If I don't start sleeping I'm going to freak out!



  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    *kitten* -- helps to relax your body

    If this worked for me I would be Sleeping Freaking Beauty! haha Seriously. Thanks, tho. ;-)

    Try the castor oil though -- if you haven't already. I know it sounds crazy, but within 15 minutes of applying it, I'm knocked out. Great emollient properties as well. :)
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    Have you tried contacting the makers of Ambien or Klonopin? Some drug companies have programs for people who can't afford their medications.

    It might help.

    This is true!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I have huge issues with insomnia and was on ambien for over a year because of it. I changed my diet and it helped a lot. I'll still have a few months where my sleep is **** but it's better than it had been. I can't have any caffeine (no coffee ever, no chocolate, no soda), no sugar after a certain hour, and a hard run if I can't fall asleep. I'm on trazodone for it now, but I have to double to dose for it to work and that makes me totally hungover the next morning if I get less than 8-9 hours so I generally stick to whiskey or wine before bed.

    Seriously, a change in your diet might help, and cut out all caffeine and sugar after a certain hour, might help.
  • neo200120018
    neo200120018 Posts: 106 Member
    oh and i forgot progressive muscle relaxation is another thing that can help

    oh wow Klonopin is Clonazepam? ok was wondering what it was! god your health system really does suck! its a $3 script for a 3 month supply from any doctor in nz, try sending it to the nz manufacturers!

    ps Lunesta well only help you get to sleep and not keep you asleep and you need to be in bed within 15-30mins of taking or it can have an opposite effect and keep you awake
  • I tried a noise machine for awhile that either rained or sounded like the ocean. Didn't work for me. How did you train yourself?

    i have alot of stress in my life so sleeping was just not happening, so I downloaded some rain sounds... (if you need help w that let me know) go to youtube and type in "rain sounds" find a video that most apeals to you...
    so what I did is that right before I was about to fall asleep I would play it, so now everytime I hear the sound of rain, my body is like.. "omg.. its time to sleep" and I get soo sleepy... lol
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Espie's sleep programme has been shown in clinical trials to be effective, i recommend it over medication any day. Here's a link if you're interested: http://www.goodmedicine.org.uk/goodknowledge/sleep-adhd-fatigue

    I will certainly look into it! Most of us prefer not to take meds...but, when you suffer with something and the alternatives don;t work medicine is better than never sleeping. Sleep deprivation is terrible! I will look into this though. Thanks!

    You're welcome :flowerforyou: For severe insomniacs the sleep restriction is the most difficult but most important part of the treatment but it's so worth it as it's very effective. I'll see if I can find you some trial results later. The reason it works is because sleep is a habit and if your're body is in the habit of getting say 4 hrs sleep a night, you need to start at that point and establish efficient sleep and then slowly stretch the window. It can be hard accepting little sleep at first as most people are desperate for more but think of it this way: if what you are doing now isn't working, what have you got to lose? :smile:

    PS I agree sleep deprivation is terrible, so terrible it's sometimes used as a form of torture.

    I said earlier I would post trial results for CBT for sleep. Here is a brief article summarising the evidence base: http://www.beckinstituteblog.org/2011/02/cognitive-behavior-therapy-and-other-evidenced-based-treatments-are-new-standards-for-certain-sleep-disorders/

    If you are intersted, here's a summary of a trial of Elspie's CBT programme which includes sleep restriction:

    By the way in the UK the drug you were on would usually only be prescribed for short term use as there are issues with dependence (addiction) and tolerance (reduced effectiveness) in the longer term. Thought I would mention as it must be hard to feel you can't get a drug you need due to being out of work. Here in the UK the guidelines for Drs are that they offer other forms of treatment first, such as CBT (not that they always follow the guidelines). The impression I get is that in The US (assuming that's where you are) there is far greater reliance on medication , not because it's more effective but because it's more profitable.
  • spskinny
    spskinny Posts: 96 Member
    So sorry, its very very challenging. I went 7 months only sleeping 3 hrs a night max. RX sleep meds did nothing for me. Hope you find a solution soon (( hugs))
  • chrissismone
    chrissismone Posts: 116 Member
    Ok I'm in the same boat and have been this way for years do many issues. Have you checked internally to see if your stressed out or whatnot. I slept good this week only on Tuesday night bc I worked out real hard and was real tired from Monday bc I have real bad work anxiety..I tried the sleeping pills but then I get scared of taking them bc it's hit or miss. Same with benadryl. I hope a resolution to your issue happens quickly bc sleep deviation isn't good at all for the body and even worst the mind.
  • abhiforlife
    abhiforlife Posts: 75 Member
    Hopefully, you got some sleep last night.

    I also have a few audio programs that I listen to to help with relaxing for sleep. Send me a message if you're interested.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    Have you considered/tried light therapy? I have a lot of problems sleeping as well, but I found light therapy has helped.

    My wife and I use this ( http://goo.gl/Lgwz9 ) for waking up and going to sleep (it has a dusk setting that slowly dims the light based on the timer you set). During the day we use this ( http://goo.gl/FPWXi ).

    ...I hope that helps.
  • KimLatte
    KimLatte Posts: 5
    Mine is valarian tea about an hour before bed. On bad nights I add very gentle yoga (I love jane fonda yoga but you can't get it anymore - maybe second hand?) and a hot shower. Goes without saying no coffee/tea/soda at all.
  • ztaprincess81
    ztaprincess81 Posts: 12 Member
    oh and i forgot progressive muscle relaxation is another thing that can help

    oh wow Klonopin is Clonazepam? ok was wondering what it was! god your health system really does suck! its a $3 script for a 3 month supply from any doctor in nz, try sending it to the nz manufacturers!

    ps Lunesta well only help you get to sleep and not keep you asleep and you need to be in bed within 15-30mins of taking or it can have an opposite effect and keep you awake

    Clonazepam is the generic version of Klonopin and runs around $13 for a 30 days supply. You can look up the info on Epocrates online. Price check different pharmacies for the generic prices. Smaller family owned pharmacies can usually be very competitive.
  • bxdragon
    bxdragon Posts: 1
    music and tea or just watch tv till i sleep
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    yes clonazapam is very inexpensive here in canada. my last script was 80 .5mg tablets and it was 20 bucks. my problem is that i can't get to sleep, once i am asleep i can sleep forever. when i really can't sleep i take gravol- an anti-nauseant. i think it is called dramamine in the usa- idk if i spelled that right.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I don't have serious insomnia, but I mentioned this thread to my boyfriend (just because I think it's so terrible that people who need medications can't get them without insurance) and he loves Tim Ferriss' book, The 4-Hour Body. Apparently the author used to suffer from pretty bad insomnia, and talks about all the things he tried and what was successful or not - he also talks a lot about the research behind it.

    Anyway, if money is tight you can always stop by a bookstore and look through that chapter of the book and see if there's anything in it you haven't tried yet.

    Good luck! :)