What are the lifestyle changes you made?



  • ditzyFlip
    ditzyFlip Posts: 104 Member
    If you converted 10 8oz cups of water a day to a water bottle, you'd be drinking 5 16oz water bottles a day. I don't think you have to drink that much. :O Three should be enough, right?

    Some lifestyle changes I've made recently:
    - Drinking (trying) at least three water bottles a day.
    - Constantly sipping green tea throughout the day.
    - At least 30-45min cardio exercise 3 times a week.
    - Severely cutting my calories to 800-1000 calories a day.
    - Making lunch instead of buying it at the university cafe.
    - Cutting out fried dishes completely (and fast food in general).
    - Cutting out sweets for the most part.
  • Without a doubt... recording my meals!! that alone made me change so many other aspects.

    Recording my meals
    Committed to workout more (4 days now)
    Eating breakfast, I was a big offender of not eating in the morning.
    Added additional fiber to the diet.
    Taking a daily vitamin now including fish oil since my doc said so..
    making smarter decisions about what I want to order when I do go out and eat.
    Actually drinking more water helped me out a ton.

    Those are the main things I have done and bumped up a bit (Recording foods and water mainly)
    Good Luck!
  • I started doing Zumba 5-6 times per week, and some light calesthenics on my work breaks. I'm now adding some free step with a weighted vest and dumbell work as well.

    The only diet change I made was to limit to 1/2 bottle of wine per night on (most) weekdays. And I seem to have unintentionally developed an addiction to cocoa roast almonds.

    Cocoa roast almonds are the BOMB
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    - 12 cups of water MINIMUM daily
    - I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks most days
    - Very little fast food
    - When I eat out, I try to stay within my calories and pick a healthy veggie with chicken or fish
    - No more eating things before I log them (unless I already know how many calories it has)
    - Very little soda
    - I mostly drink water, juice, and whole milk these days
    - I eat cheese less frequently
    - I work out 45 minutes to an hour everyday
    - I try not to eat "out of the bag" (chips/crackers) - I count EVERY thing out
    - I measure everything from peanut butter to chicken to oatmeal to soy sauce
    - I only cook one portion unless I'm cooking for bf and I, and even then I measure his and mine so there are no leftovers for me to eat.
  • Two things I can input:
    1. No alcohol at all! Alcohol seriously affects performance and muscle growth (which is key to burning calories). Since women generally have less testosterone then men, they don't develop muscle as easily; anymore alcohol consumption will reduce that growth.
    2. QUALITY/INTENSITY of your exercise sessions. For example, doing 10 minutes of a very difficult total body exercise regiment is more effective than a 30 minute "jog." I would say two 30+ minute jogs a week of at least 70% of your max HR, two 15-20 minute exercises that are much more intense and engage your whole body (squats, burpees, planks, pushups), and then one easy cross-training workout at around 30-40 minutes.

    In my opinion, your caloric intake (1300 calories) is quite low especially if you exercise 5 times a week and if you are already going full blast with your workouts for 30 minutes.
  • I've made some big changes and some subtle ones.
    - drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day
    - cut way down on carbs
    - tracking my calories and sticking to my daily allowance .. most days :-)
    - I bring my lunch to work everyday instead of hitting the local burger joint
    - Reduced my portion sizes
    - More fruit and veggies
    - Using light mayo, light butter, skim milk
    - Not eating when I'm not really hungry
    - More physical activity
    - Not guilting myself to death when I do go over my allowance; I just get back on the track the next day
    - Always allowing myself one free day
  • AWelden2012
    AWelden2012 Posts: 13 Member
    Bump for later!
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Drink Lots of water (atleast 8 glasses a day)
    Watch what I eat (use turkey instead of hamburger and find alternatives to unhealthy foods)
    Log Everything
    Cut back on creamer in my coffee (this was actually major)
    Workout for at least 1 hour 6 days a week.
    Run as much and as far as I can without getting sick
    Bought the equipment I need to quit the gym
    Bought the right shoes to keep me propelled
    I make no excuses
    I feel terrible if I miss a workout day
    Getting my family and loved ones involved
    Trying to inspire others
  • ItsVJ
    ItsVJ Posts: 107 Member
    Logging EVERYTHING I eat. I've been tempted to "skip" a little snack here or there, but then remind myself that it would only be ME whom I was cheating!
    Stopped about 98% of fast food. And now, when I HAVE to eat it, I try to select the healthiest options available.
    Exercising 3-4 days a week, an hour each session. Have grown to really enjoy the "ME" time that workouts give me. I just close off the world, click on my music and sweat the stress out.
    Read your success stories EVERY DAY on MFP. It really makes a difference in my motivation and, thus, my life as a whole, to read comments from people just like me who are trying to turn their lives around.

    Thanks everybody!

  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Bump for later
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    - Cut my alcohol consumption in half
    - Increased consumption of fruits and veggies
    - Increased consumption of water
    - Added 15-20 minutes of exercise to my schedule most days
    - And, of course, I log in EVERY SINGLE THING that I eat and stay close to my calorie goal except for an occasional spike day.

    With just these changes, I'm having the success that I didn't seem to be able to achieve before I found MFP. Woo hoo!!
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    quit smoking 105 days ago... starting eating right (counting cals/1500/day) ... running... up to 4.5 mi/4x week now.. figured I enjoyed the hell outta my first 40 years, let us see how the next 40 go but on the flip side of the coin.