Daily Chat Thread



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Beeps-I'm sorry for the disheartening info. But, like I tell my girls, you don't need 20 offers, just 1 good one. Keep your chin up and refocus on your goals. I'm sure te right opportunity is out there :).
    Dou-hope your back feels better. Enjoy that nice weather!
    DNA-I personally believe sanity is overrated ;) my legs are my worst feature :(. Progress is happening, but I'll never have great ones.
    Dawn-your knocking it out!! Go girl!
    Jo-that's a lot of activity! A rest day is a good idea too! Glad you're working on your form. Sore is good :)

    I lifted today and yesterday. Felt good! My squats today, although de loaded down to 70lbs, felt good. I had good form, hit my reps pretty easily and maintained good open chest and more upright posture during them! Yay! That's a big win for Me!

    Resting tomorrow, or maybe some cardio. Then lift Thursday and Friday. Good week! Down 1.5 lbs too, finally!!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I'm gonna put this here because I love you guys.

    You don't have any bad features. Not a single one of you.

    You are all beautiful, awesome and amazing. Even down to the lumps, bumps and cellulite that we all have.

    You are not defined by how you look, but by your beautiful nature.

    Don't compare yourselves to anyone else - it is your uniqueness that makes you truly special.

    And to me, you're all freaking bad-*kitten*.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    aawwww.... I got starred **** lol
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited September 2015
    Ooooo stars, lol

    Posting with tablet so we will see how this goes.

    Julie - thanks
    Beeps - good luck as that sounds rough. I am just in retail but need to apply to places as moving up options aren't working out but it's discouraging out there.

    Day 2 of PHUL and it was lower body power, which is fun. Though I added good mornings and I didn't follow the rep and set range on dead lift as wanted to try getting above 200 but that wouldn't go well at 3 sets.

    Squat 1x4 and 2x5 @ 170 - can do 3 to 5 reps and first set wasn't sure I could get one more. Managed and new max for me.

    Deadlift - warm up 1x5 @ 135 rdl type, 1x3 @ 185, then working set 1x2 and 1x1 @ 205 - freaking heavy but it yet bit closer to goal.

    Leg press 3x10 @ 210 - not bad

    Good morning 3x12 @ 60 - nothing unusual

    Seated leg curl 3x10 @ 50 - not bad, tad different

    Rotary calf 4x10 @ 70 - weird, not used to doing any calf specific ones.

    Next up is sleep.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Julie - well done, always good to ace the form

    Dna - feeling the <3

    Dawn - I'm new to calf stuff too.... still working out the best way to train these. Everything seems awkward. Your DL of 205 is my max - well done, you're smashing it.

    Question re: leg press..... do you count the weight of the platform when you put in your numbers? I asked today at my gym - the platform weighs 47kg (103lbs) - seems quite significant! I've gotten up to adding 130kg, so that's a total of 177kg or 390lbs for 3 sets of 8. I have no idea if this is good/ bad/ reasonable. Seems a lot but yet my squat is so *kitten*. Grrrrrr
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Join - thanks. That 205 is the most I have ever done so far. And as for question, I don't count the platform as I can't find how much the one at my gym weighs as it can vary. Yours sounds awesome to me. My 210 is just the weights of the plates and it feels heavy.

    Day 3 and upper hyper today

    Incline bench press 4x10 @ 55 - not bad and not as much struggle with it compared to first attempt in nrolfw.
    Bench db fly 3x8 @ 12.5 - odd but okay. Had to look it up first.
    Seated row 3x8 @ 70 - managed but might need to decrease for rep range.
    One db row 4x10 @ 22.5 - okay too
    Db later raise 3x8 @ 10 - challenging as hadn't done before.
    Seated db curl 3x8 @ 15 - almost too heavy but 12.5 was taken. Tad odd sitting and curling.
    Cable tri extension 3x10 @ 40 - so that is what that lift is... different but not bad.

