People who have pro-anorexia profiles



  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Completely agree. These are also the same people who also give people a hard time for not losing weight their way. Only their way is right.
    I think if someone creates a profile on a fitness site fitted with many tools for the purpose of using those tools to further their disease, there are two things at play here:

    1) Yes, it is totally their business. They are sick and need help, but it's not for me to judge or call them out because what the hell does it have to do with me? These people need messages of kindness and support, not judgment and name-calling and condescension.

    2) The site belongs to a private party. As such, that private party ultimately has a say over who uses the service. If they decide to judge and condescend to pro-ana individuals, that's their decision to make. I wouldn't personally agree with it, but it isn't my site.

    What do other people's profiles have to do with anybody besides the person to whom that profile belongs? You can't even find it without searching for it, so it's not like they are throwing their (albeit twisted) mindset in your face.
