Here's an idea, if you don't like what they post...



  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    This is a public, international forum on the INTERNET. There are going to be countless opposing viewpoints on every subject from HCG to whether or not the sky is blue. People are going to share their opinions, whether you ask them to or not, because, again... This is a public, international forum on the INTERNET.

    Welcome to the world wide web, my dear.

    i've seen some of these responses though that border on bullying and people need to remember that when they type something, it lacks all the non-verbal stuff that we use to decipher meaning. "tone" as it were, often comes off as deriding, know-it-all, bullying. some people are sensitive or vulnerable and people need to consider this before they post a snarky response.

    If that's true, it's true in real life too. Aspies and high functioning autistics have no idea how to read body language and all the "non-verbal stuff" you speak of, and we represent about 2% of the people you meet. We hold jobs and live just like you, except we don't have the ability to understand this "non-verbal stuff."

    I usually reply in a civil tone once, but if I get an uncivil reply, I respond in kind.
  • the_texreb
    the_texreb Posts: 138 Member
    I love every sarcastic one of you. Just wanted to say that. Except for the ones that disagree with me. Those guys suck so hard.
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    This is a public, international forum on the INTERNET. There are going to be countless opposing viewpoints on every subject from HCG to whether or not the sky is blue. People are going to share their opinions, whether you ask them to or not, because, again... This is a public, international forum on the INTERNET.

    Welcome to the world wide web, my dear.

    I guess I'd argue that they are asking if they post a question....

    And the sky is NOT blue. That's just dumb...

    Hehe. As a matter of fact, the sky is every color BUT blue. Which is why we see it as blue. Or something like that.

    I just don't understand why people get so butthurt over someone having a different opinion than their own. If you're gonna come on here asking about HCG, people are going to tell you it's a dumbass idea, which it is. Granted, there's a big difference between respectfully disagreeing with someone and bashing them, but it's been my experience that a lot of people are more apt to be blunt on the internet than in real life. Big deal.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    All this talk of pie has gotten me hungery.
    I was thinking pudding pie.... but then I just remembered a cheesecake recipe i have been meaning to try.

    Protein Cheesecake: 2:1 Ratio P/C
    link if anyone wants it:

    obviously it only works for you if you really want more protein, lol.

    analyzed cheesecake recipes from America's Test Kitchen, Chantal, Joe Pastry and even Paula Deen to come up with this, and I've eaten one every night for the past 7 nights. My criteria for this recipe was that it must look good, taste good (even to my wife), be macro friendly towards my diet and eaten in one setting. Also, no water baths or leaving the cake in the oven for 5 hours. This recipe is just for a 6" NY-Style Cheesecake.

    Macro's: 834 calories; 123g Protein, 63g Carbs, 10g Fat

    12oz - Fat Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese
    10oz - F age 0% Fat Free Greek Yogurt
    2 whole eggs
    3/4 Cup - Granulated Splenda
    1/4 Cup - 1% Milk
    1.25 Scoop - Trutein Vanilla Protein (42.5g)
    1 tsp - Vanilla Extract
    1/4 tsp - Kosher salt

    Directions: All ingredients at room temperature.

    1. Preheat Oven to 325 - Prepare 6" cake pan with non-stick spray and parchment paper in the bottom.
    2. Cream Cheese in mixer - mix on medium until creamy - scrape sides of bowl down.
    3. Add splenda - mix on medium until incorporated - scrape sides of bowl down.
    4. Add eggs one at a time while on medium. Again...scrape.
    5. Add the rest of the ingredients - mix on medium for 3 minutes.
    6. Pour in pan - extra batter in mouth - yum.
    7. Bake at 325 for 30 minutes. Turn oven to 200 for 50min - 1 hour. Remove and let cool on the counter. Wrap and refrigerate overnight.

    The 6" pan is important, I've had friends try it with a retarded glass pie plate and it was an epic failure simply because the cooking times need to be adjusted for different pans and cake thicknesses. If you don't have a 6" pan, buy one, or you need to remove the cheesecake when it's 155 degrees in the center. I use this pan,

    Adding flavors are pretty simple...want chocolate? Add in 3 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder and replace the milk with 1/4 cup brewed coffee (or milk will still work).

    Changing macros is easy by either adding a crust of Graham Crackers, Oreos or animal crackers. If you add a crust, omit the parchment paper. Toppings are as creative as you want to get. Here's a couple of photos..

    Straight up with Raspberry sauce

    Maple Protein Cheesecake with Candied Bacon Topping

    Chocolate Cheesecake with Cool Whip and Blackberry Sauce

    And here's what started all of this...this frumpy, sad excuse for a protein cheesecake I found somewhere online. To think that people are eating this and thought it was good enough to share with others. Epic fail.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You can do that?

