how many cals



  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    219lbs at the time I upped the cals

    I was eating 1200 and after initial loss of 20lb over 5 weeks I stalled on & off for months. I actually gained over 10lbs between November & January, not through over eating (a bit at chrimbo but not 10lbs worth!) but I think my body (type 2 diabetic) was storing fat due to low calories intake. I was eating back majority of exercise cals at this stage too, working out 3-4 times a week burning around 700 cals per work out so my loss "should" have been much greater.

    After reading around the forum & other websites, I upped my cals to around 1500 & ate back only half my exercise cals, lost another lb or two, then stalled again (very disheartening)

    In mid Jan I was told about zigzagging & found though an online calculator that I should be eating over 2500 cals a day in maintenance alone so raised to 2000 & started zigzagging. I lost 3lbs in Jan & another 4lbs in Feb, 2 of those last week as I decided to cut out my daily bag of crisps & choccie bar, started eating more protein & at least 4 meals a day. I have actually reduced my exercise intensity over this period too, using a program from body doing area specific exercises 4 days a week with 3 days rest & am only burning 2-300 cals per session. I don't eat these back as I believe I would have burned at least 100 cals in an hour doing nothing anyway & am very full & satisfied with the extra meals & protein I am having.

    Am currently down to 209 & hopefully if this program works as well as it has so far I will reach my first target of 199 in a few weeks but with a shot to **** metabolism that needs a lot of tweaking I am not counting any chickens. :bigsmile:
  • insights2
    insights2 Posts: 52 Member
    I am 42 years old, 6 ft, now 269ish. I eat 1970 calories, and usually eat at least half of my exercise calories back. I have lost 25 pounds since Jan. 2, 2012. I exercise 3-4 times a week, try to do something that equals about 400 calories used each time. I didn't lose much the first two or three weeks, but then it started coming off at least 2 pounds a week. MFP has me set up to lose 1 pound a week, and I am pretty sedentary. The biggest change I have made is to drink water, and to change the quality of my food- less processed everything, more fresh vegetables and fruit, less bread and pasta. Off that somewhat this week as I was at a professional conference and food choices were very limited....
  • ktbia
    ktbia Posts: 118 Member
    5ft11, 170. My goal calories are 1580. Sometimes i eat all my exercise calories, sometimes I don't.

    I am averaging about 1 lb a week when I follow the plan. LOL. I have had a few bad days, though, like today! But its definitely eye opening for me and it has become a lifestyle. Even when I go way over, I still track so I can be accountable.

    I am training for a half marathon right now, that is my number one goal, more than weight loss.
  • angebrun
    angebrun Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'9, 34 yo and I used the MFP recommendations from when I started (Sept) til about a week ago (around 1400 calories, eating back most/all of my exercise calories). I lost about 28 lbs that way then plateaued and yo-yoed the same 2-3 pounds for about a month. So a little over a week ago, I read TONS in the forums, and online, and I decided to eat more- I changed my MFP activity rating to the highest one, even though my job is sedentary b/c I exercise 6-7 days a week for at least 30 minutes (often more). I do not eat back my exercise calories now, because I compensate for it in the base calories. Based on different websites and different calculations, my range (to lose 2lbs/week) is 1961-2295, with the MFP setting of 1961. So far, so good, I'm down 2 more lbs, but I'm still new on this plan.

    FWIW, one reason I changed is b/c I'm frustrated with the "exercise calories"- the machine will say one thing, MFP another, and my HRM another- and they can vary by a few hundred calories! I was never sure what to enter, and it was causing me some anxiety b/c I wasn't sure how many to eat back!