that's a big help when I can't get outdoors. So when I start walking again I've got a bit of catching up to do, but slow and steady wins the race, and I will use wisedom and not push myself too hard.

    Looking to do some fishing here soon. They just stocked the lake near our house with trout last week so that will be fun, once DH gets all the new lines strung on our poles, and we have to get our license yet.

    Well keep doing well everyone, take care, Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Good morning Heeters. Bebe, woo hooo ! Another walk and a weigh in ! You go girl ! It is NEVER to late to learn to swim. It is great exercise and fun too. :smile: Debbie, great job on still losing a bit while not logging. Once you make a habbit of eating right it kind of comes naturaly . You already know this now hugh? Ease back into your walking routine . You'll be back on track before ya know it . :smile: Exercise bikes are fun. I want to get one soon. Lucy, Your kittens names are adorable! I love kitties ! :heart: Wow ,you do have alot on your plate with school, work and your home life. Just remember to be good to yourself and not let yourself down. :heart: I plan to do my 3 mile watp this morning and walk 2 miles outside tonight. As always I'll drink my gallon of h2o and stay under my calories too. I hope everyone has a great day today ! Remember to drink that water,eat those veggies and get moving . :smile: I hope Julie and Hazel are having fun. Waving to all that follow.... ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hello HEETers,

    Just a quick pop in...

    Cindy...I've been thinking a lot about Leslie Sansone's WATP and finally made it to her website. She has about 50 dvd/videos!!! Tell me exactly which one you are using and are you using any accessories?

    Thanks!! :love:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Julie, I'm glad you're considering watp. It's a great workout . I bought the 3 & 4 mile workouts on one dvd at walmart for $11.00. It came with a resistance band that I :heart: . I have been doing the 3 mile workout which lasts 45 minutes. I also saw some of her dvd's at Sams club recently. Let me know what you decide to get. You'll :heart: it ! ttfn- Cindy
  • hey there heeters,i havent walk as yet this am had a few drinks last night and woke up a bit late,but will walk the beach after im finish house wrk and laundry,cant let anything stop me this time around.
    debbie i feel you darling when you say you have not track,that happen to me yesterday but i dont think i went over board,we are still focus and baby steps is the way to go.
    hear my washer stop,will be back
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi ya Heeters , I hope everyone is having a great Thursday . Bebe, Great determination ! Keep that mind set that nothing can stop you this time around AND nothing will ! :flowerforyou: I peeked at the scale this morning and I'm down a couple more pounds. As always I won't count ant loss until weigh in day. :smile: Avery is pushing to go swimming . I know that water is still freezing ! I think tomorrow is the day I'll brave the pool. It is supposed to get up to 93 degrees here today and tomorrow. :glasses: I love the Texas heat ! I realy do. I don't think I could move back to Ohio. It get's too cold there. I never would have guessed that I would love the heat. :bigsmile: Julie , we visited Orlando in 2002. It was January and the weather was chilly. We plan to hit Disney World again within the next couple of years. I'm a sucker for the happiest place on earth. :embarassed: I :heart: that place. Ok guys, so you know to drink that water, eat those veggies, and get moving ! If you're reading this I'm talking to you. Yes you. I know you can do it ! Just put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be on your way. :smile: I plan to do my 3 mile watp & 2 miles outside. Have a great day everyone ! ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hello Heeters, How are you all doing? Fine I hope and please forgive me if I missed some of the post. We have been busy. I wanted to get the last of our things out of storage. We have a spare room here in the house and really I could not see paying a storage payment and all when we have the ample space. Also, as the weather has gotten warmer we have needed things so it meant trips to storage, and hubby wondering where could this or that be, and not here, so answer was always, you guessed storage.
    So we dodged raindrops on tuesday and got a pick-up truck load, then today we made two more trips and its all here. I figure for rainy day activities for awhile when we can do nothing else, we will begin going through things packed and finding places for things.
    Today we are having baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, mixed veggies and chocolate chip cupcakes with chocolate (lite) cream cheese frosting.
    What's cookin in your kitchen?
    Well talk to you all later, make the best of your day!!!!
    Luv Debbie:drinker:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Debbie, It's great to hear from you ! Have fun going through your stuff. :smile: I love being productive and getting projects like your doing done. Your dinner sounds yummy. :tongue: I'm making whole wheat spaghetti with turkey meatballs and homemade marinara sauce. I think I might have some Fage with berries mixed in for my evening snack. Have a great afternoon, Cindy :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there heeters, Cindy I love leslie sansone's tapes, have used them several times. In fact just this week at our local goodwill I found a two dvd of hers with a pedometer cheap. Also, for many interested and not wanting to make investments in the dvd's go to your local library as many librarians are packed with dvd's of all types of exercise materials and best part is its free and you can check them out before making the purchase.
    I love my curves pedometer I purchased thru Avon, accurate and so easy.
    Just got back from Urgent Care with Kayleigh and DH. Kay got up this morning and was sick and carrying a 104.2 fever. They said she has a throat and sinus infection and is pretty sick. So we are nursing her back to health and she is home resting comfortably at the moment. Had lots of plans for my day, but we're flexible and there's always tomorrow.
    Hope everyone is doing good!!!!! Waving to Julie, Bebe, Wonderland (anyone heard from her?), Lucy, Hazel, Cindy, Yari and all that follow.
    Stay Healthy Heeters,
    Love ya'll, Debbie

