Black Team week 2



  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I love my FB and my myspace. I don't get the Twitter phenom though. I'm pretty sure that I'm not important enough for anyone to want to know what I am doing every moment of the day.

    Not stalkerbait
  • Vanessa414
    Vanessa414 Posts: 644
    Hey guys.

    Sam - I'm having the EXACT same kind of bad day!!!!! I stepped on the scale this morning and was back up 2 lbs :sad: I just don't understand how that's even possible. I've been working my $(* off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've made sure i'm getting at least 1600 calories on these big work out days and have been getting at least 1300 on normal days and .... I DON'T GET IT!!!!!

    It's thrown off my whole day. I went for a walk/jog this morning and screwed up my shins so bad that on the way back DBF had to help me walk (and push the stroller). Did my dance video and didnt burn as many cals as usual for some reason. Went to the cook out at my dads and only ate 1 turkey burger on a wheat bun and a serving of baked lays....

    What else can I do??!?!?!?! ... Stop weighing every day I suppose. I knew this would happen if I did but I just can't seem to help myself. :sad: :sad:

    I don't want to be discouraged!!!! I want to be happy and excited like before, but NOOOO I just have to get on that &@%&(*( scale ever morning and it just HAS to mess with me.

    Sigh. DBF and Owen are at his moms hanging out and I have the whole house to myself ... which I think has happened a grand total of 3 time in the past year, and Ijust wanted to wallow in self pity.

    I know it's not THAT big of a deal, but it's really screwing up my day.

    Anyway, sorry this got so long. I just had to vent. And now I have. and now I"m going to go lay on the couch and watch my Twins beat some Brewers.

    Andrew - Tomorrow we play the RED SOX. Should be fun! :wink:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I love my FB and my myspace. I don't get the Twitter phenom though. I'm pretty sure that I'm not important enough for anyone to want to know what I am doing every moment of the day.

    Not stalkerbait

    I like MySpace, too...agree with you about Twitter.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Okay, next week's challenge should be to put away the scale again. Make it so, number 1.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay, next week's challenge should be to put away the scale again. Make it so, number 1.

    Jean Luc Picard-- sighhhh-- sexiest bald guy alive.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    OK, I do need to put this sore head to bed soon, but before I do:

    Sam and Vanessa - throw those scales as far away as you can - evil things, really :devil: :devil:

    ps, Vanessa - RED SOX rule - you're precious Twins are going down tomorrow :wink: :laugh:

    nite all :yawn: :yawn:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Hey guys.

    Sam - I'm having the EXACT same kind of bad day!!!!! I stepped on the scale this morning and was back up 2 lbs :sad: I just don't understand how that's even possible. I've been working my $(* off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've made sure i'm getting at least 1600 calories on these big work out days and have been getting at least 1300 on normal days and .... I DON'T GET IT!!!!!

    It's thrown off my whole day. I went for a walk/jog this morning and screwed up my shins so bad that on the way back DBF had to help me walk (and push the stroller). Did my dance video and didnt burn as many cals as usual for some reason. Went to the cook out at my dads and only ate 1 turkey burger on a wheat bun and a serving of baked lays....

    What else can I do??!?!?!?! ... Stop weighing every day I suppose. I knew this would happen if I did but I just can't seem to help myself. :sad: :sad:

    I don't want to be discouraged!!!! I want to be happy and excited like before, but NOOOO I just have to get on that &@%&(*( scale ever morning and it just HAS to mess with me.

    Sigh. DBF and Owen are at his moms hanging out and I have the whole house to myself ... which I think has happened a grand total of 3 time in the past year, and Ijust wanted to wallow in self pity.

    I know it's not THAT big of a deal, but it's really screwing up my day.

    Anyway, sorry this got so long. I just had to vent. And now I have. and now I"m going to go lay on the couch and watch my Twins beat some Brewers.

    Andrew - Tomorrow we play the RED SOX. Should be fun! :wink:

    Hubs told me to stop getting on the scale but it's like a drug ddiction. I told him the only way I could stop is if he hid it. and still sometimes I go looking for it! :grumble: :grumble: I really do need to stop getting on it though. Me thinks I will have him hide it until we go on vacation!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I also have a bad scale addiction! I weigh myself everyday and sometimes 2-4 times a day! I can't hide it because I want it here at all times! I am scared that I will lose track if I don't check my weight every single day. Very very bad!! Im sorry to hear so many of you had bad days or feel sick. Hopefully you will all do better tomorrow. Plus it is supposed to rain here every single day this week so I won't get to go outside and walk or play my badminton. Guess I will have to use the eliptical machine and/or videos this week. Maybe break out the Wii again! Have a great night!!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    This is what Emma, the ugly little Chi-chi poo that evilly resides in my house thinks of the scale..she's a nasty little critter.

  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I have a scale addiction too. But now I only officially weigh in on Wednesday morning. The other 27 billion times a week I weigh in are just to check so if it's up a bit those times I don't let it stress me out.

    I had a really good time at dinner tonight. (I went out with some girls from high school.) There were 4 other girls and me. We went to Applebee's and ate dinner and then sat and talked. We were there for 3 hours. Dave goes to his friend's every other week to play poker. Now I get to have my girls night out time too.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Lynnie - Ew! That is all.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Lynnie - Ew! That is all.

    I know. I honestly can't stand this little stealth chitter, she's cute but grrrrrrr...

    But my husband adores her, and my daughter abandoned her, lol

    I just thought it was funny we were talking about the scale tonight and she left a present-- omg maybe she can read.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey guys-- just went for another 2 mile run tonight-- MUCH easier than this morning. Maybe I'm part vampire-- I can't handle the sunlight when I run. Doesn't much matter what the temperature is, the sun beating on me just knocks me flat.

