Who logs daily?



  • Feel free to add me if you want. As of today I have logged in 325 days in a row. Love this site.
    WOW - that's awesome!!
  • Dartmouth501
    Dartmouth501 Posts: 42 Member
    Hate to admit it but I log on multpile times a day. I log everything. Enjoy the support and also giving it. So glad I found this site.
  • StephEwell
    StephEwell Posts: 82 Member
    I just hit 90 days! I love MFP!
  • quinto1025
    quinto1025 Posts: 53 Member
    Been logging everyday. Always looking for friends.
  • bocarat
    bocarat Posts: 6 Member
    OK. I guess 6 days is every day. My daughter got me started here last week and I like the site so far. I lost and gained 75 pounds a few years back with Nutrisystems cardboard food and I guess I never learned a thing from it. The main thing I did get from it was drink your daily water, log all your food every day (good or bad) and follow the daily post. I have friends from the NS days that have kept in touch hope. I do as well here.
    Here I go
    7 down
    87 to go
    Goal 220
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I log every meal, good or bad. Can always use more friends.

    I've only been here a month, but my starting weight is from before that to remind me why I am doing what I'm doing.
  • bocarat
    bocarat Posts: 6 Member
    Hoping to make new friends here.
  • Rohbean
    Rohbean Posts: 45 Member
    I started logging on January 31st and have been doing it every day.

    (This is my first post on the message boards, too!)
  • Hi all. I have joined recently. I find it really worth to log in once at least in a day. I also need friends and some tough competition too. Of late I have observed that healthy competition keep me motivated enough. Are you game for it...
  • bocarat
    bocarat Posts: 6 Member
    I don't want to repeat my rebound performance of Nutrisystems I found the boards kept me engaged. Whats your goal ?
  • bocarat
    bocarat Posts: 6 Member
    When entering meat weights on the food diary, do I use raw or cooked weight?
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    me and I am a night owl so I eat weird times of the day
    I also eat diff things then normal
    Im honest and will tell you like it is
    Ive lost 3 mfp friends cause they asked for help with there food etc and when i have them advice they couldn't take it and deleted me from friends

    Ive been there done that
    I gained almost 200lbs when I quit smoking over 12yrs ago I was 135lbs at high school grad back in 2000
    I started my journey in march 2009 and lost 156lbs in 19 months
    when we got to buying/selling houses I gained 40lbs back
    but im back on track now
    last 55lbs to my goal this year is my year planning on it!
    if you want a friend thats honest and wont sugar coat anything
    add me :)

    that goes for anyone!
  • I'm new here but have logged in and tracked every day so far :happy:
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I log everyday and try to comment on all of my friends on a daily basis.............I'm not always good at eating, but I sure try:)
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    Hey guys! I am still trying to get everyone added to my friends list. I sisnt realize so many people would respond. This is awesome. During the last coupl of days I have noticed something and I figured i should share it here. I am only going to have friends who have open food diaries. Now I understand why some people dont but I want people to understand why i cant friend them if they don't. Example: Your post comes up and says you were under your calorie goal for the day. I want to comment and tell you great job. But how do I knoe you didnt only eat 500 calories for the day? And that you do that on a regular basis? I dont want to encourage unhealthy habits. The other thing is that people eating under 1200 calories on a regular basis make me uncomfortable. I suppose this is more to indivdual situations though.Thank you all for responding!
  • Jenny_MSW
    Jenny_MSW Posts: 109 Member
    You can request me (and anyone else). I only have a handful of friends on here. I am on several times per day logging. I'm doing ripped in 30 for exercise right now since my schedule is crazy. My calorie goal was 1200, but I changed it to 1300. Haven't been seeing a change on the scale unfortunately, but I'm hanging in there. I'm down to the last 5 or MAYBE 10lbs I want to lose so it's hard.
  • bitterfusion
    bitterfusion Posts: 82 Member
    I log in daily! Feel free to say hi :)
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    I do! Adding you right now :)
  • Mandi3009
    Mandi3009 Posts: 6 Member
    I log everyday both my food and exercise.But i do it at the end of the day as I work during the day but I eat pretty much similar meals so its very hard for me to not remember what i ate.
  • knorth813
    knorth813 Posts: 4 Member
    I log in Daily! U can add me! I dont have anyone that is dieting! I could use a weight loss encouraging friend!