    Now for freight day at work.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Dawn-your new routine sounds similar to mine. I did many of the same lifts today :) I did lateral raises with DBs today for the first time. I've been using the machine, and triceps press downs too. Incline bench too ;). DB curls, but I do them standing, bent over row with a barbell. Lol.
    DNA-thanks! Lol at the ****'s. We all have our strengths and weaknesses...but you're right, we're all bad *****!
    Jo-I don't count the leg press machine in mine...not sure how much ours weighs! I'd guess 45lbs, but who knows. The calf machine weighs 95 lbs! Seems ridiculous to me, but it says right on the machine.

    Good workout today...I watched myself in the mirror during my DB lateral raises and was delighted to see the definition in my shoulders. :smiley: definite progress there!! I'm balancing my pear lower half with a larger upper body these days :smile: regardless of what the scale says I'm happy with my workouts and recomposition thus far. Now, if only my jeans would fit and even get a bit loose. Hopefully by thanksgiving I'll be able to wear all my jeans comfortably!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    40kg (88lbs). Still pathetic but hey, it has taken me 7 months!! This means I have added 20% to this lift in that time, so I'm pretty pleased about that. I am also now getting my previous 1 rep max at 3 sets of 5. I probably could have done it a while back but no spotter so always psyched myself out of it. No spotter today either, I just though f**k it, lol. No spotter = no choice but to manage it.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - interesting. :smile: I am liking it so far and think a little more triceps work is going to be a good thing in particular.

    Jo - great job. Bench is a tough one.

    Cardio today = 5 mile run (trying to accept it as running though I am slow)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited September 2015
    Ladies, I am still here. Summer sucked with my Oma passing away not exactly by surprise but not exactly something we saw coming that soon, either. It honest threw me off track of eating for the entire two months and I have gained back about 7 pounds of the 20 that I had lost. Not the end of the world, but I had worked WAY TOO DAMN HARD for them to reappear. I totally gave in to my binge eating to cope with the sadness. Thank God I kept up with workouts, otherwise the 7 would have been 10 or 15. Anyway, both my boys are finally at school (grade 2 and junior kindergarten!) and my eating has been back on track (mostly) for the last week, so hopefully I will have more time for me, less stress, and will get back down and keep descending! I am into phase 2 of NROL Abs and really liking it.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hello folks,
    Sorry, I've been hiding out. Life took a serious left turn and I'm not doing so great. Through a series of unfortunate events, my mother is now crashing on my couch for the next week or so. I sincerely hope I can get to the gym even for some silly classes even just to get my *kitten* out of the house. And if I keep eating my mother's cooking I'll pack on a lot more than the ten pounds I've gained recently due to stress and not hitting the gym.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Geez, pudding and samntha!! Sorry for your bad news blues!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I walked thursday, friday and saturday....weather is too good to waste! Worked out every day this week. Weight down four lbs since i started "fall back challenge" (three weeks ago), so I am feeling decent.

    Will lift tomorrow. Surgery is on Thursday, so "lifting break" is on the horizon.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Sorry to hear things have been rough both Sam and Pudding.

    Nice work Beeps.

    Yesterday had an over 2 mile, very slow walk for a charity event. Had to follow the cop car, so that made it even warmer since I was right behind it pretty much the whole way. Then went dress shopping with coworker since stepsister's wedding is less than 2 months away. Did end up buying one though I've heard something about held outside (in november, in northern colorado...) so may need to find a coat too. I went to the gym after we ate pizza. However, I packed everything but a pair of shorts for the gym. So, I ended up lifting in a skirt that happened to have short part attached underneath. Still slightly awkward but got day 4 of the new lifting program done. Didn't run this morning though and I'm going to change middle length run to same day as lifting because having lift, long run, lift, middle length run be back to back, is getting a little too tiring on my legs. So, I'm going to make the day after long run a rest day. I'm at 5 miles now for it and should be at 6 in beginning of October.

    day 4 lower hyper

    front squat 4x10 @ 65 - decent, though wrists a little achy
    bar lunges 3x8 @ 50 - did 8 per leg, not bad though never a fan of the static (or even walking) lunge, I liked the foot elevated versions from NROLFW a little more.
    leg extension 3x8 @ 65 - easy enough, I did this on occasion when bored waiting for squat rack in past.
    leg curl 3x10 @ 80 - okay.
    seated calf (rotary calf thing) 3x10 @ 70 - same as power day, not sure on calf stuff in gym.

