40 and older



  • Am a part of that 40 something group too. Glad to find others in the same age range, and have about 65Lbs. to loose. I don't expect it to be easy or quick. I am actually enjoying being more active. I walk a lot these days, and find it helps to clear my mind. Please feel free to add me. We can all use as much support as we can get. Much luck to you.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I'm almost 49, and it doesn't need to go down after 40. At age 40 I completed my first marathon. Since then I've completed 6 more, and several half marathons. Just keep working at being healthy, and remember, age is only a number.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    Wow...there is so much in your post that I can relate too!!! I don't not buy into the statement that we start to fall apart after 40. That's BS! I'm not active and fit then i was in my 20's! Heavier, too. More muscle :-)

    Friend me if you'd like! Can't ever have too much support! Btw, I'l be 43 in July :-)

    Typo.:blushing: ..I'm MORE active now! Much more:bigsmile:
  • 47 this past January! I was put on prescription omega3 due to extremely high triglyceride levels, like in the 600s!!! when I started to take them it went down a little, but when I took powerlift classes at 24 hr fitness, they fell to 89! so exercise is key! :) WE CAN DI THIS!!!!
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    I am 42 and in the best shape of my life because I finally have time for me. Life has never been so good. I would love to be a supportive friend. Add me if you wish
  • It ain't easy but keep at it. You'll make it.
  • Hi; I'm 40something (42 in May) & just started my own personal journey to drop 144 pounds to my ideal weight of 150 lbs.
    Please add me, as we have a LOT in common!
  • 1momx3
    1momx3 Posts: 16
    Hi there! I'm 45 and just started in January. Feel free to add me for support. Good luck on you journey!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Cheers to all of you! :drinker:

    Hmmm, where was I when I was 40..... gosh, that was a long time ago LOL

    I'm 57, played guitar for 40 years, recorded a couple of CDs, lost 56 pounds this last year, and feel like I'm in my 20's again. Well, maybe 30's. :glasses:

    I can run and jump a bit now, boy I'll tell ya it feels great.

    Just read through all of your posts and wanted to cheer you on a bit....do it now, don't wait. Don't wait!!

    Best to all of you, just get busy and do it. You can. You need to. Feel good and be good!

    :^) jb
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Yeah, um, not sure where you heard it goes down after 40 lol....don't believe that.

    I'm 44, weigh what I weighed in h.s.....165 lbs or so...most of my running friends in their 50's can out run me! This one guy, his teenage son still can't beat him in a 10k or half marathon.

    Anyway, I didn't join MFP for me...I joined to support my sister in law who wanted to lose weight....and by sticking to 1,200-1,400 a day and exercising she is losing weight! You can do it!!! It's all about determination.

    I ran 20+ miles today training for a half-marathon. Going out with friends to eat tonight. Love it! Enjoy your life...don't worry about the numbers...

    Love this!
  • stephzub
    stephzub Posts: 106 Member
    Age is just a number! I turned 42 last week have completely run out of excuses why I can't exercise, eat right, live healthier, etc. Can't is no longer part of my vocabulary and I call my kids on it whenever I hear the word can't. We can do it! We will do it! Carpe Diem! This will be a great year for all of us!
  • melcropper
    melcropper Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Mel I'm 40 and like everybody else trying to loose some pounds, I have enjoyed reading all your stories on here I'm doing good at sticking to my diet it's just that I can't do any exercise due to having a slipped disc which has now come out of place and is touching a nerve on my left side, as this is very painful I am finding it very difficult to even walk I am due to have an operation to have it removed, I can't wait as then I will be able to exercise. Good luck to everyone with your dieting.

    Mel :)