The "Your getting to skinny" remark



  • ambut
    ambut Posts: 49 Member
    "You know, maybe you're right, but we *have* been spending an awful lot of time discussing my body and your opinions of it. Why don't we judge yours for a little while?"
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. The first time I lost 30lbs, I couldn't help but trumpet my success on social media but all i got back was comments like "What! You should stop. You're going to get an eating disorder." Since I am 5"4 and just under 200lbs I thought this was pretty premature and hurtful. So now I say nothing and turn my back on the haters.
  • My mom just talked to me about this the other day. I guess she went to my gram's house and some of her sisters were down there and they told her "I don't know why Ashley thinks she needs to lose anymore weight, shes already skinny enough"
    I didn't know what to say! First off I was wondering how I was even brought up, I wasn't there....I haven't seen half of them in several months. I have a few on facebook...but I don't post about weight loss or anything, I just post about exercise. Before I had my son I was 127lbs and I'm 139 right now, I don't remember getting to many comments before, and I def didn't get any "to skinny" comments when I was 140ish pounds before I got pregnant with my daughter back in 2005. So 1lb makes me "to skinny" ha.
  • My mom told me not to lose any more weight ,which I don't plan to do anyway but I was a little offended by that.
  • fitrene
    fitrene Posts: 52 Member
    WOW! You guys are awesome! I loved so many responses, I wanted to quote them all!

    I like to tell people I'm trying to get my BMI or body fat percentage into a certain range, but I have gotten the "Men must have made up those numbers" response more than once so I think for now, I will just smile and nod.

    Despite being a size 8 (which could very well be vanity sizing, and that's an entirely different thread) I still have a body fat percentage of 29%. I'm aiming for 22-25%. I've gained 4lbs of muscle and hope to continue to lose the fat and gain muscle. I know I will appear "thinner" because of this.

    I did hear from one girl who told me I was too skinny and she said she was gaining weight and it was pissing her off. She's still very small in my eyes, but now I understand the comment.

    To me, the "your to skinny" remark hurts just as bad as the "your to fat remark" which I have gotten also. I work hard (at work and home), eat right, and workout at the gym. I'm doing this for health as well as self esteem. I found out I was gluten intolerant and once I eliminated the gluten, the weight started to fall off and my workout results started to show (I've been working out for 10 years, but was gaining weight and couldn't figure out why.)

    Okay, I'm done ranting! I don't even know if my post makes any sense! This is just such an awesome sight! I'm so glad I delete my Facebook account for this!

  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    *eyes opened* I wondered about the gluten intolerance thing as I've been having that same problem. Will try that.

    I had the "you're too skinny" and "you don't need to lose any more weight" a couple of years ago when I lost 3stone (around 40lbs) in 4 months as I was ill (doctor never found out what it was) and I agreed I was getting skinny - a slip of a thing at 12 stone! lol - but I couldn't help it as it wasn't me that was losing the weight on purpose. That pissed me off more than anything as people knew I wasn't well but they still made the comments. I mean, narrow-minded much?

    Sadly since then - while I seem to be feeling better, yay! - I've put back on the weight I lost and more, boo! My MFP loss was 2lbs last week but I put some on again and now I've lost 1lb I added it to MFP and it still shows 0lbs lost because it's still above the weight I started at. Feeling deflated, not gonna lie, but I'll get there.