    Work-release. I'm doing motivational speaking. "Why you suck and nothing you do will ever change that". The reviews have been pretty depressing but I'm hopeful folks will come around to the message I'm preaching.
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    You can do that?

    Work-release. I'm doing motivational speaking. "Why you suck and nothing you do will ever change that". The reviews have been pretty depressing but I'm hopeful folks will come around to the message I'm preaching.

    I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've already written that book.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    You can do that?

    Work-release. I'm doing motivational speaking. "Why you suck and nothing you do will ever change that". The reviews have been pretty depressing but I'm hopeful folks will come around to the message I'm preaching.

  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    You can do that?

    Work-release. I'm doing motivational speaking. "Why you suck and nothing you do will ever change that". The reviews have been pretty depressing but I'm hopeful folks will come around to the message I'm preaching.

    I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've already written that book.

  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    You can do that?

    Work-release. I'm doing motivational speaking. "Why you suck and nothing you do will ever change that". The reviews have been pretty depressing but I'm hopeful folks will come around to the message I'm preaching.

    I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've already written that book.

    I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I mentally manipulated you into writing that book for me.
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    You can do that?

    Work-release. I'm doing motivational speaking. "Why you suck and nothing you do will ever change that". The reviews have been pretty depressing but I'm hopeful folks will come around to the message I'm preaching.

    I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've already written that book.

    I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I mentally manipulated you into writing that book for me.

    I almost fell out of my chair when I read this! LOL
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You can do that?

    Work-release. I'm doing motivational speaking. "Why you suck and nothing you do will ever change that". The reviews have been pretty depressing but I'm hopeful folks will come around to the message I'm preaching.


    THAT GUY STOLE MY WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Someone said "pie".

    I want pie.

    WHERE'S THE @!(# PIE?????

  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    In the case of HCG/VLCDs or cutting off a limb, I'm pretty sure most responders are trying to be helpful by offering information on risks and actual efficacy. In the case of low/high carb or other dietary preferences, whatever, different things help different people get through the day.

    The scientific support is the same for HCG, VLCDs, as for high carb/low carb, so I fail to see why we would distinguish. I think we all agree on cutting off a limb thing...

    That may be true as I don't know nearly as much about these subjects as a lot of other commenters, however I personally have never seen reports of people losing their hair or aquiring hormonal imbalances from doing a low-carb diet. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, just means I have noticed quite a few reports of those problems with HCG/VLCD (quite a few here on MFP) but haven't noticed it with people doing various food-group eliminations. So I tend to see HCG/VLCD as having possible risks to a person's health that other more 'mainstream' diets do not. Just my personal perspective, I do not claim to be an expert at all.

    Define "mainstream." VLCDs are nothing new. I was on a 700 calorie diet plan in college (Late 1970s), that was also low carb. It was a plan I paid a lot of money to be on and was very popular.... For all I know it's why I'm fat now. I BELIEVED I was fat then, but seeing the pictures from back then, I realize I was wrong about that, but I tried al lot of diets back then that I wouldn't advocate now, one right after the other. My metabolism was so f-ed up... HCG was around then too.

    My first response was to the argument that it was okay to criticize HCG and VLCDs but that low carb/high carb were "dietary preferences." I'm saying that the scientific evidence for VCLDs and HCG is just as good as for low carb or high carb, NONE of them seem to be particularly healthy and none seem to be good for weight loss either. (Scientific evidence, not anecdotal evidence.) I see no reason that low-carb would not be as unacceptable as a VLCD, or high-carb as unacceptable as HCG, and "mainstream" is what you consider it to be.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    The last two cats should look into HCG, I hear it works wonders.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    You can do that?

    Work-release. I'm doing motivational speaking. "Why you suck and nothing you do will ever change that". The reviews have been pretty depressing but I'm hopeful folks will come around to the message I'm preaching.


    THAT GUY STOLE MY WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well,...Randall explains why I reply to those posts in question too, so...there!


    i<3 xkcd!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    The last two cats should look into HCG, I hear it works wonders.

    theres no excuse for a fat cat or dog...

    you just feed it less. problem solved. lol.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    unfortunately the world is not filled with only "shiney happy" people.

    Mythbusters has proven, if you polish a turd long enough, even it becomes shiny.

    I saw that episode. Not every turd, and the reflectivity was very low, even on the best turd they did. Most turds were not polishable. Just sayin'...
  • devilsangel2
    devilsangel2 Posts: 123 Member
    If we add some HCG can we put the pretty pills and the rainbow liquid from under the sink in the pie?????