Dating/Seeing/Married to someone you met on MFP?



  • My husband and I actually had a lot of mutual friends and were both in crappy relationships at the time (early 06) we side hi to eachother the few times we were at the same club venue (he was in a band and I swore no more guys in bands)...we friended on MySpace since we had mutuals I'm sure I asked him...I left my ex bf in Aug of 06 and was just over being in a relationship (i was with my ex bf for almost 12 yrs but it should have ended after 5)...I "hung out" with guys, sewed my wild oats if you will, then my husband sent me a MySpace message about going out sometime and wishing me a happy thanksgiving (nov 06). We started dating in Dec 06 and got married in Feb 07 courthouse style with our immediate family present. It just felt right. From two people who were never getting married, we are still together after 5yrs. :-)
  • mick_02
    mick_02 Posts: 27
    I have tried dating someone on MFP but the distance is way too hard for me. Even though I really wanted it to work, I knew that it eventually would fail because of that. I am too much of a physical person to handle it. I love success stories like this though :smile: Congrats!
  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    I am married to MFP itself.

    yup MFP is my significant other!!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I met my boyfriend of 7 years on cpixel (before myspace came out).

    He wrote on my wall and I almost ignored him because I really didnt find him all that attractive at the time (Hahaah)

    We inboxed eachother for a lil while.... Hit eachother up on yahoo messenger for a couple mos every day
    I didnt hear his voice for the first time until the day we was suppose to meet
    I totally flaked on him...
    2 weeks later, he flaked on me...

    February 22, 2005 we finally met and its been true love ever since. :o)
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Nope but single....

    And accepting applications :wink:

    Yup....sure am....yet the application inbox seems to be empty. :frown:
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    Single. Starting to think I may have to start visiting prisons.
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Really pleased for you xx Lovely story and good for you!!

    Me single, not looking and to be honest I dont put pictures of myself up in the hope to get attention from people, they are of me running or working out...

    BUT, yeah, I would have to agree, to find someone who is into the same things I am......... Sounds good, but have been single so long now, just thinking about myself is hard enough xxxxxxxxxx
  • robbiefreeland
    robbiefreeland Posts: 50 Member
    I can sooo relate to this....I am currently dating someone on MFP and I can say neither one of us were looking, It just fell in our laps so to speak. we grew closer and closer with each email, wall post ....The distance isnt too bad for us about 3.5 hours but well worth the drive ! I can honeslty say I have found my one true love on MFP !!! I wish you the best !!

    Finding your One true Love is so rare by any standard, but finding your absolute soulmate is almost unheard of on any medium. I share your sentiments for being amazed when you least expect it......I have found my true soulmate and in just a short time I'm convinced that this is the woman I have been looking for and dreaming of my entire life!! God bless MFP for not only making me a healthier person but also showing me what life and love is really all about!!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I can sooo relate to this....I am currently dating someone on MFP and I can say neither one of us were looking, It just fell in our laps so to speak. we grew closer and closer with each email, wall post ....The distance isnt too bad for us about 3.5 hours but well worth the drive ! I can honeslty say I have found my one true love on MFP !!! I wish you the best !!

    Finding your One true Love is so rare by any standard, but finding your absolute soulmate is almost unheard of on any medium. I share your sentiments for being amazed when you least expect it......I have found my true soulmate and in just a short time I'm convinced that this is the woman I have been looking for and dreaming of my entire life!! God bless MFP for not only making me a healthier person but also showing me what life and love is really all about!!

    and that my dear is why I love you !
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I can sooo relate to this....I am currently dating someone on MFP and I can say neither one of us were looking, It just fell in our laps so to speak. we grew closer and closer with each email, wall post ....The distance isnt too bad for us about 3.5 hours but well worth the drive ! I can honeslty say I have found my one true love on MFP !!! I wish you the best !!

    Finding your One true Love is so rare by any standard, but finding your absolute soulmate is almost unheard of on any medium. I share your sentiments for being amazed when you least expect it......I have found my true soulmate and in just a short time I'm convinced that this is the woman I have been looking for and dreaming of my entire life!! God bless MFP for not only making me a healthier person but also showing me what life and love is really all about!!

    and that my dear is why I love you !

    Robbie...skinny? Awe! :heart:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I like this girl that I met here on MFP. I mean we are friends and i truly hope things continue to blossom for us. neither of us were really looking for a relationship and we have considerable distance between us, but there is something "there" I truly badly want and need. Just talking to her is so refreshing and waking up and going to bed to her beautiful voice is always a blessing for me.

    Stories like these are encouraging. Hopefully we will join you one day in this arena!
    For me, we started out as friends. Neither of us was looking for more. And there is considerable distance between us...but sometimes, love conquers all. I wish you the best. Never stop dreaming!
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 896 Member
    I like your running shoes! =O
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I like your running shoes! =O
    Thank you! :smile:
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    I can sooo relate to this....I am currently dating someone on MFP and I can say neither one of us were looking, It just fell in our laps so to speak. we grew closer and closer with each email, wall post ....The distance isnt too bad for us about 3.5 hours but well worth the drive ! I can honeslty say I have found my one true love on MFP !!! I wish you the best !!

    Finding your One true Love is so rare by any standard, but finding your absolute soulmate is almost unheard of on any medium. I share your sentiments for being amazed when you least expect it......I have found my true soulmate and in just a short time I'm convinced that this is the woman I have been looking for and dreaming of my entire life!! God bless MFP for not only making me a healthier person but also showing me what life and love is really all about!!

    I have virtually given up on being happy in my life when it came to love. I was working out like a mad man and happy with that part of my life, and then I met my one true love and I knew it the day we met IRL. No words were spoken that day or weekend about it. But I KNEW!!!! I saw it in her eyes the very first day! I love her more and more each and every passing moment. I couldn't imagine living the rest of my life without her and I am inspired by her to be a better man. Something that also happened for me was that, 26 years ago when my father passed away I turned away from my faith. I had always hoped that someday I would find it again and this proves to me that there was more at work here than just MPF. I will re-establish my faith with the love of my life. I am truly blessed!
  • gdphilippe
    gdphilippe Posts: 9 Member
    Single. Starting to think I may have to start visiting prisons.

    lol @ this.. I love it
  • Such a shame that you find your spouse is having an affair with a MFP. Married is married ! Just remember the cost or the price you will pay for adultery may be higher than what you think you have found. If you are both single more power to you and I'm happy you can find your soul mate here. Love can be beautiful with that special someone :heart:
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    Single. Starting to think I may have to start visiting prisons.