    Quote: Never be afraid to try something new. Remember it was amateurs that built the Ark, and professionals that built the unknown:bigsmile:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Oh Debbie, I hope your little girl feels better . :smile: It is terrible when our kids are sick. Give her a hug for me ok. Eddie is on his way over for a couple hours today. :bigsmile: His mom is in jail here in texas and will be sent back to California to serve her 1.5 years. His dad just went for an interview to be a maintnence man at an apartment complex and he is going for his drug test and physical today. If he passes today he'll start Monday. So we'll have Eddie back. :heart: I hope everyone has a great day. I plan on walking 4 miles today. I can't believe it's Friday already. Debbie, I love that quote ! ttfn everybody- Cindy :heart:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi guys, I hope everyone had a great day today. We had Eddie for close to 4 hours today. He is such a little joy to have around. :smile: His dad got the job so I'll have Eddie Mon- Fri from 7.30 am-5.30 pm. I'm going to have to tweak my workout schedule a bit. We took Eddie on our afternoon walk today. His dad is bringing over a stroller on Monday. The walking will be easy , I think I'll have to get up at 6 am and do my WATP though. Yikes- 6 am :yawn: I feel tired just thinking about it. I have to get Eddie comfortable with the playpen again. I thought maybe I'd get some m&m's and put him in the pen and give him a piece of candy so he associates the pen with something fun. I could kick his mother right now! That little guy deserves so much more. I have to add I only use the pen for his naps. I do not stick him in there and just leave him all day. . I am going out to buy a bike this weekend. I am so unsure about where to get it. Everyone says Walmart's bikes are cheaply made and crappy. I don't want to spend alot of $ on a bike . I just don't know. :huh: I'm waiting for dh to get home so we can walk our 2 miles. I need to get the girls in the bathtub. I'll talk to ya all later- Cindy :heart:
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters,
    Cindy thank you for the well wishes and hugs and compliment on the quote :)
    Hope everyone is doing something good for themselves. We have to ya know. Kay is a bit better this morning. Last night scared me, her fever was up to 104.3, highest its ever been, and she was talking out of her head and looked funny out of her eyes. I started with cold wash cloths to her face and in the folds of her joints and gave her children's motrin along with the antibiotics the dr. said we could give her and by bedtime the fever was down a bit. This morning after a very unrestful night we gave her the meds and more motrin and the temp was down to 101.9 so trying to keep up with it. The big thing now is getting her to eat something. She has no appetite. Going to try to get her to eat some chicken soup. Yes its heartwrenching when they are sick. Its been a difficult yr. for her this yr. and she has missed alot of school, but continues to be an honor student so I don't think they will hold her back at least I hope not.
    So nothing is getting done here but taking care of Kay and just found a moment to sit and thought I'd see what was going on in the real world, LOL.
    It is really hot here today, 86 and humid, very humid. So have the fan going and that seems to help some, rain is in the forecast later on, so maybe that will give us a bit of relief, we'll see.
    Well take care everyone, Debbie
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi friends ! Debbie, thanks for the update. Oh my goodness. I hope Kay is on the mend. Fevers are scary things. :frown: Give her another hug from me. :heart: When my 10 year old gets sick the only thing she'll eat is toast, fish crackers and pudding. I pump her full of juice too. We are doing a little school here today. I also plan to do my 3 mile watp workout and walk 2 miles outside. Avery wants to go swimming today too. Dh wants to go to a nitro car /truck event tonight. I'm not so sure I want to go. I hope everyone has a great weekend. ttfn- Cindy :heart:
  • yari
    yari Posts: 25
    Hi everyone sorry that i have been MIA....Just kinda busy...It is beautiful here in NYC it has reached up to 84 degrees today, I got up and went out for my walk this morning, i attempted to run, but forgot how hard it was to run outside, i've gotten so used to running on the treadmill....I have drank 100 oz of water today and i am so happy!!!! LOL..
    Well hope everyone has a great day

