What's Your Weakness??



  • aimeemusic
    aimeemusic Posts: 73 Member
    two words...

    Peshwari Naan

    ....love that...too...much...>.<
  • kaitlynnrogers
    kaitlynnrogers Posts: 142 Member
    definitely chocolate! but to get rid of my sweet tooth i just make a chocolate recipe protein shake after a workout that i found.. its just like having a fast food shake and it stops me from craving chocolate!!(:
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Tortilla chips. Yup, that's the one I have to avoid entirely. There is really no such thing as "moderation" when it comes to them.

    I do bake some, now, which helps. Once in awhile, I'll buy some baked ones, but I cannot touch regular fried ones. At all.
  • If left to my own devices I could demolish an entire bag of shredded sharp cheddar in no time flat. Add some flour tortillas and a microwave and you won't see me for days.
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    Cheesecake, peanut butter, pizza, home-made cream cheese frosting. :ohwell: :grumble:
  • dododo123
    dododo123 Posts: 105 Member
    My ultimate weakness is burritos, chips and salsa and also, french fries - or chips ;)
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Dunkin Donuts maple bars, any kind of homemade cookie, fancy cupcakes, cheesecake, ice cream... sweets are the most likely to lead me astray. I try to occasionally indulge when my quantities are automatically self-limiting, like on vacation or eating out. I never buy the real deal and bring it home.

    Luckily, I'm not a chips or crackers eater for the most part. I do love me some meat, but that works okay with my eating plan.
  • kannemollen
    kannemollen Posts: 40 Member
    My Kryptonite is Pizza.......Sausage, Bacon, Pepperoni and Meatball Pizza........And I don't eat slices I eat the whole Pizza.....I allow myself to indulge on this about once per month.....And, I have to drink a Cola with it.........

    minus the cola.... but PIZZA, definitely agreed! with a nice tall glass of milk, haha.
  • Keladry
    Keladry Posts: 58 Member
    PIZZA. And toast, and chinese food with that perfect sweet/salty/fatty combination. I'm ok with sugar, once it's out of my system for a while I stop craving it. Not the same for pizza!
  • ATLsMommy76
    ATLsMommy76 Posts: 16 Member
    Carbs...and anything with sugar in it. I can't walk by a pan of brownies or a cake without taking a slice. I've banned them from this house. lol
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Salty snacks!!! Sat and ignored a whole table full of cakes and pastries this morning - no problem! If they'd been potato chips - I'd have had to leave.....
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    Pepsi. Can't do without a couple a day. I can't get into any diet pepsi, pepsi maxx, andy of that crap. Gimme my pepsi. With my breakfast (3rd shift), and my dinner.
  • ADHar10
    ADHar10 Posts: 18
    My weakness is food. My solution, eat everything in moderation.

    I concur! I can eat whatever I want but I watch my caloric intake and portion sizes. I also ensure that I workout 4-5 times a week.
  • Definitely peanut butter.
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    I can eat very healthy but I love beer. I have made some big changes. I went from drinking heavy 180 cal beers to light 95 cal beers. I also try to only drink on Friday and Saturday instead of almost everyday. Baby steps I guess.
  • Any "junk" bought in multiple servings.

    Good luck if I buy a big bag of chips, a package of cookies or cupcakes, a tub of ice cream. It'll be gone in a couple of days, if not in one day.

    Although I wish I could say my self control at home has gotten better, exerting self control at the store and generally not letting things in my house is my best defense.

    But if I really want to treat myself I can buy one cookie from the bakery or take myself out for a scoop of ice cream. It's almost more satisfying that way anyways.
  • Rhmacdonald
    Rhmacdonald Posts: 1 Member
    Booze, cookies, and pizza, and my kids 3/4 left over grilled cheese sandwich is so hard not eat!

    I have found lots of light alternatives to booze but hate the aspertame it involves so think that is the toughtest one for me,

    Cookies - they just cant be in the house
    Pizza - eat in moderation and plan for what I will have and start with a salad
    Grilled Cheese Sandwich - plan a really healthy yummy lunch for myself and it makes the sandwich look like yuck! or make my own but with everything measured (butter, cheese)
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    I can eat very healthy but I love beer. I have made some big changes. I went from drinking heavy 180 cal beers to light 95 cal beers. I also try to only drink on Friday and Saturday instead of almost everyday. Baby steps I guess.

    I forgot about beer! I guess that's my weakness too! But, I'm weekend only, and I don't think I drink as many as I used to! (I throw in a shot or two of liquor just to get me there without drinking more beer!)
  • Peanut butter cookies, chocolate and ice cream. :love:
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    My Kryptonite is Pizza.......Sausage, Bacon, Pepperoni and Meatball Pizza........And I don't eat slices I eat the whole Pizza.....I allow myself to indulge on this about once per month.....And, I have to drink a Cola with it.........

    ME TOO!!! Pizza!!!! I can't refuse it, although I only indulge in it every 3 weeks and then I eat a million pieces. I also have to have a Coke with it!!!!