Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Go pmag, you can do it! Get your 7 yo to be the photographer for sure. The other people don't matter in this - you know what you can do and you are the one who's going to do it. Get on with it and no looking for excuses ;)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey guys I finished squats at 60 kgs.
    My third attempt at 62 kg was aflail
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Somebody just squatted more than my possible total weight for the day
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    So I failed all three bench attempts at 82.5 lbs.
    This leaves me a lot of room for improvement at my next meet
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    My dl was better at 75 kg. that's a pr.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    My dl was better at 75 kg. that's a pr.

    Congrats!! A mixed bag of results for you but to be expected for your first meet. Well done for getting there and getting it done. 75kg on the DL is awesome.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Congratulations pmag. 75kg deadlift is amazing! Did you get pictures?
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Awesomeness pmag!! Pictures please :smiley:
  • Congrats pmag! You are awesome! I truly don't know much about these meets but I admire you just for putting yourself out there and competing. :smile:

    I did stage two workout 1A again yesterday. It was awesome! I am hoping 1B goes better tomorrow so I can move forward.

    I also think I may add in some of Bret Contreras' at home workouts for the booty to compliment this program while I am working through it. I have been reading his book and his focus makes a lot of sense to me too. I am now positive that this will be the plan I follow after NROL4W and I am super excited. I never dreamed I would be able to things as physically challenging as these programs.

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Congrats on it pmag!! Not what you hoped for on bench, but better than planned on DL!! WTG!! No coach or dh? That's hard too, it you did great! Good for you!! First if many I suspect...:)

    Ali-that's great about the JM workout! Slimmer thighs would be awesome! I need to add more cardio back I suppose...hope comic con was fun!

    Phx-I've done c25k twice before. Good program and 5ks are fun! But I just don't enjoy running. I'll do some HIIT for the fat burn and aerobic benefits, but never learned to love running. Walking I love, Zumba I enjoy, bike rides are fun too. But in general, I just haven't seen much benefit from cardio. Even though I know there are benefits :). And thx for the app info!

    Beeps-thanks! And that was me about the JE workout. Still narrowing down my choices... :).

    With squeezing in a workout...it's not the actual workout that stops me, it's the lack of time after to shower and primp before the next event. if sweaty and unkempt were all good I'd workout more. Especially my hair! I hate doing my hair! Lol! This is why. Didn't workout Saturday or today. Not enough time to clean up afterwards. But Monday I'm back to it. Only 2 workouts last week :(. I'll live.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Wow! Pmagnan! That is AWESOME!

    You are the ONLY competitor that wanders this thread.....you are a BIG DEAL!!!

    How totally cool!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I start my four-day split tomorrow!

    I have a cold-virus!

    I have very little appetite! I hope I drop a couple pounds before xmas week.

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    so my profile pic is from the meet.
    Thanks everyone for your support I was a little nervous and it helped to log in.

    I think everyone should do a comp. when I look back at sept when I decided to do it all my lifts improved. My dl improved almost 20%. My squat is the same but I am much smarter about it. My bench technically I didn't make it. But in the gym it improved 30%. I did injure my right arm but I think it is already healed.

    So I am pretty hooked. I"need" to hit a Bp in a comp even if if is just the bar. I heard a thirty minute talk on bench and I asked questions. Next time it will be better.

    So everyone sign up. It is just thirty dollars to join usapowerlifting. They refund your money if you don't compete.
    This was an expensive event-- I traveled to it, etc. but there are tons of local events. I know that the international powerlifting federation sponsors events in Canada and I'm sure someone competes in Australia.
    My comp was one third women. There were fifty and sixty year old women competing and one got the us deadlift record.
    Everyone is friendly and noncompetitive. You are competing against yourself in a safe way with people cheering you on.
    It was obvious I was a total noob I didn't have a belt. Or wraps. Or a bench shirt . But the crowd totally cheered when I hit my first squat. It was exhilarating.

    Please consider it.
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    Wow! Pmagnan! That is AWESOME!

    You are the ONLY competitor that wanders this thread.....you are a BIG DEAL!!!

    How totally cool!