  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    calling all Heeters- Where in the heck is everybody? I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I had a great day today. I took Avery to the pool for a couple hours before lunch. I did my 3 mile watp workout and I walked 2 miles this evening. So far this week I've walked 28 miles in 7 hours and 58 minutes and burned 4,766 calories doing it. Soo I've added 16 hours to my life according to the American Heart Association. I weigh in tomorrow morning. I am taking the day off exercise tomorrow. I twisted my knee a little and I want to give myself a day to mend. We are going shopping tomorrow for groceries and some flowers for our deck. I also need to pick up a high chair for Eddie. Avery wants to go to the pool again too. I am not stepping in that pool for a couple more weeks of 90 degree weather. OK guys, I'm going to hit the hay- Sweet dreams--- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • Hey all,

    I hope everyone is doing well, it looks like it. This morning I've got more of my final report stuff to work on and quizzes to take but I thought I would take a small break and post. Yes I'm still case anyone was wondering.

    Debbie, How is your daughter this morning? It is pretty scary, especially with this swine flu stuff going around.

    My kitties were declawed this past wednesday, and they are back to normal today. So adorable. I need to figure out how to put photos into my posts to you can see how cute they are. Can anyone help with this?

    Anyway, I'm eating good, but with all my school stuff going on, I haven't been exercising very well. I'm hoping to get back on track this week.

    Hazel, how was your trip? The peanut butter you made sounds delicious!

    Gotta go for now,
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi friends ! How is everyone this fine Sunday? Weigh in for me today- I lost 4 more pounds ! :bigsmile: I love seeing that scale go down ! :smile: My knee is realy hurting but I think taking the day off exercise will be just what it needs. I plan on doing some light cleaning and going shopping . Oh I also need to do some laundry. I hope everyone has a great day ! ttfn- :heart: Cindy :heart:
  • LilWaterBug
    LilWaterBug Posts: 213
    Hello HEETers,

    I have only read the posts on *this* page so forgive me...

    Debbie, continue to watch Kayleigh. You did the right thing by covering her with cool towels. Regardless of all the medicine in our new world, when a person's internal temp gets too high you need to cool them off with a cool bath or towels to prevent permanent damage. You did the right thing and I hope she's feeling better and on the mend. post pictures to up a Photobucket account. It's free. Save your pictures to your computer and then upload them to Photobucket. ***Before you Upload...change the picture size to Medium (it's a drop down list in the upload section - otherwise your pictures will become HUGE on this site). Once it's uploaded it will appear on your "home page". Scroll your mouse over the picture and another drop down list will appear with a bunch of "codes". Scroll your mouse over the "IMG" code and click. It will tell you the code has been copied. Come to this thread and "Paste" the code. The code will look somethiing like need to change the "IMG"'s from all caps to lower case "img"'s. AT THE VERY END...don't miss the slash bar. You need to leave it, only change the letters I, M and G to lower case. Exit your post then come back to it immediately and Edit it to add anything you want to say like I did with my house photos. It sounds a little complicated but it's really easy once you get the hang of it. It took me forever playing around with it but now it's Easy Peasy for me.

