annoying things people say...



  • edith_t
    edith_t Posts: 109 Member
    Honestly, you eat what you want. How others see what your eating or their reactions to it should mean little. If someone disapproves of what you are eating, then they can go float a boat. It is up to each individual person to regulate their own menu and really, who cares if you eat cake. If you feel guilty afterwards, then don't do it in the first place. Seems pretty simple to me.

    it's the way people dump all over what should be an enjoyable meal or snack that i'm trying to get at. it's not others disapproving of what i'm eating.
  • edith_t and the OP, and anyone whose posts I may have missed, I apologize if I sounded patronizing. I did not feel patronizing at all. I was trying to state my opinion, and that was it. I did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings. My POV was different from the OP's, and I wanted to explain the whys of my thoughts.

    It's funny, I'd decided not to post on these forums anymore. I have never had a single problem on them, that I'm aware of anyway. But I just am trying to cut down my computer time. MFP is helpful to me for tracking my food consumption. that's what I need to stick to.

    Anyway, funny, I checked in again, make one post, and immediately offend someone. I apologize to anyone I offended. I truly am sorry. I also appreciate your telling me how I sounded. I didn't know.

    I think these message boards are more than I want to take on now. I shouldn't have checked in today and should not have posted.

    Take care y'all and enjoy your adventure as you pursue health!