    This Pmag ^^^ I couldn't agree more. You're lifts were great especially your dl. We are all in awe of you. I know it was stressful, but I hope you at least had a bit of fun. You should be so proud of yourself, we're proud of you.

    Comic con fan fest was ok.It was much smaller than the regular one that we have during the summer, but our main goal was to find Christmas gifts for the kids and that we did. There were many times when I felt guilty being there without the kids and seeing so many thing they would have loved, but I know we will see it again in the summer. I realized just how nerdy we are when I thought that I am in the stadium of one of the top nfl team (the Cardinals) but I'm there for comic con dressed as Daenerys Targaryen, and I must have pulled it off since I had several people stop me and ask for a picture. It was nice, but if I wear it to the next one I need to learn to answer to khaleesi. And when I picked up my kids my oldest told me my hair looked like the girl from Game of Thrones lol, if he only knew. ( NO I don't let him watch it lol)

    I hope you all had a good weekend. And again Pmag, you are awesome and so brave. No coach, no husband and you did it. Others would have wimped out, but you didn't you are just wow!, so cool. You know we're really going to look up to you now ( especially me & dna(short joke )).
    I'll try to keep this good mood for tomorrow, but I've become notoriously grumpy on Mondays.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Pmag-love the pic and love the attitude! You're a great example and inspiration! I like the idea of a competition eventually. I'm still pretty weak compared to my body weight...but planning to change that in time. :)

    Ali-I have no idea what you described, but think it's so cool you went! And dressed up! Love it! Too funny you felt guilty without the boys! Glad you got the presents you hoped for!

    Beeps-let me know how you like your split!! I'm still trying to decide what to do. I was planning on Jamie Eason's 4 day livefit plan, it's m-th then 3 days off which I like. But there are some parts that don't appeal to me...still looking for the "perfect" plan. Lol!

    Did 7.3 rerun today. Went well. My DL is improving! Hooray! I love the big lifts, the compound ones and get so excited for squats, DLs and bench. Maybe I should just do a strength program for a while to improve these bigger lifts? I'm kind of jonesing for bigger weights. If I get bored with it I can add stuff, or find something else, but strength is good. :) hmm. So many choices, and I'm sure none of them are bad choices. I still have so much fat I'd like to lose, I feel like just doing SL won't be enough. Fun getting to decide though! :)
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    You know you've been here a while when you start getting creepy pm's from randoms wanting to be your friend :wink:

    Pmag, you are so totally awesome <3

    Ali, a Comic Con is on my to-do list :smile: I doubt the husband would go with me, so I'll have to find someone else to drag along - it's not as much fun going by myself.

    Today can be described as this:

    Shopping with children at Christmas time. Not recommended. Remaining Christmas presents can stay in the shop.

  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Pmag, I am so impressed and amazed. I think what you did is amazing. I could never ever do it. Way to go!

    Still here, still tackling BT4 and getting all the holiday stuff ready before school ends for my boys this week. Then two weeks full of family togetherness while the two littles are home, plus my husband. I will be escaping to the gym and doing some Boxing Day shopping with a girlfriend for sure!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I was too sick to workout, today.

    So, 4-day splits will wait for january. I will just keep doing Venus to close out 2014.

    Pmagnan, i will be your cheerleader! I have NO interest in competing. At all. But cheer i can do.
  • elliebellie78
    elliebellie78 Posts: 41 Member
    So... going to try Body Pump today... no idea how much weight to use for the class though. Should I go 1/2 the weight I normally lift? I think the reps are more then double what NROL has... if not more.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Ellie-don't put that much on the bars. Is a killer!

    Beeps-sorry you're sick :(.

    Pudding-sounds like the gym will be your oasis! Good times ahead :).

    DNA-lol! I shop alone! Much better for all of us!

    Ok, made my decision. I'm gonna do SL 5x5 with some supplemental ab and isolation work as I see fit. I'm mostly excited to up my strength on the compounds-squat, DL and bench...and this seems a good fit for that desire. I'm actually gonna start tomorrow rather than keep repeating stage 7 until January. It starts a bit lighter so it'll be almost a rest. I know I should take a full week break somewhere in here, but I don't really wanna. We'll see how energy levels go. I may miss some through the next few weeks festivities :).