    Cindy, you are a huge inspiration. And this isn't just lip service. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You are THE ONE that will carry this team. I hope that's not too much pressure but you are like Dee, one of the girls from my first HEET group back in the day. Sue can attest to this. Dee GOT IT...all the pieces finally clicked for her. She lost 70 pounds+ by changing her habits, eating better and exercising. Even though I started the group, Dee was our shining star and was always our motivation. She often attributed her success to me for starting the group, but the truth is, a single person can start anything. It's what the next individual does with what's laid before them that makes the difference. Dee took what I laid out and made it her own...she found her own purpose, her own message and her own way and OWNED it! Like Dee, You OWN it! You are on the right path and doing your own thing and you are MAKING IT HAPPEN! You have all my respect and well wishes for continued success. And I mean that in all seriousness.

    As for is gone. Left before dawn this morning. Seems like forever since I've eaten anything healthy and in fact, it would be the truth. No sense in running through all the details. The month of April was a lost cause for me. DH getting sick and then company for close to two weeks. Of course, I "could have done better" but I wasn't motivated to do so.

    HEETers...I'm feeling a different calling. I will continue to be absent from this thread for the immediate short term. It's something that has been knawing at my heart for months and something I need to pay attention to. It's not appropriate to discuss politics on this site but I have mentioned in the past, at least on the other site, that I am a very political person. It's time for me take action and stand up for what I believe in with regard to the current state of our Union. I am currently in the process of organizing meetings, within my community and via web, to promote the message I believe in. It's time consuming. But it's where my heart and mind are at this time and it's where I feel I need to be focused.

    I'm not saying I'm abandoning the group entirely...just for the short term...until I get all my ducks in a row and can find a common ground for my spare time. I'll come back and restart our thread on May 1st. If by the end of May I can't find a common ground I'll make a decision between my weight loss/this group and my political venture. In the meantime...please continue on your personal journies and be an inspiration to those of us who have fallen off the wagon and those that may join us in the future.

  • Thanks Julie for the info on how to do the photos. Please keep in touch, I think you have my personal email. I understand the political thing, I too am that way and am becoming increasingly frustrated by things currently. Anyway, keep in touch!

    Cindy - I agree with Julie, you are inspirational!

    Back to studying, only 2 weeks of this semester, yeah!!!

  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Heeters, good to see all of you, Julie, Cindy, Lucy, Bebe, Hazel, Yari and all that follow. Thank you all for the well wishes and support. Whew...........yes she is on the mend. Her fever broke last night and today she has a normal temp. She still is slowly eating, but that's to be expected, but keeping meds down and it really seems to be working. Me and Hubby are feeling poorly now., but parents don't get time off ya all know.
    Today was a very good day. A swap group I am active with had a miter saw they didn't want and I responded to get it for DH and before we left the lady called back and said can you use some window air conditioners. Oh what a blessing let me tell you. It has been so hot in this house with temps 87 and humid and yesterday the fans gave us little relief, even our puppy seemed sick from the heat and she and the cat just laid around. So we got two window air conditioners give to us and me and DH got them in the windows and got this little house cooled off quite comfortably. God is good that's for sure, I could not be more thankful.
    I don't mind the heat mind you, its the humidity that gets to me and I can't breathe, so just to have some cool air to circulate makes a world of difference. We are due to get some rain on Tuesday and its suppose to start cooling back into the low 70's and mid 50's at night. Its just muggy here this evening.
    So good you are all doing well, nice to hear it. Its late but was missing all of you and just got a chance to drop in. Take care, love to all, and thank you so much for your love and caring ways. I love my Heeter Sistah's Bunches, :blushing: Debbie
This discussion has been closed.