elliptical vs treadmill



  • I go to the gym and use both, switch it up...
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    I alternate between all the machines E, TM & Arc - I find Arc the hardest and more vigorous workout.

    The E is so much easier on knees than TM, had knee surgery Dec 10 and the E was all I could do for alonng time.

    OMG I have been ding HIIT for about 7 years and never knew it LOL. It was part of a marathon training plan my Exercise Physiologist laid down.
  • I had a hard time with the elliptical at first too. I literally did it for 2 minutes and had to get off. I just did it for 60 minutes the other day. You will adjust as you get fitter. I like that it has 3 levels of incline and 10 levels of resistance, so I can adjust as I get more used to it. I tried running outside last summer, but I really hate running! Plus my knees hurt sometimes so I would rather do the elliptical for that reason. It depends what you like. I lost 22lbs in 10 weeks, then another 10lbs over the next 4 months using the elliptical. I was within 8lbs of my goal weight. So it worked fine for me, along with diet. Good luck!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    I started doing 8 minutes...and just pushed myself. I am at 30 mins with the Ellipitcal..and look forward t doing 45 next week. The burn is amazing...and it makes my legs and body feel great! But then again..I have incredible Hulk legs..lol
  • Ruthaw1961
    Ruthaw1961 Posts: 42 Member
    I use both TM, elipticals, go to group exercise classes and to be honest, the only thing that has help me lose any weight was by cleaning up my diet. Eating clean and portion control combined with the exercise is what did it for me. 80% of weightloss is diet, 10% Exercise and 10% Motivation!

    Good for you for increasing your endurance on the eliptical and I think, for you, the low impact cardio is perfect. I hope the knees feel better after losing some weight and you can maybe move on to a weight bearing exercise. Increasing the resistace on the elliptical will also help build some muscle in your legs. The large muscles in your legs and glutes are big calorie burners!
  • pinepl
    pinepl Posts: 19 Member
    I switch it up between the elliptical and the stationary bike. It's all good as long as your moving.
  • wvval
    wvval Posts: 92 Member
    I love using the eliptical. That, weight training, and eating in moderation has helped me move toward my goal:)