Just started 30 Day Shred Today 6th Feb. Anyone takers?



  • Day one just completed, as my dvd player is my laptop I still havent moved from the floor, feel free to add me though i am sure the support would be welcomed!!!
  • LJV1031
    LJV1031 Posts: 502 Member

    The ones that kill me are the arm. The side lunge, I'm fine with the lunge it's the arms that kill me. I cannot raise to eye level and the squat where you raise weights. I can squat further than day 1 great burn in thighs but I want to die lifting the weights! !

    Progress is progress. I am proud of myself.

    ^This!!! Oh man, I think my arms are going to fall off sometimes. :explode: Lol

    Oh... I've completed level 1- Day 4.
  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    Day 5 under my belt....I was able to do the jumping jacks and jump rope easier today...they are the toughest for me.
  • started 30DS 4 days ago, kinda new on here and would love for you guys/gals to add me so we can have a good support group.
  • I moved on to Level 2 (today was day 2) after 7 days of level 1. I nearly died, at least twice. Level one was easy except for the stupid arm side squat things. Level 2 might just be the death of me! I didn't take pictures or measure but I've lost about a pound since starting.
  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    Day 6 is safely behind me now.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    For those about to start..

    I'm on day 9 today and daunted to move on, I weighed on a pharmacists scales for body fat 5 days ago and again today. Within 5 days I'm down 0.9% 1kg of body fat!!! no movement at all on my regular scales but that means I've swapped 1kg of bumpy lumpy fat for lean muscle!

    Bring it on Jillian!!
  • ak21211
    ak21211 Posts: 31 Member
    I have been a lazy so and so ... not done it for the weekend ... will get back to it today,
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Day 9 for me today.. bit daunted about going up a level.. i've had day 10 in my head, so thats tomorrow!! OMG
    Bit alarmed to read it kills you! lol

    I'm pleased to say I'm down 0.9% body fat and thats 1kg less on the scales I weighed on. feels good because my bathroom scales still don't move! lol

    Anyway, onwards and upwards if you're just starting have faith.
  • So, I started last week on Tuesday... Skipped Wednesday - Friday. Wednesday because I was REALLY FREAKIN SORE! Thursday and Friday I was at work running around so I counted that as my exercise for those days. I'm a nurse, so when I say run, I mean walking at a really fast pace, unless there is a code or something! LOL Thursday I was still sore while at work and walking around from Tuesday. Saturday I did it again and am going to do it after I get off of here. =D In total, with my calorie counting and doing all of this stuff, I have lost another 3.5 pounds over the weekend! ^^ I feel so proud of myself! =D Anywho.. Time to get started! Oh yeah, and STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH! Before and after this workout too! =D
  • I just started the 30day shred yesterday, and it was harder than I thought. I had to take a couple 5sec breaks. How do you add the shred a to your excercises?
  • I have been doing 30 DS since Feb. 7th. Now on day 6 level 1. Trying to do it every day, but had to skip one day because of knee pain. Have realized that the high impact moves like jumping jacks really hurts my knee. I am substituting jumping jacks with power walking with jumping jack arm movements and and the boxing cardio. Is any one else having to modify for the jumping jacks?
  • I'm on day 2 ! Feel free to add me :)
  • valproulx
    valproulx Posts: 10 Member
    Today I will do Day 6 of the 30 day shred. I started last wednesday doing it every day with only taking Sunday off for rest day. I am also running on the treadmill as well as the 30 day shred. I am doing level 1 for 10 days then will do level 2 for 10 days and finish up with level 3 for the remaining 10 days.

    Anyone have any really good results?
  • I am starting my 30 day shred tonight as well! I am up for the challenge. This sounds like fun.
  • denisehoust5
    denisehoust5 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All,
    I'm new to this community, What is the 30 day shred?
  • valproulx
    valproulx Posts: 10 Member
    The 30 day shred is a fitness dvd from Jillian Michaels.
  • just started a group for those who are starting this week "30ds 02/16/2012" if anyone wants to join
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    just started a group for those who are starting this week "30ds 02/16/2012" if anyone wants to join
    can I join 10 days in? I'll be repeating it as have a way to go.
  • The arm things kill me too! I keep trying to focus on doing the squat without falling over and forget my arms, and if I focus on my arms, I almost fall over cause I place my feet wrong during the squat... LOL So... I skip the arms.. LOL Just out of not wanting to fall! =D