


  • daphnedmm
    daphnedmm Posts: 13 Member
    Pure Cardio - day 9 completed! My energy level is increasing so much that I added a mile on the treadmill (slow pace) after the Insanity workout. I want to be careful not to burn out but I'd love to begin to "transform my body" by summer. Insanity is AWESOME, I'm excited about the small results I'm seeing already and can't wait to see what day 63 looks like.
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    Pure Cardio - day 9 completed! My energy level is increasing so much that I added a mile on the treadmill (slow pace) after the Insanity workout. I want to be careful not to burn out but I'd love to begin to "transform my body" by summer. Insanity is AWESOME, I'm excited about the small results I'm seeing already and can't wait to see what day 63 looks like.

    Totally awesome that you added the treadmill.
  • sfjohnson16
    sfjohnson16 Posts: 33 Member
    Completed Pure Cardio last night and going to do Plyometrics Cardio Circuit tonight! I love INSANITY :)