My Rant on the Over/Under!



  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Really, guys and gals, I think you reading a lot more into it than I initially posted. I'm all for balance and the occasional treat (I enjoy them myself). But seeing a series of WTG and Great Under for someone who is only eating 500 calories a day?

    No, I'm not a professional. I'm someone they chose to friend on here. I have opinions, I express them. Easy enough to tell me to mind my own business or unfriend me.

    My diary is open to my friends. It is far from ideal, but I own it and invite advice from those with similar goals. I recognize we all have different issues. I pay enough attention to those I follow to know what they're trying to accomplish/overcome.

    And finally, I'm not an *kitten* about it. I poke where poking is needed, encourage when that is.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    My thought: Who cares? If they came under their calorie goal than great! Some people start off with learning portion control then slowly making healthier choices. Who are you to say they don't deserve a wtg?

    I didn't eat any vegetables today... GASP
    does wine count as a serving of fruit?

    Crap! I screwed that up...I don't just feel juiced, I am juiced...

    Yes. Clearly you have just juiced your way into losing weight. ;)
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    And what's wrong with tacos? Now I eat 2 instead of 3. I get the small fry instead of the medium fry. I get mustard instead of mayo on my Subway sandwich. I cut the cheese on my What-ABurger Jr. To lose weight, a calorie is a calorie. Eat less calories! Along the way, I learn to make better choices. We all know what is healthy and what is not. Our personal goal is ultimately what it is all about. I'm glad I don't have friends like you, who tear me down. I do enough of that on my own.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I wont call em out but I wont congratulate a sucky diary.
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    hope you feel better now! please don't be peeping at my diary! :flowerforyou:
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I don't like that MFP tells me, after an entry, how much weight I'd lose in 5 weeks if... when I am way under, and it looks much better than when I eat closer to my goal. I think it could be tempting to eat way under to reach that much nicer sounding 5 week goal.

    agree. And then that they tell you "so and so was under her goal" I had a day where my net calories were 600 (I ate only about 900). That shouldn't be rewarded.
  • Lol well as long as I'm under I think I had a good day :) but that's rarely!!!! And my goal is to eat healthy and stay under, but it's hard, my problem is bingeing, and on horrible foods
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    ... But seeing a series of WTG and Great Under for someone who is only eating 500 calories a day?
    Oooh, that';s one of my pet peeves too - but for a different reason. My husband went through a medical weight loss program (YES, supervised by 'real doctors') that is geared for the very obese. This program had him taking in only 500 calories a day, in the form of a packet of powder that he was to blend with ice and water. No food. Ever. He stayed on that for a year. It has been a very difficult task to get him to even TRY MFP principles because he now associates extreme deprivation as the only way to battle his obesity.

    Having said that, and without implying you've been a jerk to anybody, I go back to my initial view. You encourage people. The majority of folks who have friended me are very nice, and maybe they don't look so deep into what I eat, or care more than just a surface amount about my water intake or exercise levels, but they mean well. Why would I discourage anybody from that?

    Do what YOU do - tell people your opinion without being nasty about it; That's a good thing to do. But understand, at the same time, that not everybody is on the same level. You cannot measure everybody by the same yardstick as you measure yourself with. We all start out from different places. You're in a good place. Just work from there with the knowledge that others are ahead of you and still others aren't quite as far as you yet.

  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    I am so sorry to hear that this is what has become of the human race! :cry: Just let people live their lives and just be concerned with your OWN life and what GOOD you can bring to this world we live in. If we all lived like that what a happy world this would be!:drinker:
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    I don't know how many times I've seen a diary where the person has eaten like crap all day (candy, cakes, fast food, etc.) Pure crap! But they manage to come in under their calorie count. So the comments from their so called friends are "WTG!", "Good Job!" , etc.

    I know friends like these - the one's who really don't care about your health at all, the ones who are competing against you for all the wrong reasons, the one's who are jealous & hoping you do not succeed. I agree, get rid of these friends. I do not have any of these so called friends on my page as I feel they really wouldn't want me to succeed and they would just be looking at my diary like a hawk to compete. The only friends I have on my page are supportive and positive friends who I know personally and trust 100%! They give me true feed back and I am sure they would kick my butt if I went right off the wagon (well at least if it was for more than the odd occasion!)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    And what's wrong with tacos? Now I eat 2 instead of 3. I get the small fry instead of the medium fry. I get mustard instead of mayo on my Subway sandwich. I cut the cheese on my What-ABurger Jr. To lose weight, a calorie is a calorie. Eat less calories! Along the way, I learn to make better choices. We all know what is healthy and what is not. Our personal goal is ultimately what it is all about. I'm glad I don't have friends like you, who tear me down. I do enough of that on my own.