    Not too bad overall, though kind of wish it had rdl or something. Made it through first set of days, so back to power upper on Tuesday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I love my running skirts, DawnE! I don't run...and I don't wear them to the gym, but the athletic-brief-under-comfy-skirt has been my "go to" wardrobe staple all summer!!

    I lifted today! BOOM!

    Down 5 lbs since the start of the "Fall Back Challenge"!! BOOM!

    There is some koo-koo pattern in my body when shedding fat...week 1 and 2 are always "myeh"...maybe a lb, maybe 2, but by week three my body has figured out, "okay, guess this chick really is NOT gonna ingest anymore food..." and DUMPS. Finally. Four lbs SWOOSHED this week. I may only take 3- of those 4- stars, for some "cushion", but I am FINALLY on my way. BOOM!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Got my liftin in and done for today. BOOM!

    Only two more lifting days before my eye surgery and (therefore) a forced lifting break.....I am nervous, but very ready to get it all behind me.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Beeps-hope all goes well! Your body will appreciate the rest! Good job losing!
    Sam and Pudding-:hugs: so sorry! Hang in there!
    Dawn-just listenting to you discuss your "runs" makes me smile :). Go little runner!
    Jo-woohoo on your bench!! Inspiring! I'm finally up to 65lbs, and hope to continue improving.

    Saw new chiro/dr/trainer and masseuse today! It's going to change things for me, but the trainer loves that I lift and wants me to keep doing it. I'll need to deload a few, like squat for a while. He's working on hip mobility, psoas, and lots of stretching which will soon help :). For now the neck adjustments are giving me pain and headaches, back not too bad, but hopefully it'll be a temporary part. Planning to drop lifting back to 3x/week, as I'm now seeing dr 3x/week which is killing the schedule!

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Good luck. We'll be here for you.

    Julie - Thanks. It's still a little weird to think of myself as a runner. :blush:

    2 miles this morning. I slept in though so it was far later than normal but still chilly out. Soon I may need my sweater for running. It's really big as it was a little big back in January but that's okay. I have a short shift at work tonight then will lift weights at the gym. Hopefully I pack shorts this time though work pants are probably easier to lift in than the skirt. lol
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Oh yeah, I should post yesterday's lifting session. Would have after the gym but person staying at our apartment was already asleep on the couch and I didn't want to disturb her. Had short shift yesterday instead of the day off but it worked out fine that way. Back around to upper body heavy lifting though I'd had less than 1000 calories all day long before gym and I'd really felt it when I was trying to push things up. Did okay despite low fuel but could have done better.

    Day 5 - Upper Power

    bench press 3x5 @ 90 - quite heavy
    db incline bench 3x8 @ 30 - harder this week
    bent row 3x4 @ 95 - heavy for that type for me but difficult, sort of did 5 reps but the last weren't great so didn't count them.
    lat pull 3x10 @ 60 - less than last time but far easier, no shoulder issue
    OHP 1x5, 1x4, 1x5 @ 70 - heavy but managed
    bar curl 3x10 @ 30 - easy but don't have a fixed 35 so did this instead
    skull crusher 3x8 @ bar - better than last time, elbow wasn't cranky but arms still shaky. Held bar in middle of where it dips instead of on the inside part and seemed to help a little.

    After that I came home, had a pb honey sandwich and a little candy (options in order to not disturb house guest, then went to bed. Today may or may not be day off, waiting to hear if someone is able to work their shift or not. We'll see.