Ladies? Does Size Matter?



  • jdbaker01
    jdbaker01 Posts: 41 Member
    some people might not like this, but im gonna say it anyway.....not wanting to be with anybody shorter/taller, lighter/heavier, is quite shallow in my eyes....appearance doesnt count to me, i look deeper inside, and see the real person for who they are and not what they look like, as long as the have a good kind heart, thats all that matters :smile:
  • Trinketona
    Trinketona Posts: 190
    I've date guys shorter and taller but also heavier and lighter than me. I've been maybe about 5 inches taller and probably about 60 pounds heavier than some of the men I have dated.

    Now if it was a huge difference. Then I would probably feel uncomfortable dating them.
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 228 Member
    1. My husband was heavier than me when we met, but we were both young and thin! There has been a good portion of our relationship where I was the heavier one. Now he is, by about 20lbs.

    2. I dated one guy who was shorter than me. I'm almost 5'10, he was about 5'4. We worked together and had a thing on the side. I was uncomfortable with it then, and I still would be now. It would make me feel really self-conscious. My husband is about 1-1.5" taller than me.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 391 Member
    Because I've always been a petite one (currently 105 at 5'0), height and weight aren't something I have to worry about in my significant other. Unless the guy was in the four feet region and weighed below 100 pounds! And I guess that's possible, but very unlikely. Generally, it has a lot to do with confidence. I've never been tall, so I don't know what it's like to decide if short guys can be ruled out. Hypothetically, if my physique was different, I would still date my boyfriend and he's 115 pounds at 5'4 :)
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    1. Would you date/marry a guy who weighed less than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in size you would go/allow?

    Well considering I'm 5'1" and only about 120, most of the guys I date aren't smaller than me. So to answer the question, no I wouldn't date a guy who weighed less than me because then he'd be a stick

    2. Would you date/marry a guy who was shorter than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in height you would go/allow?

    Again, I'm 5'1" and he'd be a midget if he was shorter than no. Looking down on a guy is just weird to me. I don't even like standing over guys while they bend down
  • 1. No, I'd feel self concious, like he couldn't lift me or hold me. I'm weird ok.

    2. Well... probably not. I'm 5'3 and a half... or 5'4. Something like that. Not many guys are around my height anyways. I think I'd like to be with someone 5'6-6'0. I wanna be able to reach up and hug them without being on my tippy toes.

    I'm 15, so these are my *current* honest answers. I still have plenty of time for guys later in my life. :P
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Weight is less important than height for me. My husband is 6'0" and weighs about 15 lbs more than me. I really like that he's taller... I'm 5'7" so it's the perfect height difference. He's "skinnier" than me and has less muscle... he could stand to bulk a little and he has before. His genetics will never allow him to get really big though... he's just got less muscle on his frame than some. I'm fine with his body, he looks good.

    So... if he were shorter, yeah I think it would matter. I've never dated anyone shorter than me... most have been 5'9" and above. I've always preferred 6'0" and a little taller.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    1. My partner currently weighs about 27kg (60lb) less than me but at my heaviest he was about 40kg/85lb less than me.

    2. He's also 8" taller. I don't find short to be attractive, but that's just my own taste.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    My husband wieghs 130 I weigh 243, so there you go,

    he is naturally very very lean, and I am naturaly very bulky,

    even if my husband were shorter then me I would totally marry him I fell head over heals for this guy, it wouldn't matter what he looked like, his personality shines so strong, it doesn't hurt that he is huge in one perticular area, tehehe
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    Jack Sprat could eat no fat. His wife could eat no lean. I've always wondered what that relationship was like. :)
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    1. Yes. All the men I dated before I married hubby were way way way smaller in size than me. But it never mattered to me anyway. Nor to them.

    2. No idea, at 5'4" I'm yet to meet a man smaller than me lol. Hubby is 5'10" & was not my 'type' anyway when we met....for other reasons. Now, don't regret it at all.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
    At 5' 11' and 95 kg there aren't that many girls bigger than me so should be sweet turn haha
  • weight doesn't matter to me at all, i mean if i feel more like a man then he is then yea i would have a problem with that but i would work on MYSELF first. i would do what ever it took to really make it work before just giving up based on weight.

