University Students



  • Mirimuffin
    Mirimuffin Posts: 66 Member
    I know the problem - I'm in my 3rd semester and it's really difficult to make healthy choices and to not get tired of always bringing the same food to uni! Feel free to add me if you want to exchange experiences or want more support
  • Please help me with this I start college in the Fall =)
  • MissHellsing
    MissHellsing Posts: 133 Member
    Hi there I'm a Grad Student. :) like mentioned before George Foreman Grill, Tuna etc helped me out
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't know if this was said before but have a launch zone.
    Put your keys, cell phone, school bag, and food in that area so you can't forget it.

    My boyfriend has a habit of leaving his lunch at home when he goes to work, so sometimes he'll put his car keys in the fridge so he has to get his food to get his key.
  • tfancey
    tfancey Posts: 96 Member
    Plan plan plan! Make time, lay things out the night before, make yourself accountable :)
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    It is very difficult at times to be able to have the time to plan out what to eat but it is something that you just have to do the best that you can with what you have to work with. I work full time and go to school full time but I am also involved in sports and fitness. What works for me is to pack up everything the night before so that way you just wake up, grab and go. I also spend my weekends cooking and packaging for my meals Monday thru Thursday (I don't really like eating food that is more then 4 days old). That way all that I have to do is put it in the microwave and meal. If it is a salad then its even easier. Just do the best with what you have.
  • I gained about 20 pounds in college and I am trying to lose that now!
  • ... you should always plan ahead. carry some form of protein or fruit/veggie in your book bag