Food you HAD TO give up...



  • sarbu24
    sarbu24 Posts: 129 Member
    wheat thins, cake, and candy. I cannot let myself around it or I binge. BAD.

    Why are wheat thins so addicting??? I love them too!!
  • dumlings from work. And bourbon.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    I HAD TO give up pizza. I know if I'm smart about it, I could sneak in a couple of slices every now and then. However, I also know I'm incapable of stopping.

    That, and all fast food in general.
  • M&M's - Chocolate - Sugar!
  • sblueyez
    sblueyez Posts: 156 Member
    Let me start by saying, I believe in MOST things in moderation. That being said I don't think I'm capable of Doritos in moderation. I think my relationship with Doritos is mostly over. Not that I eat tons of Doritos but when I do I surely eat far too many... I think this probably applies to buttery popcorn as well.

    Ooh I was going to say NOTHING but then you had to go and say the D word...
  • Cheese
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    every night we would watch a recorded program before going to bed. half way through we would stop the playback and i would fix coffee and cake...every night! i sure miss that. we have replaced the cake with low fat yogurt and decided a cup of strong coffee isn't exactly what one should be having before going to bed. i miss my cake
  • I gave up breakfast buns that I got at the coffee shop on the corner of my street. Basically a bun made with cheese, spinach and garlic etc. they are delicious, but definitely not a great way to start the day. I've been making myself healthy breakfasts instead which has been doing wonders for me.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I HAD TO give up pizza. I know if I'm smart about it, I could sneak in a couple of slices every now and then. However, I also know I'm incapable of stopping.

    That, and all fast food in general.

    this reminds me of another time after reaching my goal and i had a slice of my favorite pizza. after eating healthy for about 4 months, the pizza tasted gross!! it was greasy and heavy. i couldn't figure out how i could have loved that pizza... but, hey, unfortunately i got used to it again.. :huh:
  • lafournier2
    lafournier2 Posts: 20 Member
    ice cream (honestly, who ever eats only 1/2 a cup... that is a stupid serving size!)
    starbucks (except the skinny coffees)
    cake/brownies/frosting (wayyyy to delicious)
    still snag an occasional piece of Dove chocolate or a krackle bar here or there at work... but no more than 1 a day.
    salad dressing (i use olive oil and balsamic vinegar now)

    i agree w/ giving up the sugar substitutes as well, supposedly they make you crave more sugar as they activate sugar receptors in the brain like 1000x normal sugar... leaving you craving more after it is processed.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    We haven't bought bread since before Christmas. I also don't buy certain foods - chips, fast food, - basically greasy stuff. I had my gall bladder out in 2005 so eating that stuff is not only way bad for my diet, well, it has some other nasty side effects.

    The one thing that is my big downfall is cake / buttercream frosting.
    I did have some no-bake cookies over the weekend and they were damn good. But no way will I have them in the house!!

    Oh & Diet pop. I quit drinking pop when I was pregnant last summer - and now it tastes bad and I have also noticed it's a major trigger food for me (sweets). I also figure I have already went through the caffeine withdrawal, why give in to that again for something I am not even going to enjoy?
  • MnMs. ESPECIALLY the ones with the pretzels in it. I almost ate an entire PARTY SIZE bag the last time I got a hold of bueno.