She is killing herself!



  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Unfortunately it is out of your hands. My familly hinted, insulted, talked about me behind my back and nothing worked. I have anxiety, so I would get freaked out at the overwhelming nature of having to track calories, exercise & lose weight. I was afraid I had to stop eating the foods I loved and starve myself. I was afraid I could not walk in a gym for fear of people staring and snickering behind my back. A LOT of factors, aka excuses, went into me not "getting" it and continue down that unhealthy path. She has to figure it out for herself. Something eventually will give and hopefully it wont be too late.
    Show her my picture and tell her how long it took me to get where I am. I was 361 back in June and I am under 300 now!! I can breathe, I can walk a 5k and I can run up to 3 blocks at a time.
  • First off I want to thank each and every one of you for you kind words! I love my sister so much, and I guess after burying my brother not to long ago, it just HURTS! There is 13 of us (now 12) brother and sisters. We have tried harsh words and soft words, but like most of you have said until she decides there's nothing we can do. I had to learn that know one can love me the way that I can love myself~
    Watching my mom bury her child is the hardest thing I have ever experienced in my life, and I don't want to ever see her do that again. I am going to continue to pray and lead by example. I don't know any of you but your words filled my heart thank you!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Okay, I LOVE my sister, but she is killing herself! My sister is 5'1" she weighs 350lbs and her frame is a big circle. She walks with a cane now, and constantly says she is tired (ya think)!
    She will by food and eat it in the room in bed! She drinks soda like water, and I am getting fed up.
    Let her tell it, "I don't eat a lot of food, but I do drink a lot of soda" Really? I am so angry right now.
    Ok so my plan was to lead by example! When I started MFP I was 380lbs a size 34. The size that she is in now. It took me almost 15 minutes to walk to the mail box from the apartment I lived in. NO ONE told me I was getting bigger. Until I saw a picture of me, and I was through!
    So I started walking and a new meal plan, asked her to walk with me. She would never come, well I am down to a size 26 lost 37lbs and a ton of inches, and now I am a jogger and a biker. I have a lot of muscle! My knees stopped hurting and I can walk a flight of stairs without even saying OMG stairs!
    My sister praised me all along the way~ I begged for her to come walk with me, or let me cook you dinner. She won't give guys!
    Her kids won't buy soda for her! But this is what she does. When she is at home alone with her grandson, she will ask him to bring her things out the kitchen, or if someone knocks on door, she will ask him to get it, instead of getting up doing it herself, oh and did I mention she has a bad heart!
    I'm lost! I don't know what else to do! Dr's have told her over and over again to lose weight, but it's like talking to a brick wall, cause her words are I am going to eat what I want but in moderation...that's a bunch of bull!
    Today offered to buy me coffee, I told her NO! Thats 500 calories I rather eat something for 390 calories and know I will stay full, once again her words ... wow your doing so good. Don't u miss food? I looked at her and said I eat! But I have a daily limit.

    I don't know what else to do! Any input would be helpful!

    Just curious, what coffee is it that is 500 cals?
  • peprwpr
    peprwpr Posts: 56 Member
    My sister & her husband are both the same way. My brother in law, has developed many health issues related to the obesity. (some are potentialy life threatening& both are considered morbidly obese) Im really angry at them both right now, knowing that they didnt have to be in this position. All they had to do was start walking, substitute a few things at meals, baked, not fried, no pop, even just getting things for themselves, instead of having people get things for them. I realize its hard, but, it can be done. I am overweight also, but, Im making the changes that need to be made, to lead a healthy life. I threw out the excuses,and held myself accountable, and am fixing my problem. I dont understand why they wont either. I love them both, and I would really like for them to be around a lot more years, but, with the way they are going, even if they do live, what quality of life is there? I want to be able to live my life, not to just sit in my house, with my weight, increasing, while the world outside of the house goes on. Theres a great big wonderful world out there. I want to be part of it, why dont they??? I dont understand peoples thought process's sometimes. I know its hard, but, isnt living life worth the effort???