Those damn resolutioners



  • This post is why I do not go to public gyms. I will stick with my little bowflex and my workout videos. At least I can cuss at home and look all nasty with no one else complaining if I sweat on stuff and not clean it up right away. Besides that is just nasty, you don't know where those peoples hands have been. ball sweat *shudders* nasty.

    And I am a resoluntioner and I am here for the long haul even if my husband isn't. I wanna look sexy sitting out by my pool.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    This post is why I do not go to public gyms.

    I was just using a little humor. I wasn't really ranting about resolutioners ;)

    We welcome you all, as long as you use gym etiquette.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    LOL! flirt your way to the weights! :P
  • modgirlrachel
    modgirlrachel Posts: 44 Member
    Might want to lay off the steroids btw. Your rage is showing. :laugh:

    accusing someone of being a drug addict is not as funny as you apparently think it is...
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    They're all gone from mine for the most part.
    The one's who have stuck it out however leaving freaking 150 million pounds on a free weight bar than leave it in the middle of the free weight area and never put it away. WHO THE HELL do they expect to do that????? I didn't know who did it so I just complained really loud about it and continued with my little 10 pound weights.

    next time ask someone like me for help. i pick things up and put them down
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    They're all gone from mine for the most part.
    The one's who have stuck it out however leaving freaking 150 million pounds on a free weight bar than leave it in the middle of the free weight area and never put it away. WHO THE HELL do they expect to do that????? I didn't know who did it so I just complained really loud about it and continued with my little 10 pound weights.
    Technically, the heaviest weight on there is 45lbs. 99% of adults can lift 45lbs with their entire body...

    Although its still rude.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Once the warmer months come along. they will be gone!

    Once the warmer months come I might be gone too. Tennis and outdoor running. Weights will take a back seat ;)
  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    why Mondays and wednesdays though? this is what i dont get. I left it a bit late tonight, went at about 7.30pm rather than straight after work at 5 and i had the swimming pool to myself for most of the night, apart from a women who got in, stood at the shallow end, sort of bounced up and down for 10 minutes holding onto the ladder, then did a length, hung on to the deep end ladder for about 5minutes, then swam down the shallow end and got out. she never even bothered taking her glasses off.