    However for the height, im sad to say i don't think i could date a shorter guy, i mean i could go maybe 1-2 inches shorter then me (im 5'6.5) but definitely not any shorter then that. However he wouldn't need to be tall either. my height or taller is what works for me, my husband is 6' but more like 5'10 because he slouches lol.

    Having been a bigger girl/ tallish girl my whole life i was always called "it" or "shim" or kids would always ask me if i was a boy or a girl so for me i need a guy i feel can in some ways dominate me or make me feel like the female in the relationship. im all about everything being equal but in the romance department i want a man and i want to feel like a lady, so i suppose if i had met a guy who was say a foot shorter then me if he could still do that then i would definitely give him a chance but im married so i don't really have to worry about that. Granted i would love and adore my husband no matter how he looked as long as it was still him on the inside. He could be nothing but a head and torso and i would still love him all the same. looks dont matter to me its all about HOW i feel with them.
  • hunnyspice
    hunnyspice Posts: 80 Member
    1. Would you date/marry a guy who weighed less than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in size you would go/allow?
    Weight doesn't matter to me unless he's a weakling and can't even open a jar of pickles. I'd like him to have enough strength to protect me. LOL And I don't feel like I'm going to break him in half when I hug him. I've hugged skinny guys that feel so delicate and then I've hugged some that could break me in half.

    2. Would you date/marry a guy who was shorter than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in height you would go/allow?
    I'm already short enough (4'11") so most guys out there would be taller than me no matter what. But the shortest I would go for is 5'6" and tallest would be 6'5". Anything taller feels silly. Yes, I know some really tall people that make me feel tiny. Love feeling tiny. Shortest is so that he is still taller or same height if I wear heels (which rarely happens).
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    1. Would you date/marry a guy who weighed less than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in size you would go/allow?

    I have. About 20 lbs. or so. My husband is about 40 lbs. heavier than me.

    2. Would you date/marry a guy who was shorter than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in height you would go/allow?

    I don't know why, but that's just not attractive to me. I have never dated someone below 6'. It's just my type. My husband is 6'. I'm 5'4".
    Well it seems that your husband weighs more than you and you like guys taller than you. Failed the reading comprehension part of the SAT's, didn't you?
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    1. Would you date/marry a guy who weighed less than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in size you would go/allow?
    - i have dated many lads who have always weighed alot less than me! My ex is a fitness instructor! soo he's super fit! it put me to shame, haahah oh well :) to be completely honest, size doesnt matter to me, its not the outside that counts, its the inside:heart: as long as there loveing, kind and treat me with a bit of respect, im not too fussed about size :smile:

    2. Would you date/marry a guy who was shorter than you? What would be the biggest discrepancy in height you would go/allow?
    - well with being 5ft7 myself, i dont like to go any shorter than that if im honest, i like lads to be taller than me, soo i can look up to them instead of looking down :wink:
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    some people might not like this, but im gonna say it anyway.....not wanting to be with anybody shorter/taller, lighter/heavier, is quite shallow in my eyes....appearance doesnt count to me, i look deeper inside, and see the real person for who they are and not what they look like, as long as the have a good kind heart, thats all that matters :smile:

    Like this!
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    People! Jockeys are hot and some of them are very rich! Almost all of them love animals (Horses! Duh!) So what's not to love?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yes and yes.
    My husband is about an inch shorter than me and USED to weigh about 20kg less than me.... but now we weigh about the same which makes me very happy (because I've lost weight, he hasn't got bigger!)

    Size is irrelevant, I love him for the person he is, and he's seriously cute too :)
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    When I was a senior in high school, I dated a guy whose head rested in my boobs when we hugged! LOL! It was so funny, but he was a cutie with nice long blond hair (looked like a little surfer boy)!

    Now, my boyfriend is only two inches taller than me and I really can't even tell he is any different... height/weight doesn't matter. "D