Supportive and helpful friends needed



  • Anybody can add me :happy:

    Am I the only person that eats the same food more or less on a daily basis - for breakfast and lunch mainly - but because I like it I'm happy to eat it?

    I generally eat the same stuff everyday too. My co-workers like to joke with me because I say that I made a lifestyle change and refuse to use the word "diet". But I always make my homemade chili so they like to say that I am on the "Chili diet". Haha! Anyone can add me if they'd like.

    Side note: I know that my ticker says that I've only lost a few pounds but that was the weight I was at when I joined MFP but I've actually have lost almost 130lbs. So if there is anyone out there who have a lot to lose, please add me. I'd like to offer support in any way I can.
  • lenb123
    lenb123 Posts: 9
    Hello there, feel free to add me, that goes for everyone. I think the more motivation and the more positive stories, the easier it will be. Im still trying to get used to eating the same things everyday to try to maintain my limits.
  • Rick_SH
    Rick_SH Posts: 71 Member
    You need motivation?? Sounds like you are doing fantastic!! Way to go.. I'm happy to be a cheerleader. Keep up the good work..
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Two things! Your diary is private - I ask friends to have theirs viewable so that really useful feedback is made in both directions - my preference, although many on here are more comfortable keeping theirs private, which is fine but does not work for me because I will always look - to gain inspiration myself but also to offer advice if I spot something and think my opinion might be of benefit. Secondly, 25lbs in one month is worryingly too fast and almost certainly unsustainable. A weight loss of a maximum of 2lbs per week after the initial 3-7lb water loss week or two when you start any diet is much healthier. I aim for 1lb every week or fortnight - I am undertaking a lifestyle change rather than just a diet and since starting last September I have lost 32lbs. I would be delighted to give support and hopefully my comment here gives an indication of the type of support I would give. I won't be offended if it doesn't suit you! Good luck with your journey whatever your decision!
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    Im supportive and finding my MFP friends invaluable in my quest. Feel free to add away!
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    Everyone can feel free to add me. I am suportive and believe that the more friends you have on here the longer you will stick with this life style choice.
  • Mysticdi
    Mysticdi Posts: 60 Member
    I have my diary open to my friends.
  • NicholeRobb
    NicholeRobb Posts: 166 Member
    I've been on here for 12 days & am loving it. U are welcome to add me too if u like! :)