What shoes do you wear?



  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I'm a barefoot lady. Was rough at first, but once my feet got strengthened it worked out great. I occasionally wear a pair of yoga sandals or my vibrams for outdoor running, but otherwise it's all natural for this lady. :)
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I have asics. Before them my knees hurt when I run. Now? Joy :3

    Edit: Also, go to a running store and get someone to watch your form, they'll be able to best recommend shoes for you.

    Running shoes and cross training shoes (for work outs like Zumba and the like) are very different. You *may* find a running store that has a range of cross trainers and staff that understand the differences but it is pot luck. Either way you gait whilst running is largely irrelevant when performing a dance or boxercise style work out with multiple complex step types. What I would not recommend is that you either run in cross trainers or do Zumba/aerobics sessions etc in running shoes.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Completely agree with the above: Running shoes are just not suitable for cross training.

    Which is why I cant help you much because my XT shoes are basically my oldest pair of running shoes (I have three pairs at a a time now - ones being broken in, ones which are on their way out and ones which are no longer suitable for running (but look fine on the outside) which I use for any non-running activity.