Why does this happen to me, and does anyone have some advice



  • 1girlcook
    1girlcook Posts: 8 Member
  • Jlongblade
    Jlongblade Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you everyone for the words and advice, I do realize nothing happened to me that I am doing it to myself. I just struggle with the cravings to pull into a Fast Food restraunt when I see one. I have gone long periods of time in the past without stopping, and then i give in and stop and the grease and everythign in the food makes me sick to the point of vommiting, but i go back again and it does not bug me so i am back in the cycle. I KNOW I CAN do it, it is just a bad day this morning and I will have to work harder to make up for it.

    Once again Thank you everybody.
  • 1girlcook
    1girlcook Posts: 8 Member
    I totally agree and nice work btw!!!
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    Are you consistently logging you're food and staying honest with it? That really helps me to not do stupid things knowing I'll have to account for it. Maybe you can try pre-logging to help keep yourself even more honest?

    This really helps me too. I usually pre-log my food and exercise so I HAVE to do it. When I realized how many calories things like that have, I don't even bother. I also find home cooking tastes WAY better than fast food stuff. You should always have a go-to quick healthy food with you, like almonds or an apple...and always have water. Sometimes all I have to do is drink some water and it holds me over for a little while until I can get some healthy food. :) Good luck.
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    Next time order the chili cheese burger, bring it home and eat it in front of a full length mirror in only your boxers with no napkins..lol It wont be pretty, maybe you will think of that image the next time you are tempted :)
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    You could give it to a bum instead but, if I wouldn't feed it to myself, why would I give it to someone else?
    Wow, maybe because fast food is better than starving to death?
  • stephzub
    stephzub Posts: 106 Member
    Do you think it would help you if you had your meals already planned for the day? Maybe after dinner everynight. Figure out what you are going to eat for the next day and stick with it. If you dont have to think, hmmm whats for breakfast? at the last minute it might make it easier. Just be like Oh, now its time to eat my eggos and banana!

    THIS! I know my co-workers think I am a little nutty but I bring a small cooler to work every day usually with my plain Greek yogurt and fresh berries, choice of salad for the day with spinach and romaine, pre-measured snacks of raisins, carrots, trail mix, etc. One of the ways that I have found to control my cravings and walk past the bakery every day (it smells great!) is to know that I already have enough food to get me through the day. I also pack one Lindt truffle (70 calories) or a small piece of chocolate to get me over the 3 PM hurdle without going to the darn bakery. If only the cupcake truck would stay away from our building! That would make it just that much easier to stay on track. We all have temptations; willpower and planning is the key!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First, congrats on your success so far! Sure you've had some slip ups but you're still making great progress and I think asking this question shows that you want to (and are willing to) make a change.

    I don't know if this will help you but I had to come up with a sort of rating system in my head. Basically the thought is - am I willing to waste calories and risk feeling sick for this food? There are certain things I wasn't willing to give up because deprivation of the foods I love is what didn't work for me in the past. So I'll still have pizza and chocolate but for the most part, I skip things like a burger and fries at McD's. I know if I just go home and make a chicken salad sandwich, it'll stick with me for a lot longer (and therefore I won't have to eat again to stay satiated) and I won't get heartburn.

    Plus, think about how much money you're spending that could be used for other things like the new clothes you're going to need as you continue to lose weight. :)

    If the cost doesn't do it for you, and you're not one to plan meals or you're not quite willing to give up fast food altogether, how about coming up with some other places you can stop at on the way to work that have better choices. Dunkin Donuts' egg white flat bread sandwiches are pretty good. McD's and Subway both have some good low cal choices. And Ive heard the oatmeal at Starbucks is awesome. Just make sure you skip the other greasy sides like homefries and have some water or tea instead of soda.
  • Jlongblade
    Jlongblade Posts: 77 Member
    Are you consistently logging you're food and staying honest with it? That really helps me to not do stupid things knowing I'll have to account for it. Maybe you can try pre-logging to help keep yourself even more honest?

    I do log the food I eat and stay honest with it or there would be no point in logging the food at all, i do not pre-log my food becuase I have found out in the past when I did that I never followed it. I log my food right after i eat.