    Not Tacos! I eat those like once a week...homemade...but still. So yummy.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I think its more of a problem that it shows it as a good thing being under but that person might have only eaten 500 calories all day. Then people cheering great job for being under is bad. Who cares if they had desert today?

    This one is dead on, as someone who is struggling hard to recover from an Eating disorder, which is why my diary is locked, only my doctor can see it, but I do not look when mine posts, because I don't want the encouragement for my bad behaviors, which really aren't that bad right now by the way, working hard with the Doctors! But posts like this one from the OP sure don't help people like me! But we all have a right to rant.....

    Congrats on starting the journey of over coming your ed. Its a hard journey but well worth it. I was on the low side of eating as a teen and my mom threatened putting a feeding tube down my throat so I forced my self into eating. Now 20 years later I'm on the over eating side . This diet seems to trigger my past anorexia in making me want to under eat but with the support here, reading the posts on topics like starvation mode , and Gods help I'm holding close to my goals most days. Good luck!
  • AngelsDream4Peace
    AngelsDream4Peace Posts: 116 Member
    I think its more of a problem that it shows it as a good thing being under but that person might have only eaten 500 calories all day. Then people cheering great job for being under is bad. Who cares if they had desert today?

    This one is dead on, as someone who is struggling hard to recover from an Eating disorder, which is why my diary is locked, only my doctor can see it, but I do not look when mine posts, because I don't want the encouragement for my bad behaviors, which really aren't that bad right now by the way, working hard with the Doctors! But posts like this one from the OP sure don't help people like me! But we all have a right to rant.....

    Congrats on starting the journey of over coming your ed. Its a hard journey but well worth it. I was on the low side of eating as a teen and my mom threatened putting a feeding tube down my throat so I forced my self into eating. Now 20 years later I'm on the over eating side . This diet seems to trigger my past anorexia in making me want to under eat but with the support here, reading the posts on topics like starvation mode , and Gods help I'm holding close to my goals most days. Good luck!

    Thank you so much, not as many seem to understand, been a struggle since I was 11, first time in my life I have ever put real effort to fix it, and I am actually quite proud of myself I think for the first time in my entire life! :bigsmile:
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    I feel like everyone on here is an adult (at least most are) and they know what they are eating. They also know that it's bad. They don't need me to call them out on anything.

    I say worry about your own diary.

    I second this.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    My stance on this is, screw your rant. It's stupid.

    I in no way eat "healthy." But I am learning to control what I eat and make better choices. I no longer put back a Big Mac with large fries and an iced tea. But sure, I do have a good veggie burger from Harvey's every once in a while. Sure, I may not have veggies every day and eat whole foods all the time, but I've definitely made better choice regarding what I put in my body since being here. And how do you know if others' aren't eating the way I am now, how do you know that they're not making better food choices than before.

    You seem just a smidgen self-righteous, and I wouldn't want you on my friends list any ways.

    /End Rant.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Jeez, don't let it affect your life!
  • AngelsDream4Peace
    AngelsDream4Peace Posts: 116 Member
    My stance on this is, screw your rant. It's stupid.

    I in no way eat "healthy." But I am learning to control what I eat and make better choices. I no longer put back a Big Mac with large fries and an iced tea. But sure, I do have a good veggie burger from Harvey's every once in a while. Sure, I may not have veggies every day and eat whole foods all the time, but I've definitely made better choice regarding what I put in my body since being here. And how do you know if others' aren't eating the way I am now, how do you know that they're not making better food choices than before.

    You seem just a smidgen self-righteous, and I wouldn't want you on my friends list any ways.

    /End Rant.

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I can promise you 90% of the people on MFP don't eat "healthy" they just "think" they do. to offer any evidence of this judgment?
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I completely agree!!! - I do look at diaries before I comment and if it is not a good choice day I speak up - I may not be the most healthiest of eater but i do know I am not the crappiest, just saying - I encourage all my buddies to tell me if I am not fueling myself well...
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    :laugh: I just think it's funny that your diary is closed.

    It's taken me a year to learn how to control my portion sizes and calorie intake. I still lost weight eating Taco Bell, eating cookies and drinking LOTS of beer...all while staying in my allowed calorie goal. I'm just now trying to focus more on macros and eating healtheir kinds of foods...and still get it wrong everyday!! It's my effort that counts, and I have accepted I won't get it perfect every single day. But I can try....

    Best words of advice I've seen posted on this site...and here, I'll post it for you again: You worry about yourself, and I'll worry about mine.