This is horrifying...



  • Again, I will reiterate, if the "vegetarian / vegan" lifestyle were so healthy, then why has there been no previous civilization through time that has lived the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle?

    How do you know this? Have you lived in every historical civilization? That is quite an interesting claim.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member

    I don't agree with an entirely vegetarian diet being more healthy, we are omnivores, but I do think we consume entirely too much meat in our diets. Cavemen did not eat meat with every meal and neither should we. I am a meat eater but most of my meals are vegetarian and sometimes vegan. Yesterday, for example, I had an entirely meat-free day. This practice allows me to buy free-range chicken even though it is more expensive because I am not eating as much of it.

    Completely agree with this. Human beings have been omnivorous since the beginning of human beings. Plenty of animals in the world are carnivorous. Different animals require different food sources. There is nothing better about being an omnivore, vegetarian, vegan, whatever. It's all about personal preference.

    Personally I prefer to eat free range chicken and wild game (I'm from Texas, we hunt. Almost always have some kind of wild game in my freezer--thanks step dad!). But certainly not for every meal.

    Exactly. If God did not intend for us to eat animals, he would not have made them out of meat! :-P
    One of my fav saying. =)
  • We are the only animals that do a lot of things. Like treat cancer, put diapers on babies, cook food, brush our teeth, etc. so the argument that we are the only animals to drink another animals milk just doesn't seem like a good one to me.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    i refuse to eat at Halal restaurants.

    This intrigued me. Could you explain why? I don't know much about Halal practices, I'd be interested to know your reasons why you refuse to eat at such establishments.

    i dont eat Halal because im Catholic. is that good enough for you?

    im not sure i should feel any need to explain my reasons.
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member

    So the Brits think Communism is right wing, then?

    I guess if it's all about control and taking away any kind of free will or liberty, it must be right wing. The Soviet Union, Cuba, China -- all right wing. Who knew???

    You frighten me not because YOU don't want children but because you think it's perfectly OK to legislate other people's childbearing.

    it isnt communist to expect people to take responsibility for their own families drain on resources.

    we pay very different taxes here, i pay a huge amount of tax to pay for schools, parks, leisure centres and childrens facilities that i will never use.

    i am penalised in that i will not benefit from the year off paid for maternity leave from work.

    i am costing the least amount of money to society, no health problems (i dont use the NHS anyway) i donate blood (which is not paid in the UK) no use of schools, paid my own way through university, etc etc yet its fine in the UK for non working families (through choice, they choose never to work) can continue to produce children that MY tax is paying for, alongside the massive drain on public services all whilst claiming the same amount in welfare that i work 70 hour weeks to earn?

    i expect people to take responsibility for their own family and the cost of that family to both the earth, the country and the world, they dont. the only way to limit this drain is to restrict family size, people are living longer and using more resources.

    how else would you solve it?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Again, I will reiterate, if the "vegetarian / vegan" lifestyle were so healthy, then why has there been no previous civilization through time that has lived the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle?

    How do you know this? Have you lived in every historical civilization? That is quite an interesting claim.

    No, but I have researched all historical civilization and there are NONE.

    Besides, The term "vegan" wasn't even coined until 1944, so I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a long-lasting vegan civilization!

    Spunk Nutley

    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    There is no civilization in the history of the Earth that has thrived eating as vegan. Veganism is only possible in today's world of "special" ingredients and things made with all sorts of unusual substitutions.

    Civilizations throughout history eat what they can get, and they certainly don't complain if they eat honey, or an egg (for heaven's sake).

    But if the supermarkets closed and all the vegans went hungry, you can guarantee they'd be eating some animal products.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    vegetarian and vegan are not the same thing.

    Also, I gotta laugh at your definition of "researched all historical civilization"... = google search and citing yahoo answers for your source. I mean I also doubt there has been a civilization of significant size that was totally vegan, but lol at your methodology here.
  • MellyLikestoRun
    MellyLikestoRun Posts: 83 Member
    Interesting that the premise is on desensitizing the chicken, and not improving the conditions. Like most things done today, a band-aid to a situation, instead of tackling the root cause.
    We brought home day-old chicks 10 months ago. It is amazing to see how quickly they can grow. Now I understand how farms can push out a pullet every 6-8 weeks. Each of our girls lays an egg a day and have become my children's pets. While we are not vegetarian, I don't see us butchering them anytime soon. Or ever, for that matter.
    Being close to your food source can be a fascinating experience.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Interesting that the premise is on desensitizing the chicken, and not improving the conditions. Like most things done today, a band-aid to a situation, instead of tackling the root cause.
    We brought home day-old chicks 10 months ago. It is amazing to see how quickly they can grow. Now I understand how farms can push out a pullet every 6-8 weeks. Each of our girls lays an egg a day and have become my children's pets. While we are not vegetarian, I don't see us butchering them anytime soon. Or ever, for that matter.
    Being close to your food source can be a fascinating experience.
    Really? I grew up around chickens and I just think they're nasty.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    Interesting that the premise is on desensitizing the chicken, and not improving the conditions. Like most things done today, a band-aid to a situation, instead of tackling the root cause.
    We brought home day-old chicks 10 months ago. It is amazing to see how quickly they can grow. Now I understand how farms can push out a pullet every 6-8 weeks. Each of our girls lays an egg a day and have become my children's pets. While we are not vegetarian, I don't see us butchering them anytime soon. Or ever, for that matter.
    Being close to your food source can be a fascinating experience.

    This isn't a band-aid, it's a legit solution to the problem.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Interesting that the premise is on desensitizing the chicken, and not improving the conditions. Like most things done today, a band-aid to a situation, instead of tackling the root cause.
    We brought home day-old chicks 10 months ago. It is amazing to see how quickly they can grow. Now I understand how farms can push out a pullet every 6-8 weeks. Each of our girls lays an egg a day and have become my children's pets. While we are not vegetarian, I don't see us butchering them anytime soon. Or ever, for that matter.
    Being close to your food source can be a fascinating experience.

    My grandfather raises chickens to eat them. He has dogs as pets. Funny cause in some countries they eat dogs...
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    i refuse to eat at Halal restaurants.

    This intrigued me. Could you explain why? I don't know much about Halal practices, I'd be interested to know your reasons why you refuse to eat at such establishments.

    i dont eat Halal because im Catholic. is that good enough for you?

    im not sure i should feel any need to explain my reasons.

    Hey be cool, I was just confused because you seemed to place it within the context of eating free range and organic meat only, so I wasn't seeing the connection. I wasn't trying to be confrontational! Carry on...

    I still find it odd..........I grew up Catholic too, but I am sure as hell open to eating clean food.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I know it's late to the party, but I remember this topic and I saw this chart..
