Other than losing lb's, how do you measure progress?



  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    How my clothes fit
    How I look naked.

    Not being pervy or anything, but i think that is a great practice for women. Typically women have horrible self-body image & if you can see yourself nude and start pointing out things you like, then I think your self esteem improves. Especially when you get to start pointing out new things as you continue on your healthier life journey.
  • The way my clothes fit! In addition to the scale I also measure my waist, legs and arms each week and mark the progress. Even though I've only lost 10 pounds, I've lost several inches off my tummy and thighs.
  • Costello08
    Costello08 Posts: 18 Member
    I have the same problem. I lose weight slowly. I try not to get discouraged with the scale and go by how my clothes fit. I've only lost 4 pounds in about 25 days but my clothes are noticeably loser. I've even had someone at work comment that it looked like I'm losing weight. I feel better and really that's what counts.
  • I've actually hit a plateau with weight loss, but the fact that I still have to buy new pants because the pants I got for Christmas are too big indicates that something is still happening. I agree with the others - take measurements and don't get discouraged.
  • i have stuck for about 3 weeks now but my clothes are looser - I think my body is building muscle which I believe is what happens, go by how your clothes fit, as well as what the scales say :) Good luck x
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I, too, am curious as to how you calculate your body fat %.

    The use of body fat calipers is one of the more accurate ways.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I think you should be very pleased with your slow weight loss. That's the healthy, smart kind. The kind that will stay off and not apt to return.

    But in general, I personally measure my progress by how healthy and fit I feel, how strong I am. Also, I feel like I am making progress if I feel good about the way I fit in my clothes and in general how I look. I don't put the premium on appearance that a younger woman might. But everyone wants to present well.

    There are many things to consider besides the scales. In fact, the scales are perhaps the worst judge of your fitness.