Any med students here??



  • kms320
    kms320 Posts: 3
    Starting med school in the fall....trying to get in peak physical shape before I start so that I'm somewhat ahead of the game and will be better off maintaining a healthy weight if I go into it healthy! Where does everyone go to school at?
  • springermad
    springermad Posts: 242
    I am a student nurse, and find it hard fitting in things but I always make time in the end x
  • 2nd Year Med student. Studying for my USMLE. Can't wait to get done with it. I make time to workout even though my life seems soo busy. Gained weight and trying to get back to shape! :)
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Med lab science, it's not always easy but if its important enough you find the time.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Make your life your workout. I don't make time for exercise, instead I sold my car and bought a bicycle and a bus pass. I take a 20-30 minute run on my lunch break at work. I'm in the office 50 hours a week and go to school in the evenings. I've got about 1-2 hours every day to myself that I usually spend doing things like chores and personal grooming.

    If I can find time to get 7-10 hours of exercise into my week, just about anyone can find 3 extra hours.

    *I have no life, I'm aware of this. I need to pay off some pretty huge student debt, and don't want to spend the rest of my life working my *kitten* off to pay my student loans.
  • glittersupernova
    glittersupernova Posts: 91 Member
    I am in the process of applying to medical schools right now and I realized that my health really needs to be in tip top shape before diving into such an intense program. I am finishing a 2 year post-baccalaureate pre-medical program and during that process I became very distracted with my studies and started to gain a little extra weight and lost even more muscle tone that the previous years of school. :-\ Not fun.

    I am glad to see that there are medical students and pre-medical students on here looking to get healthy; it is inspiring, motivating, among other things. I imagine it must be very difficult to incorporate regular workouts into your busy school schedule, but even if you take 15 to 20 minutes a day to do a simple workout, that is So important. Something is always better than nothing. Start off small and work your way up to a point where it feels routine and not so energy consuming.

    You can do it! :) Start off with walking or jogging or a swim in the pool. Even if for 15 to 20 minutes a day. Good luck and stay strong! :)
  • DrCaspianDoll
    DrCaspianDoll Posts: 87 Member
    I just finished my second year in med school studying for the boards right now and making sure I'm in the best shape before the clinical years!!
  • lisididi
    lisididi Posts: 13 Member
    I am a foreign medical graduate and mother of four and YES I am studying for the board!
    I took CS in 2010 (and had two kids
    I am planning to take step 1 during the summer and step 2 CK by December, my time is NOW :-)
    I will welcome any insight for my preparation, I am currently using Kaplan lecture notes, videos and FA....
  • Hey I'm a med student started studying for usmle step 1 friend me if you want to get through this journey together