what was your wake up call?



  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    My whole life I was able to say I have never been over a certain wait, always just under. My wake up call was about a year ago when I went 12 pounds over that weight. That was also around the time I went to the doctor and started taking so much medication for different things. with 122 pounds to lose, I'm glad to say in 11 months I have lost 17 (6 which have been on MFP)
  • JackieLM
    JackieLM Posts: 127 Member
    mines a little differnt to all yours. i was extremely underweight, i was anorexic (had eating problems since i was 6 - it was in no way related to image, but rather controll), its still hard, but my wake up call was my dad. he was very sick (on and off with cancers since i was 18months old), and so was i differnce was he never caused himself to be ill. he died in october and since then i have gained almost 10kgs and am at a healthy weight. i wanted a future.

    So proud of you, eating disorders are no joking matter and you have done so well! Congrats!
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    mine was a cancer scare, after losing my father, grandparents and my other sets of grandparents battling cancer not to mention countless family members we have lost due to cancer when they found a lump my boob my heart stopped...thankfully it was negative but after reviewing my family history they gave me the genetic testing and I tested positive for the gene so that on top of family history I run a extremely high risk of cancer... that was it for me... knew it was time to stop screwing around with my weight and finally take control... i could not risk losing a second of my life and the time i get with my hubby and girls :(
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    getting called "tubby tosha" by my boyfriend. definatly openned my eyes. lol

    And you're still with him??? Glad it was a wake up call, but that's some negativity that you could maybe stand to lose...
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    Oh, I'd say about the 10th random person congratulating me on being pregnant or asking me how far along I was when I was NOT pregnant.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    I was at a really chaotic time in my life last year that was uber stressful. I honestly felt so out of control and overweight and miserable and I thought..I can control what I eat. I couldn't control that my husband was laid off, that I had a crappy, very painful surgery, that we were dipping way deep into our savings and getting into debt, but I could control what I was putting in my mouth. Of course, my husband found a great job, we are paying off our debts and slowly restocking our savings accounts, but that little bit of control really helped me through a rough patch. And now its just second nature. I've lost about 75 pounds, a few before MFP, and I will not return to my old eating habbits, even if I have an over indulgent day now and then. I control what I eat, and hence my health. No one else does. :) Sounds odd, but its what worked for me.
  • These are things that happened to me (or rather things I let happen) but not one was a wake-up call unfortunately!

    1. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
    2. Asked when I was having the baby AFTER I'd already had the baby.
    3. Being called a fat *bleep* by a total stranger driving by my house.
    4. Having a 11 pound baby because of the diabetes also having pre-eclampsia with this pregnancy.
    5. Actually having all 3 of my pregnancies with diabetes.

    The list goes on and on.

    But what actually helped was having a Florida vacation opportunity and having family and friends join MFP with me for support. And even though it was a rough start, I think I'm gaining a mental edge on this whole weight loss thing and surprising myself in every direction!! I'm down 11 pounds and have lost over 10 inches!! No stopping me now, I'm addicted to MFP!! I plan to be in onederland this week!
  • My 6 yr old had her friend round to play and her friend asked me if i was having another baby!! I knew I had been drinking too much budweiser as my clothes had started to get tight again but when i actually weighed myself i had put on 20lb in 12 months!!!
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,064 Member
    NOT HAPPY, didnt get my 5am wake up call, missed my hot yoga class :(
  • TLL09
    TLL09 Posts: 125 Member
    My sister posting a very unflattering picture on facebook of me, taken at the family Christmas party. I thought I looked pretty good in the outfit until I saw that picture. It was the wake up call I needed although I still think Sis is nasty for posting it LOL
  • naseak
    naseak Posts: 98 Member
    When I realized that I didnt have any pictures of me with my 4 year old this christmas... purely because I wouldnt let anybody take my picture. I realized how selfish I was being, because I can never get that exact moment back, and I was depriving her of photos of us as a family on Christmas day.

    Pictures was my thing to. My Husband was complaining that looking back over the last bunch of years I pretty much managed to not be in any pictures and how that was unfair. When the kids look back at pictures of vacations and Christmas it will be like I wasn't there. It's weird he wasn't asking me to lose weight but to let my picture be taken but it was my wake up call.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    When my health got bad, I felt bad and doc said make a change and heres some pills to take and finally the kids saying we need you daddy. As of January liver test fine,BP this morning 116/58, pulse 55 bpm. 47 pounds lighter. Doing the Warrior Dash later this year.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    This picture. I looked like a walrus. Not a skinny walrus either... I looked like the walrus all the other walruses call "Lard Tusks".

    (my favorite joke,,, forgive me if you've read it before).
  • hkmamma
    hkmamma Posts: 70
    having my doctor telling me I was diabetic. after a year of good eating and exercise I am healthy!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Realising that, unless I change things permanently, I am never going to be anything other than somebody's drunken mistake.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    I am a newlywed, and children is in our near future (or we hope). I know I need to loose weight in order to ensure a healthy pregnancy for me and baby. Also..I would just like to be thin and in shape for once in my life.
  • Shae3891
    Shae3891 Posts: 53 Member
    I had always been small and at one point actually struggled to keep weight on so when I went from 110 to 150lbs in about a year I realized something had to change. I still have the size 10 pants I bought (and could barely sqeeze into) when my other pants couldn't button. I remember calling a friend in tears as I left the store. At this moment I am happily back into my size 2s and feel great :) when I was down to 110 I was in 0s but I know thats too small and am glad to be where I am.
  • ImJDLookatME
    ImJDLookatME Posts: 288 Member
    My wake up call was when I got back from a 2 month backpacking trip. I was looking at the pictures of me in Australia, Fiji and New Zealand in a tankini and couldn't believe how bad I looked. (I never was super skinny) but the pics motivated me to get on a scale and I couldn't believe my number 178, that was the biggest number I had ever seen on me. It was official, time to make a change! I am happy to say I am down 28.5 pounds (149.5) which is the lowest weight I have been since middle school! Now I am no longer so concerned at the scale number but at the bf % of 26%, so my new goal is to at least get it down to %24.

    Ps. sorry for the novel
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Realising that, unless I change things permanently, I am never going to be anything other than somebody's drunken mistake.
    This makes me want to cry. Nobody should feel that badly about themselves. You're more than your waistline honey, and certainly not a 'mistake'.
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    The weight creeped up, so for me it's when I didn't look awesome in a swim suit anymore. I was all WTF is this about?! :laugh: