Level 1 - report your progress here!



  • sarahp4769
    sarahp4769 Posts: 69 Member
    Just finished day 6 level 1. I think its starting to feel a bit more bearable now. I have no weights so Im having to use cans of beans. I managed all of the bicycle moves today, yay! I think my recovery time is improving also!
  • Hi everyone, I've just started and on day three of level one, am surprised that I actually managed to get through the session without stopping as my level of fitness is not good...love the 3 2 1 thing! Was just wondering how many times you're supposed to do the session in a day, just once? And do you mix it with other exercises as well? On day one I did it once and went for a quick swim and yesterday and today I did it once in the morning and once in afternoon. Just wondering what everyone else does as its not specified!
  • Hi everyone, I've just started and on day three of level one, am surprised that I actually managed to get through the session without stopping as my level of fitness is not good...love the 3 2 1 thing! Was just wondering how many times you're supposed to do the session in a day, just once? And do you mix it with other exercises as well? On day one I did it once and went for a quick swim and yesterday and today I did it once in the morning and once in afternoon. Just wondering what everyone else does as its not specified!
  • starrynigh8
    starrynigh8 Posts: 31 Member
    Just finished Level One/Day 10!!! I've started and stopped a few times before(Iast year). This is the first time I have ever made it through the full 10 days. I can't wait to start Level 2 tomorrow...even though I know it's going to be killer!

    I've lost 2 pounds and 5.25" combined on my body. The only disappointment that I had is that I didn't budge, inch-wise, in my chest/waist/hips. My husband thinks the inches will come off in those places during Level 2.
  • Melahearn
    Melahearn Posts: 4 Member
    Hello guys im new never posted before so hope I am doing the right thing! Looking for motivation to stick to a healthy eating plan whilst completeing the 30 day shred, I am hoping by updating my detail on here I will hold myself accountable, doing the exercise not a problem but keep bingeing as soon as I suffer sugar cravings, any tips welcome! anyways here goes!

    height 5,2 weight 143 lb stats, (not all sorry) Thigh 22 Waist 37 hip 39.
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    Today is my 6th day of level 1 and so far I lost 1.5 lbs.
  • catemc26
    catemc26 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi All, Im new to this and am doing L1D1 tonight after work. Will be doing it 3 days a week as I spin 2-3 times a week as well.
    Will let you know how I get on. Any support is really appreciated.
  • RawMomma10
    RawMomma10 Posts: 89 Member
    So I have had this workout video for prob about 3-4 yrs now and never really did much with it... Id do it once or twice here and there... never went past level 1.....

    The last week I have done it three times.... :) I was doing bodyrocker workouts and lifting weights...... I think because I have more stamina I was able to get thru it better than before... before I did it and wanted to give up halfway thru.... lol...

    SO..... my schedule for this month is 30 day shred mon, wed, and fridays.... with cardio on tues and thurs and weekends off. On the weekends we tend to go hiking and bike riding and such so I figure those activities will be my sat workouts..... Im planning to do one more week of level 1 and then switch it up to level 2 and see what happens....

    So far.... switching workouts.... I have not noticed a decrease in my energy and am still feeling like Im firmer all over.... so loving it so far... I especially love working up such a sweat in 20 min... AND the fact that its strength and cardio in one..... makes my mornings so much easier!!! :)

    ANyways... just thought Id share... :0)
  • lillyhkm
    lillyhkm Posts: 6
    Hello everyone! I just started 30DS for the first time. I'm on Day 6 of Level 1 and I haven't seen any results yet - same weight, same measurements, very frustrated! :( I can do 99% of the circuit all the way through (push-ups kill me but that's about it) with my heart rate up very high. I sweat my buns off and I breathe heavily so I know it should be doing something. I have personal trainer friends who have shown me how to properly do the exercises so I know I'm not in bad form. I eat very healthy and tend not to overindulge. I have hypothyroidism and three enormous fibroids so maybe that's the majority of my problem. I'm about ready to break down crying at the lack of results, though. Before 30DS, I was doing mostly cardio on the treadmill and I lost 16 lbs at first but I have not lost a single pound in three months, not one, and I haven't increased my calories, but I have increased my activity. I tried doing Insanity but it was too demanding for my knees so I bought 30DS and here I am. I really felt like I was accomplishing something. I *feel* stronger and leaner, but the scale and the tape measure prove nothing has changed! So depressed. :(

    p.s. I'm doing 30DS 5-6 days a week with extra cardio 3 times a week.
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    Level 1 day 2 done..can't do those butt kicks to save my life...:(
  • sparklyball
    sparklyball Posts: 93 Member
    Level 1 day 2 done..can't do those butt kicks to save my life...:(

    oh well done rita, you've started!!