P90x questions



  • jonesdav254
    jonesdav254 Posts: 99 Member
    Congratulations on your commitment to your personal fitness! I too choose the P90X program to help me improve my fitness. I'm officially on my 3rd round of P90X. I did a round of Classic, a round of Doubles, and I'm now doing a hybrid of P90X with Insanity. The others who have posted here have offered you great advise. Summarizing, keep pressing play, pause when you need it (but come back in as soon as you can), make progress each time (that's why recording your results is quite helpful...it helps set the level of achievement for the past), and modify an exercise or program as you need to in order to proceed.

    Early on, I would recommend you pay REALLY close attention to form. Maximum results come from the best form. Even slightly lower reps using perfect form will yield better results than higher reps with POOR form. That said, carefully listen to the explanation of the exercise, watch the example (even picking up points from some of the secondary demonstrators....watching these secondary demonstrators (not Tony Horton) is very helpful when considering modifications). When looking to do any new session (i.e. Leg & Back) for the first time, preview the exercises in advance without trying to do the exercises while watching. Focusing on just watching will give you greater opportunity to observe and learn the movement and closely adhere to the form.

    While I use MFP to track my OVERALL completion of a daily program (i.e. Chest and Back), I haven't yet found it was easy to track individual weight/reps on specific exercises. Therefore, I track my specific exercise performance using an app for my smart phone. Paper charts were just too difficult for me since I travel quite a bit with my work. I've found the 90Droid app quite useful. It can be customized and it's FREE.
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    If it's your DVD then I wouldn't worry about missing bits of each workout. I get that people want to see results as quickly as possible but it makes me laugh that some people panic because they miss a day or whatever like they only have the 90 days to get fit. Just do the best you can, if you don't have the results by the end of the 90 days then you can always go for another round or do another another beachbody workout if you can afford to buy others. Just do the best you can, obviously don't press yourself too hard too to cause injuries and burnout but enough to make you feel you've got a great burn for the day.

    Best of luck!
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    I so appreciate all the amazing advice you guys have offered! I have had p90x for almost a year and beside the abripperx was way to nervous about starting! I am only on day 2 and I actually really enjoy it! I plan on doing my best and pushing myself to the limits! You guys are so amazing!!!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I've been through it twice. Just keep at it. The first couple of weeks, you want to puke. But, that's good stuff. I don't think most people realize how intense that program is when they first start.