1 Month of Armour



  • 0AmyMarie0
    0AmyMarie0 Posts: 315
    I take a lot of supplements

    Adrenal support, vit c, flax oil, fish oil, vit d, b12, b complex, magnesium, cranberry complex, and calcium. Quality really does matter!!

    I also take a sublingual version of vitamin b12 to get an instant burst of energy when needed, usually before working out.
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    Guess I have to go shopping for my Supplements-Thanks for the info.
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Girls i'm too lazy to retype,
    This i hope shall give you a sense of how far i have come in the last month. These are from my posts on STTMFB,

    On the 11 feb this is part of my response to a post by lynnSue Zee: so emotional, i cannot explain any better then the OP what this illness has robbed from my life. i am crying here after being at a soccer match with my 8yo son, i did not have the strength or energy to stand on the side line and cheer him on, so sat out of view in the car to nap. the other moms must think i am a right stuck up b*tch as i cannot even interact on any social so just keep myself to my self.

    .........Well yesterday 10 march, i drove to and from an away match almost an hour each way, i stood watched and cheered on the sideline,chatted freely with the other moms. Then took my kids to a diner for lunch, caught myself singing along to the background music, when we got home i even managed some long over due housework, this Armour rocks, I'm on it a full month now just reached 3 grains, no problems so far, just wish i had the support of a doctor.

    I am going to hold at 3 grains for the next 4 weeks, then get bloods done, see were the thyroid is ,check for coeliacs disease.
    Not quite sure what will happen next...... watch this space.....

    Supplements seem to play an important role in our well-being.
    I currently take
    Floradix for boosting very low ferritin level
    selenium helps fight antibodies
    Vit B complex to help boost energy levels

    good luck
  • Farfelue
    Farfelue Posts: 63
    mnjjsmom soooo happy to read your very positive news!
    Do post your results from blood test when you have them.

    Really happy to read your post!

  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Girls i'm too lazy to retype,
    This i hope shall give you a sense of how far i have come in the last month. These are from my posts on STTMFB,

    On the 11 feb this is part of my response to a post by lynnSue Zee: so emotional, i cannot explain any better then the OP what this illness has robbed from my life. i am crying here after being at a soccer match with my 8yo son, i did not have the strength or energy to stand on the side line and cheer him on, so sat out of view in the car to nap. the other moms must think i am a right stuck up b*tch as i cannot even interact on any social so just keep myself to my self.

    .........Well yesterday 10 march, i drove to and from an away match almost an hour each way, i stood watched and cheered on the sideline,chatted freely with the other moms. Then took my kids to a diner for lunch, caught myself singing along to the background music, when we got home i even managed some long over due housework, this Armour rocks, I'm on it a full month now just reached 3 grains, no problems so far, just wish i had the support of a doctor.

    I am going to hold at 3 grains for the next 4 weeks, then get bloods done, see were the thyroid is ,check for coeliacs disease.
    Not quite sure what will happen next...... watch this space.....

    Supplements seem to play an important role in our well-being.
    I currently take
    Floradix for boosting very low ferritin level
    selenium helps fight antibodies
    Vit B complex to help boost energy levels

    good luck

    AWESOME!!! AWESOME!! You are so brave and I am so glad it's working out for you!!