    Had a great day-- need to get some work done before bed.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: to my hard-working black team buds!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Hello, my name is Lori and I am addicted to my scale too..... I can't help myself.

    I really should avoid it tomorrow becasue we had a picnic at our house today.
    Picnic = tasting and munching on food all morning while preparing.
    Picnic= food out to eat for 8 hours straight.
    Picnic= sweets challenge out the window.
    Picnic= no self control.
    Picnic= bad, bad day!
    Picnic=Chewbacca like howl when I step on the scale in the AM.

    What was I thinking? Oh wait! I wasn't. I feel so darn gross right now. This getting back on track stuff hasn't worked out so well for me this week.

    On a good note.... well, I don't have one from me, but it sounds like a lot of you had a great day!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Hello, my name is Lori and I am addicted to my scale too..... I can't help myself.

    I really should avoid it tomorrow becasue we had a picnic at our house today.
    Picnic = tasting and munching on food all morning while preparing.
    Picnic= food out to eat for 8 hours straight.
    Picnic= sweets challenge out the window.
    Picnic= no self control.
    Picnic= bad, bad day!
    Picnic=Chewbacca like howl when I step on the scale in the AM.

    What was I thinking? Oh wait! I wasn't. I feel so darn gross right now. This getting back on track stuff hasn't worked out so well for me this week.

    On a good note.... well, I don't have one from me, but it sounds like a lot of you had a great day!

    At least a dog didn't chit on your scale.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hello, my name is Lori and I am addicted to my scale too..... I can't help myself.

    I really should avoid it tomorrow becasue we had a picnic at our house today.
    Picnic = tasting and munching on food all morning while preparing.
    Picnic= food out to eat for 8 hours straight.
    Picnic= sweets challenge out the window.
    Picnic= no self control.
    Picnic= bad, bad day!
    Picnic=Chewbacca like howl when I step on the scale in the AM.

    What was I thinking? Oh wait! I wasn't. I feel so darn gross right now. This getting back on track stuff hasn't worked out so well for me this week.

    On a good note.... well, I don't have one from me, but it sounds like a lot of you had a great day!

    At least a dog didn't chit on your scale.

    Silver lining right there--

    Thanks, Lynnie. :wink:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Good morning black team friends.

    Marla - glad your evening run worked better for you - BTW, vampires are in now, so your cool :smokin: .

    We had some awesome thunderstorms with clouds very similar to your photo, Marla. I just love weather - so exciting.

    Lynnie - I love your little dog - I think she is trying to send us all a message.

    Lori - don't sweat the picnic - I did the same thing at the lacrosse champ yesterday - a lot of crap food. Just get back on it today, it will be OK..:flowerforyou:

    Loree - a night out with the girls is priceless - always make time for yourself, it makes you better for your family - I don't know what I would do without my horse. Now and then I think of giving up riding to have more time with my family, but I become this nasty witch when I do, so they are better off if I ride a couple times a week.

    Trying to figure out what to do with the kids today. Oldest wants to go to Lake Compounce - kind of like a smaller scale Six Flags. Not sure I have enough energy for that yet, but perhaps I could rest on benches now and then while kids ride.. :yawn: :yawn: Younest DD is recovering well from bronchitis, but my sinus infection is still knocking me silly.. Hope to get out for a ride today and a swim tomorrow - keep your fingers crossed..:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Hello, my name is Lori and I am addicted to my scale too..... I can't help myself.

    I really should avoid it tomorrow becasue we had a picnic at our house today.
    Picnic = tasting and munching on food all morning while preparing.
    Picnic= food out to eat for 8 hours straight.
    Picnic= sweets challenge out the window.
    Picnic= no self control.
    Picnic= bad, bad day!
    Picnic=Chewbacca like howl when I step on the scale in the AM.

    What was I thinking? Oh wait! I wasn't. I feel so darn gross right now. This getting back on track stuff hasn't worked out so well for me this week.

    On a good note.... well, I don't have one from me, but it sounds like a lot of you had a great day!

    At least a dog didn't chit on your scale.

    LOL! True. I have a 110 pound Golden Retriever, so what a surprise that would have been. He does do his business outside but has has sulpher like rotten egg smelling gas that hangs in a room like a thick cloud of green funk. I want to know what he's been eating and who has been feeding it to him!

    It's a new day black team. I'm mentally back in the game. Have a good one all!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Hello, my name is Lori and I am addicted to my scale too..... I can't help myself.

    I really should avoid it tomorrow becasue we had a picnic at our house today.
    Picnic = tasting and munching on food all morning while preparing.
    Picnic= food out to eat for 8 hours straight.
    Picnic= sweets challenge out the window.
    Picnic= no self control.
    Picnic= bad, bad day!
    Picnic=Chewbacca like howl when I step on the scale in the AM.

    What was I thinking? Oh wait! I wasn't. I feel so darn gross right now. This getting back on track stuff hasn't worked out so well for me this week.

    On a good note.... well, I don't have one from me, but it sounds like a lot of you had a great day!

    At least a dog didn't chit on your scale.

    LOL! True. I have a 110 pound Golden Retriever, so what a surprise that would have been. He does do his business outside but has has sulpher like rotten egg smelling gas that hangs in a room like a thick cloud of green funk. I want to know what he's been eating and who has been feeding it to him!

    It's a new day black team. I'm mentally back in the game. Have a good one all!

    Way to go my sweet friend. Get your head in the right place and your body will follow.
    It's gun be a good day, tater.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Working on memorial day = yuck! :grumble: :grumble:
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