All cardio no strength training



  • Running is strength training somewhat for your legs.

    No its not. Running doesn't provide enough resistance to cause hypertrophy

    Actually it does if you go from not running at all, to running. You can't deny that there would be some increase in muscle if one started running.

    Yes running can provide some beginner n00b gains, but they are very short lived. You compared running to strength training for legs. I would love to see the power lifter or body builder than runs to get stronger legs.

    Running 30-45 degree hills is strength training and if. You run 2-4 miles on hills its a combo of legs grew significantly and I attribute hill running to me being able to outrun an experienced marathoner in only two months of running.... (not just beat but literally lap this person 4 times in a 4 mile race)

    I can out sprint a marathoner and I don't even run... your argument is invalid
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    posted just now by MFP user - LORINALYNN in the BEFORE/After thread- if she wants me to take this down I will- and I told her I posted this.


    Did this lady stop doing cardio or did she add weight lifting to cardio?

    ASK HER- SHE IS sooooooooooooooo motivating!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    posted just now by MFP user - LORINALYNN in the BEFORE/After thread- if she wants me to take this down I will- and I told her I posted this.


    Did this lady stop doing cardio or did she add weight lifting to cardio?

    ASK HER- SHE IS sooooooooooooooo motivating!!!


    I still run, but when I added heavy strength training, not only did my body change, but my running improved greatly. I was doing a 5k at a 9 minute mile in June/July, and an 8 minute mile in October.
  • fareedc
    fareedc Posts: 12 Member
    I just got the P90X system, so a week from now, i will be starting that bad boy. I'm consistent at whatever i do. Hopefully i will finish the whole thing. I hear that results are promising and is basically a combo of both.
    posted just now by MFP user - LORINALYNN in the BEFORE/After thread- if she wants me to take this down I will- and I told her I posted this.


    Did this lady stop doing cardio or did she add weight lifting to cardio?

    ASK HER- SHE IS sooooooooooooooo motivating!!!


    I still run, but when I added heavy strength training, not only did my body change, but my running improved greatly. I was doing a 5k at a 9 minute mile in June/July, and an 8 minute mile in October.